I hope this article finds you all enjoying the song of spring!
I wanted to talk today a little about obstacles. We hear this term a lot in our readings and in our unique life journeys- but what are they? How can we avoid them? Why do they happen?
We all know that if anyone ever said life in this world would be easy- they lied :)
But that doesn't mean that we have to live in strife and anxiety at every step. There is, in mystical terms, a right and wring way to suffer- and knowing this is of paramount importance since some level of suffering in this world is pretty much inevitable.
What are obstacles?
Obstacles, in this context, are loosely defined as anything preventing us from attaining our ideal, success or joy. They are the things, people and situations that get into our way when we are trying to follow our bliss. In order to dis-empower an obstacle- we have to know what it is... and in order to know what an obstacle is we have to first purify with a reality check :)
We often see obstacles as something outside of us- something being done to us or against us (i.e. SHE is doing this to me, THAT is in my way, THIS situation is preventing me from doing what I want, etc.) but the truth is that obstacles are simply reflections of internal dis-beliefs and/or psychic/cosmic calling cards giving you heads up that something is not quite right. Later on in this article we will explore how to deal with this :)
How do we avoid obstacles?
The simple answer to this question is that we cannot. Obstacles are the strongest way the universe can communicate to us a flashing red 'warning' sign. Negative emotions are the ones we respond to fastest and our subconscious knows that- so naturally if we are manifesting something from within or if the cosmos are trying to tell us something- negative situations are the way to go. Think about this: If the universe or our subconscious let us know we were straying from the path by sending us amazing sunsets and true love- we would probably not listen. Pain and suffering are sure fire triggers to get us to take action to make change as soon as possible.
Why do obstacles happen?
As I mentioned above- obstacles manifest (almost all the time) because we are manifesting them by projecting inner fear, guilt, toxic belief patterns, etc. out to the world around us and/or because the guiding force in the cosmos is giving us a swift kick in the read as a wake-up call we cannot ignore. It's not rare to find both of these issues happening at the same time because when our psyche is in line with cosmic will we will manifest things at the same rate the universe will.
Obstacles NEVER happen for no reason. In a universe where everything is left up to chance- it would statistically be impossible that the sun would rise at the right predicted time every day since we started recording history. This is not so- there is a latent order and intelligence in the cosmos that make things go the way they're supposed to... and the kicker is that when things seem the most chaotic and painful they are usually the most imbued with cosmic attention!
Obstacles are actually one of the most merciful blessings we receive each day- and handling them the right way changes them from being obstacles to being life-savers...just like that!
Changing the paradigm changes the game
Obstacles are only obstacles because that's how we perceive them. When we take the time to step back from a trying situation and see that although we might not understand right here, right now how this benefits us- that it actually does- and have the faith to follow through, the ego supporting the perception of the obstacle immediately drops it's guns and we can breathe again. Simply reminding ones self in the face of a challenge to follow these steps will disarm the negativity and empower clear seeing that will not just cover the problem but solve it!
1) State your gratitude for the wake-up call you have just been given
2) Calmly contemplate the obstacle- what, who, where, when, etc. does it involve? What problems do you perceive it's creating?
3) Release any fear, anger, sadness, etc, regarding that situation and choose to come from a neutral place about it.
4) Spend the rest of your time in contemplation really thinking about how what you think you want might not actually be best for you, how needing to slow down, take a different path, etc. might be best. In this part- you MUST be brutally honest with yourself otherwise the obstacle just gets bigger. Is he not calling you because your heart of hearts really doesn't want to be with him? Is the job not coming because you are completely out of tune with your higher career path? Be honest, loving and present with what you ask yourself and what answers you discover.

Taking right action when warning signs turn on
So...you have an obstacle, you're aware and grateful that your higher self and the cosmos are trying to tell (or, yell in some cases!) you something... what now? Go with it!
With an obstacle you just hit a dead-end, accept that and move to another path of action. Keep doing the same thing over and over and you may just burn yourself out in a deep way. Many people experience an obstacle and just try harder- thus feeding more energy into the negativity underlying the situation... trouble!
Evaluate what you want, open yourself up in meditation/prayer to receive clear guidance about a better way to get it- and let go of any addiction you have to only doing things one way. The universe it unlimited in it's facets and we must be to when we try to walk the abundance path! Countless will's on this planet- and countless ways!
