The term 'Energy Healing' is gaining increasing popularity. What is it? And how can it serve you? Today we'll look at the fundamentals of Energy Healing and answer those questions plus many more along the way.
Energy healing, in a nutshell, is the process of working with illness or dis-ease of the body, mind or spirit using life energy as the means. There are literally hundreds of 'schools of thought' regarding energy healing- and you should always go with the method that feels right for you.
In most energy healing sessions, a diagnosis is made wherein the practitioner gets a 'read' on your current life energy status. Diagnosis will include (in most, but not all cases) checking for energy leaks, imbalances, toxic energy patterns, stagnation, etc. and a course of action will be determined on how to fix the issues.

Ideally, life energy flows through the body effortlessly- providing support and power to organs, body functions, emotions, thoughts, beliefs, etc. Life energy, unlike blood or other 'material' aspects of the body, effects every part of the being from the soul to the soles!
After a diagnosis is made, a practitioner will work to resolve the issue. Some practitioners gently place hands on the physical body while others prefer no physical connection at all. The practitioner then channels 'pure' healing energy into the parts of the system which are imbalanced, and works to clear up any energetic issues using energy itself.

Most energy healing practitioners believe, as do I, that any and all health issues on any level of the being begin on an energetic level and slowly 'solidify' until they manifest in a physical way. Thus, maintaining energetic health and receiving energy healing goes to the root of an imbalance and creates a healing platform par excellence for balance to be regained.
In my energy healing workshops, I teach that life energy is a manifestation of the Divine- and thus is has a latent intelligence and consciousness. Many practitioners agree and will allow the energy being channeled into the system to 'do it's own thing', as opposed to forcing it where the practitioner believes it needs to go. A happy medium that I practice involves conscious extraction of toxic vibrational patterns and issue identification followed by passive/channeled empowerment and healing via energy.

When it comes to energy healing- many people are most familiar with ReiKi (Master Mikao Usui) and Pranic Healing (Choa Ko Sui). Both of these methods are profoundly effective when done properly- although I will take this opportunity to caution you against receiving or attuning to incorrect ReiKi methods (practitioners who received long-distance attunements via books, DVD or websites or those who display the sacred symbols in books, websites, t-shirts, etc.).
There are also countless 'freeform' schools of thought like that of Barbara Brennen- teaching that each practitioner of energy healing will create their own form of channeling the energy. You should feel confident in interviewing and exploring the offerings of your energy healing practitioner.
There is a mystic axiom that states "Energy flows where attention goes". This being true, you have the power to begin exploring and working with life energy and its presence on your being simply by thinking of it. The next time you are petting the cat- imagine that pure life light is flowing down into your head, through your heart and out through your hand. See if you can begin to perceive a tingling, pulsing or warmth as the energy flows. Cats are amazing energy healing trainers- and never seem to mind the energy and attention!
Because life energy transcends time and space- long distance sessions are completely effective from a trusted practitioner. Although training in energy healing should be done in person- the work itself can reach anywhere, anytime. There are even techniques for healing ancestral wounds...IN THE PAST! Feel free to connect with a distance energy session from myself or anyone you trust. Make sure you work with a reputable healing channel so that you can ensure the work gets done. And as a rule of thumb, NEVER TRUST A HEALER! This means, that anyone claiming to be a healer or do the healing themselves should not be chosen. All advanced energy workers know that they are only tools/channels for the life energy which has its own conscious and intelligent agenda.

Energy healing can help on many levels as we have seen. Emotional/mental issues are very close to the pure energy spectrum and can be approached very powerfully through energy healing*. The body, as well, responds wonderfully to energy healing*- and a session often induces an intensely deep state of trance-relaxation that can often last for hours! Simply receiving a great energy healing session attunes you to that subtle flow of life within your own being- and can change the way you see life in a powerful way! I highly suggest everyone experience both an in-person and a distance energy healing session for those reasons and many more beyond the scope of this article.

With great blessings of health and empowerment on your unique life journey...
Josh Williams
In most energy healing sessions, a diagnosis is made wherein the practitioner gets a 'read' on your current life energy status. Diagnosis will include (in most, but not all cases) checking for energy leaks, imbalances, toxic energy patterns, stagnation, etc. and a course of action will be determined on how to fix the issues.
Ideally, life energy flows through the body effortlessly- providing support and power to organs, body functions, emotions, thoughts, beliefs, etc. Life energy, unlike blood or other 'material' aspects of the body, effects every part of the being from the soul to the soles!
After a diagnosis is made, a practitioner will work to resolve the issue. Some practitioners gently place hands on the physical body while others prefer no physical connection at all. The practitioner then channels 'pure' healing energy into the parts of the system which are imbalanced, and works to clear up any energetic issues using energy itself.
Most energy healing practitioners believe, as do I, that any and all health issues on any level of the being begin on an energetic level and slowly 'solidify' until they manifest in a physical way. Thus, maintaining energetic health and receiving energy healing goes to the root of an imbalance and creates a healing platform par excellence for balance to be regained.
In my energy healing workshops, I teach that life energy is a manifestation of the Divine- and thus is has a latent intelligence and consciousness. Many practitioners agree and will allow the energy being channeled into the system to 'do it's own thing', as opposed to forcing it where the practitioner believes it needs to go. A happy medium that I practice involves conscious extraction of toxic vibrational patterns and issue identification followed by passive/channeled empowerment and healing via energy.
When it comes to energy healing- many people are most familiar with ReiKi (Master Mikao Usui) and Pranic Healing (Choa Ko Sui). Both of these methods are profoundly effective when done properly- although I will take this opportunity to caution you against receiving or attuning to incorrect ReiKi methods (practitioners who received long-distance attunements via books, DVD or websites or those who display the sacred symbols in books, websites, t-shirts, etc.).
There are also countless 'freeform' schools of thought like that of Barbara Brennen- teaching that each practitioner of energy healing will create their own form of channeling the energy. You should feel confident in interviewing and exploring the offerings of your energy healing practitioner.
There is a mystic axiom that states "Energy flows where attention goes". This being true, you have the power to begin exploring and working with life energy and its presence on your being simply by thinking of it. The next time you are petting the cat- imagine that pure life light is flowing down into your head, through your heart and out through your hand. See if you can begin to perceive a tingling, pulsing or warmth as the energy flows. Cats are amazing energy healing trainers- and never seem to mind the energy and attention!
Because life energy transcends time and space- long distance sessions are completely effective from a trusted practitioner. Although training in energy healing should be done in person- the work itself can reach anywhere, anytime. There are even techniques for healing ancestral wounds...IN THE PAST! Feel free to connect with a distance energy session from myself or anyone you trust. Make sure you work with a reputable healing channel so that you can ensure the work gets done. And as a rule of thumb, NEVER TRUST A HEALER! This means, that anyone claiming to be a healer or do the healing themselves should not be chosen. All advanced energy workers know that they are only tools/channels for the life energy which has its own conscious and intelligent agenda.
Josh Williams
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