Thursday, May 28, 2009

Free Weekly Energy Healing, Attunment & Blessing!

For those new to using this service....
Please read PURPLE TEXT first to learn how to work
with distance attunements from Josh!

Every Thursday Josh channels and empowers a healing symbol for the week. Weekly symbols are now active for always!!!

The symbol, by meditating on it and imagining it 'popping' off the
screen and entering into a light aura around your body, attunes, heals
or empowers you to a specific cosmic blessing. A description of each
week's channel will be presented with the symbol so you can decide if
it's right for you.
Just looking at the symbol will not attune you!

You must calm, center, and imagine the symbol in it's shown color made
of dazzling light coming from the screen into your energy field.
Please do not imagine it entering into your physical body!!!

Just visualize a glowing light space 3"-4"around your body and see the symbol being absorbed by this light field.

This way if this is an attunement not in accord with your system, it can be rejected without any problem!

Please only use these symbols for your personal
meditation and do not project them into anyone else during healing.
They are only meant set for the person seeing and working them- not
meant to be received passively.

personally energizes the symbol with this weeks channeled global need,
creates a cosmic filter, links it with consensus consciousness and
places it under a protective rite so that anyone who calls out by
meditating on the symbol will receive a pure, untampered 'download' of
the original energy matrix from the main working. Josh performs his
attunements in a very unique and powerful way... They are extremely
gentle while still being highly powerful and effective!

This weeks symbol:

Symbols, by popular request, are now held permanently- you can use them anytime FOR YOURSELF... please only use these symbols for your personal meditation and do not project them into anyone else during healing. They are only meant set for the person seeing and working them- not meant to be received passively.


This weeks symbol acts on the subtle processes of the psyche. It helps sever ties from old relationships which no longer serve us, help us regain independence from codependency on another person, help cut cords that are no longer being positively used and help us open up to new possibilities being blocked by our addiction to past expectations and losses.

Channeled message for symbol:

The form and vibration of another being is one of the strongest things you will encounter in this life and is one thing which most people have an addiction to on some level. We must rectify the difference between becoming one and becoming partners with another person. The devastating withdrawals of an ended relationship are a symbol that our independence was lost too far and that we must work in the future to be one of two pillars holding up the sky instead of jump into the same river with our loved one.

The Symbol:

Peace & Blessings,
Josh Williams

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