Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Greetings all!
I hope this weeks global reading finds you in great peace, harmony and joy! I wanted to make note that Global Readings will now post each Wednesday instead of Monday. Energy Workings will still be on Thursday, and Monday, Tuesday and Friday will now be Wisdom & How-To Articles. Please add this blog to your RSS/Atom or favorites so you don't miss a thing. Enjoy!

{Begin Reading}
From the collective consciousness and intelligence of the whole...

When it comes to love, everyone has their own opinion about what qualifies and quantifies it- and what does not. There exists for every right way of loving a million wrong ways. Love is not a lie, a gamble, a manipulation or cards on a poker table. Love is the matrix of energy that comes directly from the Divine and supports all life and experience as we understand it- and then some! Placing our trust in the ideal of perfect unconditional love helps slowly open us up to the reality of its existence. Many of us have been burned by wrong love that truly comes from a place of fear. We must change this within ourselves so that we can heal and begin to experience cosmic love in its natural state- free from delusion, manipulation, fear, envy, lack or stagnation.

Placing your hands on your heart center- release all toxic beliefs about love and what it is- because the reality of love is that it is beyond all definition, just as it's throne, the Divine, is beyond all definition. Release the toxic that room may be made for the pure. Cleanse the heart daily, check the beliefs and attitudes about love daily and take time to consciously, actively and openly receive daily. This is big [spiritual/energetic] medicine for many levels of the being.

{End Reading}

Purport to the reading from Josh Williams...

Today's reading is channeled from the collective consciousness. This means that if we were to combine every belief and issue for every person on the planet into one big ocean of awareness, this is one message that would be an obvious imbalance in the masses.
Love is a hard one to define- and it's a topic that's been coming up for me in meditation and prayer often lately. In working with clients- I have found one very common toxic belief that seems to be extremely prevalent in today's world- that love is finite.
People horde and protect love as though it might run out. This is a great untruth! Love is infinite and has no ending! The more we give, the more we expand our capacity to receive! SO many people tend to love one person more than another, as if they are budgeting or penny-pinching their love bank account. No good! Love is not money- and money is only a symbol for energy! Love and life energy are limitless, unending, eternal and infinite in every way! We must work hard on re-training ourselves to understand, deeply realize and LIVE this truth! When we can extend our love without any fear or reservation- knowing that what we give adds to a cycle that will return to us, amazing things happen!
I encourage all of you to test the waters of the right love paradigm and see yourself just for today as a channel that floods love to everyone around you at every moment. You are a channel- so it's not your energy being used- let it flow through you and bless everyone with a big blast of love light all day. Then do it again tomorrow :)

Peace & Great Blessings on the path to Divine Love!

Josh Williams

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