Thursday, May 21, 2009

ᴥ Free Weekly Energy Healing, Attunement & Blessing ᴥ

For those new to working with this offering....
Please read PURPLE TEXT first to learn how to work
with distance attunements from Josh!

Every Thursday Josh channels and empowers a healing symbol for the week. This symbol is ONLY active for one week!

The symbol, by meditating on it and imagining it 'popping' off the screen and entering into a light aura around your body, attunes, heals or empowers you to a specific cosmic blessing. A description of each week's channel will be presented with the symbol so you can decide if it's right for you.

Just looking at the symbol will not attune you!

You must calm, center, and imagine the symbol in it's shown color made of dazzling light coming from the screen into your energy field.

Please do not imagine it entering into your physical body!!!

Just visualize a glowing light space 3"-4"around your body and see the symbol being absorbed by this light field.
This way if this is an attunement not in accord with your system, it can be rejected without any problem!

Josh personally energizes the symbol with this weeks channeled global need, creates a cosmic filter, links it with consensus consciousness and places it under a protective rite so that anyone who calls out by meditating on the symbol will receive a pure, 'download' of the original energy matrix from the main working. Josh performs his attunements in a very unique and powerful way... They are extremely gentle while still being highly powerful and effective!

This weeks symbol:

open from posting on 05/21/2009 until 11:00pm PST/USA 05/27/09


With every step we take, new obstacles present themsevles that act as training, purifiers, catalysts for hidden wisdom and deep personal realizations. Obstacles can often be the mirrors which help us truly see who we are.

In today's healing/attunement/blessing, we will be receiving a specific gate opening in the subtle body which helps work through any obstacles happening in our lives this week and ensure that we are reaping the spiritual rewards of walking through those obstacles. We will also open to Divine, Cosmic and Soul-Self guidance... and by using this attunmenet just once- we will 'train' our subtle systems to react in a more positive way to obstacles and use them as the 'medicine' they are meant to be.

This weeks symbol and channeling can be used not only to receive the empowerment- but also to focus down and work through an obstacle itself (only while the symbol is active!)

For many at this time the wind blows with great force.
Stepping back from the problems at hand- recognize that all things come in due measure to what is being manifested by you, all things come with a higher purpose and all things come to give you the chance to be bigger.
Accepting an obstacle as a gift from the Divine and not just a chance set of frustrating events is a paradigm change that is healing within itself.
Take notice of the power that lies in obstacles- and meditate on how tapping that power in and of itself can be a source of change and success.
Purify the mind, calm the body, attune to higher cosmic laws and walk your obstacle path- There are more layers to an obstacle than can be explained herein, one that you have manifested, one that the Divine has sent, one that your soul is craving and one that the mirrors around you are reflecting.
It is your choice, and your choice alone to define if an obstacle stays and obstacle or if it becomes one of the most powerful healing and empowering opportunities your life ever sees.
May this symbol and sacred space of meditation and prayer open you up to see the truth of an obstacle and its healing power in the here and now... that which usually cannot be seen until the gold old 20/20 hindsight kicks in far down the road.
Today you have the opportunity to re-train your way of seeing obstacles and life problems- and step into a higher realm of being that makes you bigger, brighter, stronger, and more joyful as you walk the rocky path- the secret being that as you accept and work positively with the 'pebbles on the path', they lessen because the power can now come in a more spiritual way.

The Symbol:

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