Taking that initial moment as mentioned in the numbered section above where you just get serious, calm and really investigate can change everything. Sometimes, the universe is trying to help us do the right thing but we are so addicted to doing things our way or no way that it can't help us. If we are obsessing or worrying so much about one thing- we are literally pinning it down so that it cannot be moved. Our ego and fear is the pin in the butterfly's back. When we surrender, let go, open up to clear cosmic guidance and come in grateful and willing to do what it takes- the cosmic intelligence often just arranges things for us in the few moments we stop trying to play God. Think about it :)

Sometimes, seeing an obstacle for what it is can be nearly impossible because we are so in the middle of it. This is a good time to connect with a psychic or intuitive adviser you trust and value. Just having another human being bounce a compassionate reality check off your heart and help you see things from the mountain outside the valley can be just the right medicine. It's always easier for an attuned and empowered psychic adviser to see what we can't because they aren't wrapped up in it and they can pan back to see a bigger picture that's hard for us to see when we feel tied down to where we are.
It has not been my norm to write articles that don't have some action on the spiritual plane in them- so I hope that this 'self help' teaching serves you well and fits in with other things I have presented. If you feel a little lost without the action of the article- go write down everything that you have guilt about... then release it in love and move on. Guilt is the ties that bind a growing flower- and all you really need to do is send it off from gratitude and love to get it out. It might not be gone overnight but it will be gone with some perseverance.
May great blessings of peace, abundance and progress be upon you!
Josh Williams
Obstacles are only obstacles because that's how we perceive them. When we take the time to step back from a trying situation and see that although we might not understand right here, right now how this benefits us- that it actually does- and have the faith to follow through, the ego supporting the perception of the obstacle immediately drops it's guns and we can breathe again. Simply reminding ones self in the face of a challenge to follow these steps will disarm the negativity and empower clear seeing that will not just cover the problem but solve it!
1) State your gratitude for the wake-up call you have just been given
2) Calmly contemplate the obstacle- what, who, where, when, etc. does it involve? What problems do you perceive it's creating?
3) Release any fear, anger, sadness, etc, regarding that situation and choose to come from a neutral place about it.
4) Spend the rest of your time in contemplation really thinking about how what you think you want might not actually be best for you, how needing to slow down, take a different path, etc. might be best. In this part- you MUST be brutally honest with yourself otherwise the obstacle just gets bigger. Is he not calling you because your heart of hearts really doesn't want to be with him? Is the job not coming because you are completely out of tune with your higher career path? Be honest, loving and present with what you ask yourself and what answers you discover.
Taking right action when warning signs turn on
So...you have an obstacle, you're aware and grateful that your higher self and the cosmos are trying to tell (or, yell in some cases!) you something... what now? Go with it!
With an obstacle you just hit a dead-end, accept that and move to another path of action. Keep doing the same thing over and over and you may just burn yourself out in a deep way. Many people experience an obstacle and just try harder- thus feeding more energy into the negativity underlying the situation... trouble!
Evaluate what you want, open yourself up in meditation/prayer to receive clear guidance about a better way to get it- and let go of any addiction you have to only doing things one way. The universe it unlimited in it's facets and we must be to when we try to walk the abundance path! Countless will's on this planet- and countless ways!
Taking that initial moment as mentioned in the numbered section above where you just get serious, calm and really investigate can change everything. Sometimes, the universe is trying to help us do the right thing but we are so addicted to doing things our way or no way that it can't help us. If we are obsessing or worrying so much about one thing- we are literally pinning it down so that it cannot be moved. Our ego and fear is the pin in the butterfly's back. When we surrender, let go, open up to clear cosmic guidance and come in grateful and willing to do what it takes- the cosmic intelligence often just arranges things for us in the few moments we stop trying to play God. Think about it :)
Sometimes, seeing an obstacle for what it is can be nearly impossible because we are so in the middle of it. This is a good time to connect with a psychic or intuitive adviser you trust and value. Just having another human being bounce a compassionate reality check off your heart and help you see things from the mountain outside the valley can be just the right medicine. It's always easier for an attuned and empowered psychic adviser to see what we can't because they aren't wrapped up in it and they can pan back to see a bigger picture that's hard for us to see when we feel tied down to where we are.
It has not been my norm to write articles that don't have some action on the spiritual plane in them- so I hope that this 'self help' teaching serves you well and fits in with other things I have presented. If you feel a little lost without the action of the article- go write down everything that you have guilt about... then release it in love and move on. Guilt is the ties that bind a growing flower- and all you really need to do is send it off from gratitude and love to get it out. It might not be gone overnight but it will be gone with some perseverance.
May great blessings of peace, abundance and progress be upon you!
Josh Williams
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