Here you experience profound psychic readings based on current global events, the world-at-large and a powerful spiritual tip direct from source!
I hope you enjoy these postings as much as I have enjoyed creating them for my other venues over the last several years!
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We speak now in regards to the sweeping illness of contagion which has touched so many places. A purgative and cleansing is on the front at this time, and the facts presented in the media are not entirely reliable. Trust that all things on this level come with an intelligent purpose, and although the linear mind is oft not aware of the spiritual resonances of such seemingly devastating disasters- truly there is something hidden within that justifies joy.
For those who have been taken up by this movement, nothing but blessings and progress par excellence belongs to them now. Our blessings upon those who continue to walk the path after the loss of a loved one. White protects from illness of this caliber, and those who take on white in cloth and in energetic field will be at ease from any fears or dangers. Those who have been chosen to be taken up in this movement have been already chosen and thus the movement is now passing and waning. Should you look back upon this time in 6 years you will know that there lies hidden within it's seeming tragedy a strengthening of etheric body, body system of protection and defense and uprising of awareness of fragility. All things come in intelligence and not one in mishap or chance.
What you seek in this changing world can be accomplished but the general paradigm of the masses must first change. So many times you have experiences high and low in the way of the world and at times it is as if the globe itself stopped to turn. When you perceive that one or many things is off from the center in this day, there is no need to fear for the fear empowers that which goes against the order and blessings trying to manifest for you. The time now is so pivotal and so much will be issuing forth from Us and from Ours that there is no clear way to explain the countless complex meanings behind everything happening. Your lives have entered a stale expression in the last two decades and although more and more are actively seeking, less and less are truly finding. Transformation at this time will not be focused on death and endings to create new- rather it will be focused on lessons being delivered to all strong people on a personal level that will aid them in changing their vision that the world might change its way of seeing. Our blessings of peace and progress be upon you who are brave enough to open up to Us even when the world seems at a loss for the latency of the Divine.
Take notes on what challenges you at every step and when stepping back you will see a clear pattern and a defined family of problems which can better be dealt with. All things relate and all things manifest on your path have a purpose. Never feeling alone is the way of the great ones and always pushing through the trouble to stay connected to the flow of blessings is what empoweres the shining ones. Your notes coupled with your willingness to receive even when receiving itself is most difficult will be a magical elixir to help you fell the tree of imbalance in your life with one chop instead of spending your precious days plucking leaves one by one.
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Some powerful stuff this week!
I hope you benefit greatly from what Source has revealed to us all. There is indeed so much change happening in the world and so many causes of fear and suffering- but accepting that even those things we might perceive as 'bad' can, on a scale much greater than we can grasp, be hidden sources of blessing and positive transformation.
I pray that we will all become stronger, wiser and more in-tune with the love and blessings that flow to us without end!
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Peace & Blessings,
Josh Williams
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