Shrines are an extremely powerful expression of spirituality. Almost every spiritual path in the world and throughout history has created dedicated, sacred space to connect with soul, cosmos and Divinity. I'd like to help you tap the potent healing, Divine connection and personal growth that is available by creating your own sacred space in your own unique way.
Why Keep Sacred Space?
In my teachings and in my spiritual experience- shrines should be viewed as an external expression of something happening deep within. We are walking a material/physical path here, and so sometimes tapping into that power within that exists on the more subtle/spiritual level can be tough. Keeping sacred space allows us to connect to that depth in a material way- engaging soul, body, mind and even ego in the pursuit of Divine connection!
Keeping sacred space not only literally reminds you of Divine presence in your life and the power of the path you walk every time you pass it, it also creates a deep subconscious link that ever-runs keeping you present in that sacred light.
Sometimes, when we pray within, the energy and movement we are trying to create by connecting to the Divine STAYS within. Shrines are a great way to 'get out of your head' and truly open up to something 'other'.
- Taoist Guan-Shi-Yin Shrine
How To Get Started
The first thing you should do is pray and/or meditate. Connect not to a specific religious or defined concept of your unique connection to the Divine- but to your own. Allow feelings, thoughts and sentiments arise within you that give you the sense of being held by the All. You are certainly welcome to use religious or traditional iconography in your sacred space- but use it only if it really resonates with you. Remember that you are creating an outward symbol of your heart... so it must be personal to be powerful!
People often get overwhelmed by the idea of creating sacred space because they have seen what other people have. Don't start there! Begin by establishing where your space will be- foundations first! Find a nice able, bookshelf, wall shelf or nook that will be undisturbed and can be kept clean. A space you can have to yourself for private prayer and meditation is also a good idea.
Once you know where the space will be, give it a good cleaning and think about adding a cloth or tapestry to the top. I have an Egyptian brocade hanging behind my shrine, and one on it that my icons and other sacred items rest on.
You'll be surprised to find that as soon as you dedicate a space to your spiritual life- creating a new 'center of your universe', things that should be there will start popping up. Photos, statues, stones, offerings of food and water, prayer beads, fresh flowers, incense, candles, etc. are all common and very powerful additions to any sacred space. Keep your heart open and get excited about having the space and it will soon be filled up!
Dedication of your shrine should be specific and heart-felt. Shrines are traditionally dedicated to a specific manifestation/face/name of the Divine- so whatever form of the Divine All you work with can now call this place a temple!
- Buddhist Shrine
What Should I Put On My Shrine?
I suggest starting with some type of spiritual iconography that represents who your shrine is dedicated to. Spiritual iconography is created (ideally) to evoke and invoke a very powerful response throughout all levels of our beings- and having the icon really helps get focused and receive.
You may choose statues of a Goddess and/or God, abstract symbols like crosses or solar wheels, painting of Deity or a personal symbol that brings that energy connection to you. Again, allow this to be personal and honor what YOU feel... nothing is wrong here!
Once Deity has been represented, you'll want to honor It as a great guest. This is where you get to be creative and express your own unique spirituality!
There will be come items you might keep on your shrine all the time like incense burners, candle holders, dishes, stones, etc. There might be some things that come and go with the season or where you are at a particular time. My shrine always reflects the season because I offer only flowers and foods that are in season. If I am having a personal issue, healing crisis or other life change- I might represent that on my shrine to create a psychic bond between Deity and myself that won't close down when I happen to forget for a moment that I am loved!
Traditional shrine implements from many paths include: flowers, candles, incense, oils, talismans, stones, art, photos, written prayers, and so on. Allow your soul to speak out and be creative!
- San Maximon Shrine
Rites And Rituals Of The Shrine
Many spiritual traditions have a set form of rite and ritual to perform at the shrine. You might want to research some of these- or better yet create your own! Here are some basic ideas to get you started...
- Spend 15 minutes each morning sitting at your shrine in prayer and meditation
- Make an offering of cool water and fruit each day, then eat it once it has been blessed
- Keep a container to write prayers and requests on your Shrine and review them daily
- Recite sacred texts or books daily at your shrine
- Create prayer postures to symbolize beginning and ending your shrine session
- Play musical instruments or sing to connect with the Divine
The more you work with your shrine, the more powerful it becomes. Eventually- the shrine starts to resonate and vibrate at a spiritual frequency that acts as a constant hum of blessings in your life! Shrine service should be consistent. There will be times you'll need to break and just hang out in that space- but a regular daily session will create subtle changes within you, attract ascended spiritual masters, honor the Divine in a BIG way and just give you something to really look forward to.
Feel confident that anything you choose to offer to the Divine via your shrine service will be perfect. You have a connection and relationship to the Divine that is ALL YOURS! No one else in the entirety of the cosmos relates to the Divine in exactly the same way you do! Honor that by creating sacred space that is in praise of the Divine while honoring you as an individual soul. Doing this creates a psychic bond between the Divine and the soul that you will notice in just a short time!
- Holy Spirit Backyard Shrine
Shrine Connection On The Go!
Once your shrine is established and vibrating with Divine power- think about making a portable shrine using a small linen pouch or matchbox that you can carry with you wherever you go. Find a way to connect the dedicated shrine to the portable shrine by using similar colors, symbolism, etc. so that what happens at the travel shrine will resound and connect with the dedicated shrine.
I have a small cotton pouch that always hangs around my neck. It contains (among a few secret things hehehe!) tiny images made in clay of the Divine Mother & Divine Father (Goddess & God). I love being able to hold it, feel it against my heart, touch it, interact with it and just know it's there. Whenever I am eating on the run, I always imagine them receiving and blessing the meal in a more tangible way. During almost every session I do with a client, one hand is on my pouch-shrine :)
I hope this article inspires you to explore the power and potency of creating sacred space. Next week I will be writing about cleansing physical space using ancient and modern techniques such as smudging, prayers, symbols, washes and so on..stay tuned!
Peace & Blessings,
Josh Williams
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