Friday, June 19, 2009

New Energy... Fresh Start! In-Between-Days 2009!

A strange celebration of power echoed through the ancient world- touching Kemetic mysticism, European Paganism, Far East mystery and even some Shamanic/Aboriginal cultures!

This phenomenon is generally called 'the in-between-days', but has specific names based on where it is practiced. In Kemet, Wep-Ronpet herals the five days outside of normal time that lead up to the new year of Egypt. In European Paganism, Dragon Days do the same. Each culture expressed a unique symbolism relating to these powerful days- from the Goddess giving birth to the sun God being allowed to meet his beloved- but the power is all the same!

We all know there are 365 days in a calendar year.
In many mystic traditions, however, only 360 days are recognized. 5 Days are 'outside of time' and represent the still-point between the old and new year respectively. In this article we will be focusing on the secretive beliefs and practices of the European and Pan-Celtic mystics of old who celebrated 'Dragon Days' as the end of the old year and beginning of the new.

Dragon Days for most modern practitioners of European mysticism begins at sundown on June 18 (for 2009). On this night, the cosmos are seen as being outside the rule of the Sun, even though we are pretty much in the middle of Summer! It is during this time that all seeds planted will finally begin to grow- and mythologically- the Goddess who was forbidden to conceive with her New-Year God will be allowed by a jealous Old-Year God as he loses his power for 5 days.

This myth, expressed in Kemetic mythos, is called Wep Ronpet and is the celebration of the New Year according to the Kemetic calendar. The birthdays of Wesir (Osiris), Heru-wer, Set, Aset (Isis), and Nebt-het take place at this time. "On Wep Ronpet, Zep Tepi or the "first time" occurs again, renewing the year and bringing renewal to Ma'at and to the world. During the end of the year, it begins to wind down and order begins to 'fray'. The coming of Zep Tepi re-establishes cosmic order." (from

Also during this time in Kemetic mythos, Nut is allowed to be with her beloved Geb by the providence of Dhehuty (Thoth). Many different traditions calculate and celebrate this time in different ways- some choose times as early as May while others may go as late as August. Traditionally in Egypt, the rising of the star, Sopdet (Sirius), which had previously been hidden for the past seventy days heralds the new year time.

From my interpretation, this could also be considered the time when the great self-eating Ouroboros snake finally ingests his own tail- the point in the eternal circle where the end meets the beginning.

Europeans called this time "Dragon Days" because dragons symbolized unmanageable chaos in its pure state. They believed that during these five days the creative powers of the cosmos were truly unbridled and that anything could happen. Most advanced mystics would stay inside during this time in near solitary confinement so that nothing would be said or done 'outside of themselves' that might create the birth of something they did not want. This is a time for silent introspection and personal healing- because karma whips quick during these days and conception to birth happens in the flash of a moment! Truly this is the last little bit of cosmic tantrum before a new cycle of order and direction sets in!

These nights in many cultures are packed with mystery, power, fear and potential- but there is so much that can be done to tap into this time of resetting. When handled correctly- great personal healing, manifesting of desires, realizations and very powerful prayer work can be accomplished. On the flip-side, what you say and what you believe may become born with speed and thus watching the tongue and centering the mind are of utmost importance!

How To Harness The Power Of Dragon Days

As I mentioned before, this time is paramount for personal work. Although in the middle of summer- it's an ideal time to sit the weekend out and do some serious internal housekeeping. Traditionally, a fetch representing the old stuff you don't want anymore would be made after some long soul searching. The, come Monday (last last day of Dragon Days), it would be given a proper burial in the earth to be received by the Earth Mother & Father and be enlightened and cleansed. This is also a great time to begin a personal journal, do a fast, take spiritual cleansing baths, physically clean your living space and do cord cutting work for anything you are ready to be done with. Think of this as the spiritual side of new years resolution with a HUGE blast of power and a whole lot of personal accountability!

Death to the Fetch!

You can participate in these sacred days by working with a fetch- or symbol of an intention. For me personally, I choose a rock from outside each year to be my Dragon Days fetch. I then wrap it up in an old shirt that I might have loved in the old year but don't wear much anymore (symbolizing willingness to change). For the 5 days of Dragon Days- I spend time each day with my little talisman charging it with what I no longer want in my life. This is a PURELY 'negative affirmation' time period- do NOT state what you DO want- as this is a time of uncontrolled creation!

As I always teach- growth that comes without control is usually called cancer!

After the 5 day period, do a cord cutting meditation then take your fetch outside, away from where you live, and bury it. Be thankful for what it represents may have taught you or how it may have strengthened you- and also leave a small offering of thanks to the Divine in the earth (flowers, coins, perfumed water, etc.).

Walk away from the spot and don't look back.


On Tuesday morning we enter the new cosmic year. Make it a point to get up early to stand outside, facing east, at sunrise. Greet the new sun as it shines its new super-charged rays upon you. Feel its power surge, cleanse, empower and bless you to go out and create your ideal!

I truly hope you spend the next few days of your journey connecting to this sacred time- or if your tradition celebrates at a different time, preparing for what you'll do when it comes around

Happy Dragon Days!

Peace & Great Blessings,

Josh Williams

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