It's almost like the more we try to think and observe an issue, the more clouded and confused we become!
Imagine taking all of those thoughts, feelings, ideas, goals, fears, potentials, etc. right out of your brain and putting them into an image that allows you to view them from the outside and analyze them in a crystal clear way... you immediately step into the power position of being co-creator of your life and conductor of your own journey train!
I'd like to share a simple (and I think really fun!) technique with you that helps ground out all the thoughts and feelings going on inside you while helping you see 'the big picture' in your own emotional language.
Mind Maps have been used by top corporate leaders, marketers, life coaches and problem solvers for a long time. They seem to be coming back in popularity and I want to make sure you have access to a tool that's about to become big!
I'm giving this to you for free, from a spiritual source, with hopes that you'' implement this technique into your own life!
Mind Maps offer you amazing clarity and guidance in any part of your life- and work wonders when trying to figure out subtle nuances of love relationships, finances, personal talents, new career path, personal goals, etc.
I also love making them and adding them to prayer work or spiritual rituals as a talisman of empowerment!
Getting Started
Find yourself a big piece of paper and a black fine point pen or pencil. Try to create the same type of atmosphere you would for meditation or prayer- no phones, conducive music, candles, incense, etc... anything that helps you calm, center, ground and connect! Honor this time as YOUR sacred time of communicating and creating a talisman of power directly from the center of your mind!
Most of creating your Mind Map will be based on the power of your left-brain; the center of logic, linear thinking, rational and analyzing. The secret to making the goals you set and truly digesting what you discover is by making your Mind Map magickal! Do this by adding colors, stickers, embellishments, etc. to your map once you have the general layout there- creative work engages the right-brain; center of intuition, creativity, cosmic thinking and ego control! Get WHOLE-istic!
Begin your Mind Map by defining what every part of it will reflect. Think of this as the root of a tree. If you are struggling with finances, put that it in the center. Relationship problems? Start there! The sample Mind Map used below is based on a relationship. The center focuses on the couple in question as the root of the tree.
Be positive and present in how you write or symbolize what's in the center. Avoid using things like "Sickness", "Loneliness", etc. Remember that you are not only mapping what's there, you are opening up a map of where to go- so be honest, but stay positive! Bring only realistic, heart-centered and potent energy into the map you create by choosing your words carefully. If you have a health issue for the center, try using "HEALTH" or "HEALING" as the core instead of "SICK" or "ILLNESS". Change any negative into its potential positive. Fore more guidance about the power of words and how to harness it- check out my article on the subject by clicking HERE.
Starting from the center, start making new sections around it that define the most important issues regarding the center. The center holds space for the main issue or idea in question.
In my example below (pardon the really terrible graphics haha!), the main branches are "healing options", "how I feel", "Dead Ends" and"Life Changes". Do what works for you in your own language- based solely on what's important and realistic for YOU!
From your main branches, you'll now start getting even more specific about each topic. You may have a main branch that says "Options", and from that you'' start making offshoots about the options... for financial issues you may offshoot from the "options" branch with ideas like "new job", "ask for raise", "see a financial consultant", "debt consolidation", "better relationship with money power", etc.
From there, the potential is endless. Keep making little offshoots until you feel the ideas and feelings you have about any one part of the map are represented.
My example below shows how the Mind Map progressed with offshoots. Spend a few minutes studying this and see how:
From your main branches, you'll now start getting even more specific about each topic. You may have a main branch that says "Options", and from that you'' start making offshoots about the options... for financial issues you may offshoot from the "options" branch with ideas like "new job", "ask for raise", "see a financial consultant", "debt consolidation", "better relationship with money power", etc.
From there, the potential is endless. Keep making little offshoots until you feel the ideas and feelings you have about any one part of the map are represented.
My example below shows how the Mind Map progressed with offshoots. Spend a few minutes studying this and see how:
My example had to reconcile what has NOT worked in the past- and let go of it.
My example realized that some options were present in a few paces on the map- giving them extra power!
My example is being accountable for their own healing.
Direct connection with a plan, some ideals, a reality check and total honesty and accountability about healing!
Mind Maps really are a moving meditation- and a deep look within! Remember to be completely honest with yourself and remember that what you write may become a reality!
Peace & Blessings!
Josh Williams
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