Our subtle spiritual bodies are as simple and simultaneously complex as light itself. At the same moment we can perceive it- it completely defies our understanding and seems to vanish into thin air. As we move through our beautiful unique life journeys, we encounter countless people, places, events, thoughts, beliefs, etc... and each of them make an impact on who we are.
When you are in a room of people- there may only be a handful that you actively engage with by words, body language or simple gazes, but your subtle body, much like a magnet, reaches out and hones every energetic signature in the room- even if you are completely unaware of it. Subtle and silent spiritual conversations are taking place- the very source of your eventual desire to walk up and talk to that person or avoid them at all costs... all for no logical reason!
Similarly, every internal and external event we encounter makes an energetic statement and imprint- from places, events and situations to beliefs, thoughts, fears and time itself.
This seems pretty intense- and it is- but these energetic statements are needed to commune with the true part of ourselves that is walking a spiritual path in a material world.
This is the way the soul interacts with the journey.
There is usually no problem with all of these imprints and connections being made- because those that don't serve us or that don't actualize into our lives on a tangible platform usually dissolve over time. Sometimes, however, we harbor energetic imprints and connections that don't serve us, or are even bad for us!
Let's say we are walking down the street and pass someone who just gives us a bad feeling. We have no reason to judge them because we don't know them- and should not judge. There is simply an energetic incompatibility that makes neither person 'bad'. Because this event may some with an emotional charge due to the feelings that swell up from the energetic level, we can easily attach and hook-in on a subconscious level for many reasons. From then on, there is a subtle, yet real, connection between us and a person who passed our path but is not supposed to be on it- and the effects of that connection go both ways. We should strive to maintain energy hooks only with the people and events that are real and productive for us here and now. This means total energetic accountability for our addictions to the past, our fears of the present and our reliance on negative attention.
So, the big question is...
How do we cut those connections that no longer serve us or have never served us? How to we let go of what is not in accord with our current journey and make room for the new?
The answer is simple, without grand ritual or magic words- but powerful beyond measure!
This is a new technique not previously presented to the public world- it is based on an ancient Vedic practice of temple circum-ambulation by the devout and the energetic repercussions of that act. I ask you to remember, respect and honor this method- and use it as often as you can!
Josh's Energy Hook Clearing, Cleansing & Balancing Practice
Almost every mystic path in the world has a certain reverence and awe for trees. They seem so magickal and so powerful- huge skyscrapers coming from the tiniest seed. Reaching towards the skies in adoration of the Divine, rooting in the sacred earth to connect with absolute nurturing. Strong, protective, yielding and giving in every way. Trees truly are a power to be realized and are a blessing in countless ways!
In ancient symbolism, trees represented the axis mundi- or the pole that runs through the center of the cosmos. Through the axis mundi, the upper, middle and lower realms respectively could be accessed via trance journeying. The tree symbolized life, abundance, connection to the earth, reaching toward the Divine and even the Divine itself.
In this practice, trees are fundamental. Having a connection to the earth below and the sky above- trees are fantastic natural antenna that both ground us and channel new energy into us. If you don't have a favorite tree in your life- the first step to working with this practice is to make that happen. I have a giant old pear tree in my backyard that has been a good friend for many years- and it is what that tree that I do this practice after each day of serving clients and living life.
You can create a special bond with your tree by tying some ribbon, attaching bells or offering scented water to it. Make a spiritual ally with the tree- giving to it in respect for what it gives to you.
۞ The Practice
Come to the tree feeling calm and grounded. Barefoot is ideal. Greet and love your tree for a few moments. Take a few deep breaths of the purified air coming from its leaves. See the tree as a symbol for eternity- that endless axis-mundi pole that runs through the center of all that is. Feel yourself at the center of all that is.
Once you feel calm, grounded and ready...
- Approach the tree and touch it. Make contact on a physical and energetic level. Allow the tree some time to sense where you are in life and what vibrations you carry right now.
- Say a prayer to the Divine and something to the tree itself about your intentions to help you get clear and to help the cosmos align with your will.
- Circle the tree in a counter clockwise direction between 3 and 9 times (whatever feels right). Imagine that all the cords connecting you to the past and to what does not serve you are getting wrapped around the trunk as you circle it. Under the tension, those cords break and are grounded out by the tree into the earth.
- If there is anything specific you want to draw out of your life, see it now being pulled out by the trunk and sent down into the earth via the roots to be enlightened and purified.
- Stop. Breathe. Be.
- Now circle the tree clockwise the same number of times as before. This time, new energy is being drawn into the vibrational 'gravity' you are creating by your pace. The leaves of the tree act as filaments drawing pure, clean, potent energy from the cosmos down the trunk. As you circle, it flows into you and wraps you up in pure love and bliss.
- If there's anything you want to draw into your life, perceive it being called forth by the up-stretched receptor-leaves of the tree, down the trunk and into your being.
- Stop. Breathe. Be.
- To end your practice, sit against the trunk of the tree if you can, or as close to it as you can with your back facing it. Allow the vibration of the tree to resonate with the trunk of your spine. Feel strength, flow, rejuvenation and balance enter your system.
- Offer some water, grain, stones, healing energy, kisses, hugs, etc. (hehehe) to the tree in thanksgiving for it's healing work for you. Know that it is a natural expression of Divine power and that, because of the lack of ego, it has a very close connection to its creator and is a living symbol of cosmic power.
Feeling clear, clean, balanced and blessed, it's time to go out and live!
Before we close- I want to address a common questions my students have about this practice...
"What if this practice breaks cords that I want in my life? Like those to loved ones?"
Cords are not static- they are dynamic. This means that if you remove and ground a cord/hook and still continue to think or hold space for what that cord held to- it will come back.
The prayer/intention also helps define that cords which serve us should remain in tact- but even if every cord we have gets grounded, the ones we need will be back in our field within seconds of ending the practice because they are still held in our being. For cord and hook removal to be truly effective, we must make a resolve to let go of the past or the toxic in our lives, then this practice will help make that happen on every level. If we are not truly prepared and ready to let go- the cord will re-manifest almost immediately.
With great peace & blessings.. and happy tree hugging!
Josh Williams
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