In this weeks wisdom article I am going to share with you a secret piece of Egyptian/Kemetic wisdom that has the power to:
* Change your life!
* Get you in harmony with the law of attraction
* Protect you negativity and bad situations
* Help you define what you want so the cosmos can get on board!
Many of my clients have asked me "Why do affirmations never work for me?" or "Why do I keep attracting bad stuff when I am trying to think positively so hard?". The answer is simple...
There are two parts of our being that need to be convinced of our affirmative work; the higher and lower minds- and usually the lower ego/animal brain aspects of our minds are far from on board when we work with affirmations.
When we say things in the present positive to create law of attraction like "I am the proud owner of my dream home"- the higher mind can get on board- but the ego pretty much just thinks you've lost your marbles because it knows that's not true right now, right here- and that's all it cares about. Your higher mind operates beyond time- your ego is only concerned with time. One is about infinity, the other about the finite.
In order for any affirmation to work- both the lower and higher parts of the brain need to be on board- or nothing happens.
So how do we train ourselves to overcome limited thinking (poverty, illness, loneliness, etc.) while engaging every part of our being so that the cosmos can only line up with our paradigm and act? Follow my simple layout and get plugged in to unlimited potential!
1) Stop using affirmations and start using DECLARATIONS!
One of the most common things among millionaires in this country is that they think bi-laterally. "I want my cake AND I want to eat it to!". Poverty-minded people just get a twinkie and settle for less. Declarations are different from affirmations because they are not working with a verbiage that the ego will put in the spam box of our brain- thinking it's a lie. Here's the difference....
Affirmation: "I am the proud owner of my dream home"
Declaration: "I have everything I need to manifest owning my dream home"
The ego can argue the hell out of the affirmation- but not the declaration because the ego intrinsically believes that where there's a wheel there's a way! So don't lie- be honest- and the honest truth about ANYTHING you want is that you DO have what it takes to manifest it and you simply need to call that forth. After the first declaration sets in- you can move on to saying more magical things like "The path towards manifesting my dream home is clearing" and "I call forth the part of my being that has the answers for this desire".
2) Watch yourself like a hawk!
EVERY TIME you catch yourself thinking poor, sick or lacking- you have to remind yourself that you CAN have your cake and eat it too. This cannot become an internal argument of the ego will begin associating change with anger. It has to be a gentle, light-hearted and even giggling reminder that what you think now is pretty silly and you're not really into that limited way of being anymore. I usually say something like "The truth is that I have every resource I need to make this happen". You have to re-train yourself to stop thinking in limited ways... that means every time a thought comes up that isn't on the cosmic platform of unlimited love and blessings- you have to slap yourself in the rear and declare that it's not so. Believing this is important to- and if you don't believe it now... take a walk in nature and contemplate how abundant, ideal and present everything always is- then you can believe there's more than enough for you because there's more than enough for the birds!
3) Write what's right
Every day while you're on the phone, at work, watching t.v., etc. keep a paper nearby and just jot down words or phrases of power. This seems like a trivial exercise- but consider that you are involving your mind, body, energy, emotions, activity and environment in making a declaration when you write- and that's pretty holistic if you ask me!
4) Get outta your head!
Sitting on the couch building declarations all day won't bring you a yacht. If you want something- declare it, own your desire and go out and be with it. If you want that new house- go play at IKEA for a few hours and start designing rooms. If you want the new car, research it online and think about what rims and accessories you're going to roll with. There HAS to be action- you have to expend movement and energy to make this work or there's no radar letting this stuff know where to send the package.
5) The secret of all secrets
When you want something, bless and be proud of everyone you encounter who already has it.
Let the rich jerk with the BMW you lust after become an object of your blessing- bless him that the car he has worked so hard for will serve him and be a source of joy for him for years to come. Bless those who have what you want, and bless yourself to be the person who has what you want.
I hope this little article opens you up to a whole new world of affirmative living and right thinking! I encourage you to experiment with this and allow the power of Divine acceptance to work it's way into your life so that you can have all there is for you to have- and be all there is for you to be!
I wanted to update you on the new weekly blog schedule:
Monday: Global Reading
Tuesday: Wisdom Article
Wednesday: Review Blog
Thursday: Energy Attunement
Friday: How-To Blog
Saturday: In The Media & Fun Stuff, Jokes, Videos, Etc.
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Thank you once again for sharing in this wonderful wisdom with me!
Peace & Blessings,
Josh Williams
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