Monday, May 25, 2009

Ө Karma Demystified... Sort Of! Ө

{Monday's Weekly Global Readings Are Being Replaced By An Additional Spiritual Wisdom/How-To Article Due To Popularity...Enjoy and Thank For Visiting!!!}

Karma. It's a term that gets thrown around a lot these days- and many of us have a good idea about what it is...or do we?

'Karma' is a Sanskrit word with several layers of translation- some being 'wheel', 'balance' and 'debt'. The Hindu faithful use the word Karma to denote both shallow and deep aspects of an individual soul's journey from this life into the next based on spiritual debt and needed experiences. Karma is the 'baggage' we have as spirit souls- it is both what we are here in this life to deal with and what we take with us to the next. Whatever Karma you have right now defines where you've been- and the Karma you have when you die defines where you're headed.

Let's clear up from the get go that 'good Karma' is not good at all. Having 'good Karma' will require a soul to take rebirth in order to burn it off. If we want complete transcendence- zero Karma is the way to go! Good Karma and good living are two different things. We annihilate bad Karma by being good (charity, selfless service, prayer, etc.), and gain bad karma by being naughty (hate, violence, anger, envy, malice, lies, etc.).

Let's look at this another way...

Let's say someone is born into a socialite family- wants for nothing, gets a great education, has excellent health, general good luck, etc. We can assume (although not absolutely define for certain) that in a past life, this person did compassionate and selfless works that led them to a positive/good Karmic load in this life. If all of this goes to their head- the good turns sour and next time around they get just about the opposite to learn and KNOW the lessons.

Now, if we look at someone who experiences about the opposite in life- poverty, ill health, bad luck; we can safely assume that in a past life they may have abused abundance, cosmic laws or their own life journey. It happens and we're ALL guilty of acting against our bigger nature. How do I know that? because we're all here!

Sometimes Karma can seem like such a harsh judgment! Who decides when our actions are negative or positive? Who hands out the ruling and defines how our next lifetime will roll so that we learn and experience all that we need to rectify toxic behaviors/beliefs and get closer to truth?

We do.

All of our soul baggage is like a colored filter, and our soul is like a bright light. What we project- we attract. If we have acted against the self in a past life- or last week for that matter, a filter is created over the light of the soul and as the light shines through it- circumstances resonant with that behavior come our way... in a big way. We shine forth on a subtle spiritual level exactly who we are- and the cosmos responds to that light.

If we are impatient- we shine impatience on the subtle level and thus attract situations that will challenge and thus heal our impatience. You know, you only get stuck in traffic when you are an impatient person! Once you master patience- there's no need to be stuck in traffic so it doesn't happen anymore.

The goal of understanding Karma, or spiritual debt as I call it outside the Hindu specifics of the term- is so we can understand the why's and how's of life.

Nothing is chance- everything, and I mean EVERYTHING we experience comes to us for the sole purpose of enlightening, healing and empowering us. That's every blissful love affair, every stubbed toe, every short paycheck and every blessing we receive. Spiritual debt is a sort of barometer about our journey and helps us understand the bigger picture. If we are constantly attracting a similar situation- it's a big clue we need to look into that and figure out what's up so we can be more attentive to receiving the healing opportunities coming our way. If something comes over and over again- it's because we're not getting it. Time to take inventory, get straight in the heart and open up to be guided down the sometimes hard healing path that always leads to bliss beyond imagination. Recurring issues are also a great time to contact your psychic spiritual adviser for another view into the journey.

In Egyptian mythology- at death, the heart of the deceased is weighed on a scale opposite an ostrich feather. If the heart weighs more than the feather, it gets eaten by a big scary monster. If it weighs less- it goes to paradise. What's being said here? Heaven is a place of NO BAGGAGE! The heart that weighs less than a feather is the heart with no baggage and no attachment to false things. This is a heart who has lived life in accords with cosmic law and personal journey and who has walked out of life with no deep obsessions/addictions to material things, and no sins of the self weighing on them. It's a heart light enough to float to the unseen above!

In my revelation, I have experienced that at death- the only judgment is between the soul and a mirror. In the soul-state that exists when we are not attached to the psychical body and the material world- great clarity and wisdom is present. WE define how we could have done better, how we might have avoided lessons or healing that tried and tried to manifest in our lives, how we did good, etc. We decide what's needed- and in that space it's always the truth because it's OUR truth.
This view differs from many western beliefs as well as the beliefs of many Hindu sects who house the term 'Karma', but coming to this realization we are forced to take total accountability for our spiritual actions and our path. The 'Blame God' game comes to a quick end and nothing could be better for a soul!

Each of us is walking our own wheel of life- experiencing different things to help us know it all. Exploring who we are, who everyone else is and who the Divine is. Learning by doing, loving by experiencing, respecting by seeing and knowing by being. Simply following the intuitive cosmic laws that are inscribed in each of our hearts will ensure that we walk the spiral journey with right action and progress in our great path of healing and bliss.

Peace & Great Blessings on the path of BECOMING!

Josh Williams

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