Greetings all!
I hope this week's global reading finds you enjoying health, happiness and joy!
Each week, I present a psychic reading & channeled wisdom session on some of the world's top events.
Each reading references a report, which is where I go to define what the world's leading stories for the week are.
Notes On Last Weeks Reading...
The Dow is up more than 180 points as of today!!!! We're on our way!
This Weeks Reading...
Life After Death...Online!
A sharp entrepreneur has started a new company called "Legacy Locker", which creates a type of living will for your online life. This way, when you pass, your email, websites, blogs, etc. don't go with you! Passwords and maintenance rights can be handed over via the will to whomever you choose in your will- and upon your passing they will have access so that your online presence stays...alive!
Check Out The Story Here!
In my interpretation, reincarnation is presented in this channel- please be aware of that before reading if this is not in line with your personal belief system.
{begin channel}
Each of you comes into this world as the sun rises, and each of you pass from this world as the sun sets. Each day within the course of the sun a reminder is played out- and secrets are given, about the true process of passing. Rising forth in your full potency you take shelter of a physical form, and when that form and it's circumstances no longer serve you, you shed off that form and move into respite for some time before the process happens again. Life is eternal, and more than the body. You are a soul in a human dream- not a human with a soul. Each of you come here that what you lack will be brought before you as water to a tree. Each of you leaves this life bigger and brighter than before.
Death should not be feared but celebrated gently. Passing is a great sign that all the progress one can make with this body and this particular path has been accomplished- and it is time to move to the next level of being.
Those who you love now will be yours again to love- in their form par-excellence.
Take heed that your mind and heart are light and clear as best they can be at your passing- for what you contemplate on your passing bed you manifest in your next manifestation.
You are the only judge of your life- let love rule the path and spirit guide in dark places.
{end channel}
Living each day to the fullest, learning, loving, giving, sharing and connecting ensure that we can go in peace.The channel refers to each day being a symbol of life and death... I wanted to explain that a bit better:
The rising sun is the coming soul. Upon awakening in the morning we are 'born'. Throughout the day we progress, experience climax, begin to come down and eventually sleep (symbolic of death) as the sun (soul) sets and we no longer perceive it- even though it is eternally there!
We do not fear sleep because we trust that we will wake tomorrow. Similarly we should not fear death because the daily symbolism as given in the channel shows that all life is a cycle- and tomorrow the sun-soul will rise again!
May You Openly Receive The Endless Peace & Blessings of the Divine...
Josh Williams
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