Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Magic Of Gardening


According to this year's farmers almanac- we should have waited until Yesterday to start plating our more delicate plants. Being in Utah- the weather always defeats the predictions of the weather pro's- but I took a chance and laid out some wildflower seeds and herbs yesterday.
For me, gardening is a moving meditation that rivals my Tai-Chi practice and walking contemplation work. In today's blog, I want to share with you some ideas, inspirations and guidance for truly tapping the spirit of gardening and experiencing a healing, calming and magical rite in your own back yard!

Gardening is a pretty new thing for us humans. Around 8,500 B.C. controlled farms started popping up along the Fertile Crescent... but it wasn't until much later that European cultures abandoned the 'hunter/gatherer' way of life and settled down to farming and livestock control.
The step out of the ways of our ancient ancestors who hunted and gathered was huge. In many cultures- new gods and rituals manifested that were more relevant to gardening and farming since the old gods and old rituals of hunting, trapping and foraging really didn't seem that relevant. In the modern day- most of us don't ever get the joy of seeing where our food comes from- but we can taste a small piece of that amazing process by growing things in our own backyards, porches or window sills.


The one gift that I hold in esteem above all others that comes from gardening is the meditation. Gardening opens me up to the true abundance of the earth and forces my ego to recon with the fact that full living and prosperity are natural- anything less is unnatural. Working the soil, planting seeds and seeing sprouts come up reminds me that all things have their 'path' in this wondrous universe we call home and that 'letting go and letting God' is a really good idea- since the Divine can obviously do things I can't.


Every seed I plant comes with a prayer. Some of you may know the traditional meanings for different herbs or plants, and you can use that in your gardening. I tend to go with my intuition and let each seed call forth a desire within me. As I hold each seed- I meditate on my desire, pray that the seed will be a catalyst for it's manifestation in my life and respectfully offer my 'prayer seed' to the Divine in the form of the nurturing earth. Taking that time to literally 'let go' of your prayer and feel it being handed over to the Divine is very powerful and a sincere ritual in and of itself. After I have planted out a section, I typically pour some wine, milk, meal or honey onto the soil as an offering of gratitude to the Divine Earth.
After a few weeks- those inevitable weeds start popping up. What used to be simple garden obstacles are now symbols for the parts of my being that are holding me back from being at the center of my universe. As I go through the moving meditation of weeding, I think each weed for the lesson it has given me while gently and respectfully removing it from the garden. As I do this, I open myself up to any realizations that may come to me about what these weeds mean on a deeper level- do I have wrong internal dialog? Am I self-sabotaging? Is someone else getting in the way? All those weeds go into my compost pile so that next year, the things that once were the obstacles to my success feed and support my new endeavors. I am sure you can see what a powerful, magical and transformative meditation and ritual this is!

In addition to the personal benefits you can obtain from working with the Earth- there are far reaching community benefits that can be 'paid forward' as well. I try to give some of my harvest to friends and family to share in the powerful blessings and energy from my work over the months. I also want to try this season to donate a portion of my harvest to a local food bank to move the blessing into the lives of those who might be struggling. When you garden- food is not just a commodity... it has your love, attention, prayer and meditation infused within it's every cell- and that makes it magical food!
Community gardens are also popping up all over the place- and this is an excellent way to work with the land if you don't have any room where you live, meet great people, get out in the fresh air and connect in a deep and lasting way with the Divine.

Whether you are growing basil in a window sill planter or heriloom tomatoes in a big backyard plot- I hope you get the chance this year to experience the magic, blessings and awe of working with the Earth. If you have never done any gardening before- now is a great time to start! A simple planter garden in your kitchen window will remind you that it needs to be watered and will give you excellent companionship when you have to deal with the dishes :)

Check out the links below more more info on urban and container gardening!
Urban Gardening Help
Container Gardening
Indoor Gardening
Community Gardening
About.Com's Gardening For Stress Relief
Cool tips on making dried flowers, magical gardening, Floral Waters, etc.

Peace & Blessings!

Josh Williams

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