Allergies, Flu, Cold, Headaches, Nausea... Can there be any good in it?
You bet!
There are many subtle and not-so-subtle reasons why we get sick. Because nothing happens by chance and there's a cosmic reason for everything- the hidden power of illness can be tapped when it strikes. This tapping of power not only brings faster healing (because you are resolving the issue that's made illness necessary for you in the first place), you can also learn a ton about your own body, your own energetic state and the universe at large.
۞ Why the @$*% did I get sick? ۞
Illness strikes for a myriad reasons- and your specific situation requires guidance from a spiritual guide to define it exactly. Some of the most common reasons that illness hits are:
* Warning sign of physical, emotional or spiritual imbalance
* Emotional issue being neglected that has torn down defenses and allowed illness to manifest (Check out "Feeling Buried Alive Never Die" by Karol K. Truman)
* Psychic attack... "evil eye", more common than you think!
* Cleansing and purification of the soul
* Spiritual debt
Again, that list is by far not exhaustive- but those are the most common reasons I see, especially the second. Emotional issues that do not get handled and thoroughly dealt with get put away to fester and rot- eventually manifesting on the physical level as immune breakdown and psychic-magnetic attraction of like toxicity.
۞ How Can I Get Past This On Every Level? ۞
Good, no, GREAT question!
Healing a physical manifestation of illness is only a band-aid cover up. If you seem to get recurring illness, this is even more true.
Dis-ease is only a physical manifestation of a more subtle imbalance. Long before you experienced symptoms on the physical plane- a subtle balance in energy, emotions, thoughts, toxic beliefs, etc. existed. After time, these subtle issues get more and more heavy until they finally hit hard in the material form. So, going to the root of the tree and dealing with the subtle issue is the real path of healing. I always suggest working with a qualified and experienced energetic healing channel when dis-ease of any nature strikes (colds to cancer), but there is also a very powerful technique you can work on yourself. I have never taught this technique openly before- so I hope it is received well and works in a typed-out medium :)
۞ Illness Wisdom Technique by Josh Williams ۞
As always, let's begin this practice by establishing quiet, safe and comfortable space free of distractions.
* Begin by really opening up and tuning into your body, Feel the parts of you that don't feel good, and any that do. Take total inventory from your toes to your crown- check in piece by piece with every section of your body.
* Now, in whatever way feels right for you- call forth the illness to manifest in a tangible way. This will either be a) imagining seeing it sitting across from you b) seeing it inside you or c) feeling without seeing either a or b. Allow it to manifest however it does- black cloud, monster, ex-lover, etc. Don't judge! Whatever pops in once you consciously call it forth to manifest is what it needs to be- and there is great wisdom in how it manifests!
* Here's the powerful part. Now that you have it there with you in a manifest way- start talking to it. Ask it why it's there, what it's teaching you, where it came from, how to get rid of it, etc. Again, no judgment and no logic- allow whatever response pops in to be.
* Continue this little chat until you feel that all questions have been answered and you have established a connection to the deepest part of the illness.
* Now, and this is very important, before you back out of the meditation... THANK THE DIVINE FOR THE ILLNESS! Express your gratitude not directly to the illness (as that would empower it), but to the Divine for providing you this healing opportunity. Pray with the illness next to you- not to it. Once gratitude has been expressed, say directly to the illness that you are now aware of what needs to be done to heal yourself, and so you gratefully and respectfully release it to the Divine and CHOOSE not to need it any longer to learn whatever lessons it's showing you.
* You may want to end this meditation with either a cord cutting, energy protection rite, a cleansing bath, or all three- whatever feels right for you.
* Again, use common sense and a medial professional's guidance before you execute any healing techniques received in your meditation!
Our job as souls having a human experience is to tap all the lessons and experiences that we need to become whole. Each of us is on a unique and individual path that leads us to the places we need to be in order to realize wholeness and Divine prowess. I always teach that spirituality is not a give-in, it is something we must take full personal accountability for! This meditation connects you to your own power of being co-pilot of your life- and it can be applied to many other areas of your journey than just illness.
Subtle healing, energy healing, light work and so forth are the truth of absolving us of imbalance on every level- and not just covering the true issues up. Taking accountability for your spiritual path and your total health will mean confronting some things that you'd rather just leave buried, but it also means offering all that baggage to the Divine who will enlighten it into a blessing and remove the curse that it is. Try not to get caught up in seeing yourself as a segregated being- with emotions, body, thoughts, beliefs, fears, likes, etc., but rather connect to these things all being different masks your soul is wearing. They are all singular expressions of something bright and beautiful- YOU!
I have been praying ardently for a 'catch all' healing symbol to manifest in my free weekly energy healing, attunment and blessings articles. Please check that out and add it to your faves (RSS/atom available!) so that you have one more tool to add to your toolbox of life!
May these words carry the vibration of soul-deep healing, Divine blessing and attunement to the light way of being for you and for all you encounter.
۞ Peace & Great Blessings...
Josh Williams
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