Friday, June 26, 2009

The Spiritual Soul Power Of Birthdays- Get Excited For Your Next Big Day!

Some of us love them (presents!), some of us hate them (old!)... but no matter what- they come once a year!

Birthdays often get mashed up with the stress of party planning, the fear of getting older, looking back and being slightly disappointed about whats been accomplished and a whole lot of comparing ourselves to the younger crowd.

No more of that!

This week, one of the most wonderful people in my life is turning 32 (Happy Birthday Paul!), and in his honor, I'd like to share some wisdom with you about this sacred day!

In essence, birthdays are the day we celebrate our journey.
Not all of us are very happy to be here all the time- but that aside, we are. Birthdays are a time for us to try and attune to why we're here, what we can accomplish, and how we can grow more and more each day on the spiritual level. I've always found that on my birthday (October 2), there's a certain surreal vibe about the day because exactly so many years ago I took my first breath.
That's pretty intense power!

In cultures across time and across the globe, birthdays have played a special role. From coming of age to becoming an elder, this day marks another loop in the spiral of life having been finished. Most cultures I have had the pleasure of studying celebrate the day of birth in some way.
Here in the USA, it seems like birthdays have become an excuse to party, feed your friends and get spoiled- nothing wrong with that! But what is the deeper significance of your day of birth?

I think one great thing you can do on your special day is get an astrology reading. Tapping in to the day of your first breath via the sacred art of astrology is a great way to remember who you are and what you have in your spiritual toolbox!

To get you started on the path to tapping birthday power- I'd like to share some pretty great wisdom with you about the day you were born.
This is by far not the full array of information you can glean from astrology or numerology- but it's a start!
If you have a birthday coming up- keep this in mind... and if you've got a loved one celebrating their special day soon, copy and paste their day and send them something special!

We will be working with a numerology system for this exercise. It may seem a little scary upfront- but it's not too bad! Just a little basic math and a few minutes of your time!

  • Write down the month and day of birth, and instead of adding the year of birth- write the year of the current birthday... Paul's would be 6/30/2009 instead of 6/30/1977.

  • Now for the math... add these numbers up left to right. For Paul's, we would add: 6+3+0+2+0+0+9

  • answer = 20

  • Now, no matter what your answer was, add those two numbers together. 2+0=2.

  • If you are left with a single digit- you're finished here. If you got a double-digit, add down again until you get a single.

This exercise is applying the power of your month and day (hugely important in the Vedic and Chaldean systems of numerology) to the current calendar year to see how it will effect you.
The month represents your soul group, the day your soul, and the year is the vibration of the planet...

so this exercise is you + planet = wisdom!

Refer to the chart below to get some information about the year ahead. Sometimes the energy kicks in a month early, sometimes a month late- but it will always come and will be with you until your next big day!


This year will provide you with opportunities to get control of those things that have gotten a little out of control. You'll find that you word carries far, people will be more attentive to you and you may find it easier to get angry.

This is the perfect year to finally ground break on that project you've been thinking about... snooze this year and it's not going to likely happen for 2 more!

Spend healthy time in the sun for healing and empowerment this year!


This year balance will come from the inside out. Emotions rule this year- and you will be going through a natural cleansing process in the heart. This is a time for giving yourself space, seeking out issues and working through them and spending time with loved ones as you see fit. Aromatherapy will be resonant to you this year.


The throat chakra is about to explore with all of the realizations and healing you did last year. Time to start talking! Calm discussions need to be had this year with many people- and if you keep your chin up, there will be more social events than you can shake a stick at to get your words and energy moving! This is a year for movement, dancing, tai-chi, yoga, etc. and getting physical now will have long term rewards!


It's time to step back from the crowd and the go-go-go for a while. This year calls you to hunker down and crunch some numbers. Planning, logic, routine and safety are all names of the game. Avoid building this year- instead plan and work out all the kinks on the mental plane. Rest and relaxation, reading, meditation and camping in the outdoors will all super-charge the body, mind and spirit!


Got an agenda? now's the time to manifest it!

Get moving and get active- there's more than enough to keep you busy and moving forward if you just open your eyes!

Risks will feel small and will end in good favor but don't push your luck! Stay smart, even in these times of faced paced movement, spontaneity, sexual prowess and high energy!

Avoid any intoxicants this year, and try to keep a vegetarian diet for healing. This year, focus on getting your diet in line.


Home is where the heart, and the fun is this year! Time to reel it back to home base and spend some quality time with close friends, family and the house itself. Energy runs in the direction of attention right now- and the best place you can invest energy for long term payout is in the home. Time for a renovation, redecorating or a new garden! This is also a time for personal nurturing- and pampering yourself all year with body work, energy work, spa days and good food will bless you for years to come!


The scholar within has emerged! Time to pick up those books you've wanted to read (maybe you got some good ones for your birthday?) and get to the written word!

This year offers you a time for serious contemplation. You'll get plenty of opportunity all year for alone time and it will be best spent in spiritual study, meditation, prayer, and rest. Think of this year as your mini-sabbatical and get close to the Divine! Strengthening your mind through classes, books, seminars and meditation retreats this year will bring you change and power on every level!



Money energy is high this year, and you should not hesitate to go chase it! Sometimes it can hide well- but if you look hard enough and hold space for positive, realistic goals- you'll get the green!

You might tick a few people off if you don't watch the words and looks you give them.. there might be a little dictator inside who takes this opportunity to shine... keep him in the box!This year is phenomenal for physical exercise, hard work and financial investments.. and yes, we can stretch it to include a few lotto tickets as well! Good Luck!



You've just completed a nine-year cycle of life!

This year, many things are going to come to an end...but know that they are all about to be replaced with a major upgrade IF you let them go with faith and grace!

The cosmic healing force is high in you this year- and it's a good time to really tap into what needs you may have and work to fulfill them.

Wanna know a secret?

Donate to charity as often as you can this year and see how it amplifies your own abundance for years to come! Pay it forward really works!

Towards your next birthday- spend some time journaling and planning for the next nine years... you are the co-pilot and the steering wheel has your name on it!

This week in the SpiritFlow Extra newsletter, I'll be sharing a really great candle ritual for your special day that's both simple and super powerful. I will also be sharing a fun way to bless the birthday boy/girl on their special day... don't miss out! CLICK HERE to get signed up!

WIshing you the best of blessings on your special day, and every day!

Peace & Blessings,

Josh Williams


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