The Realm Below
Almost every spiritual culture on earth has some view and belief about the realm below. The underworld, hell, sipapu and the great womb are all terms that have been used to describe this mysterious place. But is it really a place? I would say no. The underworld is often symbolized by it's literal position below the surface of the earth- but the truth is that it is non-local, and is thus more a plane of existence than a place or location that might be on a map.
The underworld may be a cosmic plane- a level that can only be perceived by elevated consciousness via spiritual training. It might also be a place within us- the shadow self which seems to lurk always behind who we express ourselves to be.
I believe, based on my many experiences with this plane, that is it both. The underworld is a plane of awareness/consciousness outside of us- but what we carry in the recesses of our hearts will become manifest there for us to perceive.
The underworld is thus a place where we must confront the dark parts of our beings, take accountability for wrongs committed and choose how we will rectify them in the next phase of our journey. I believe that the only judgment we receive in this place comes only from us- not from someone else. In the place of pure being we tap our true soul consciousness and thus can evaluate from clarity how me might not have acted in accord with cosmic or Divine law in the last part of our journey.
I also don't think the underworld is scary. My experiences in Shamanic and trance journeying to that plane were fully comforting, grounding, healing and awe inspiring. Although I witnessed some heavy visions- I never felt they were anything more than I could handle and thus always carried an aire of peace and confidence.
The How's And Why's of The Underworld
What happens in the underworld? Why is it there? Will I ever go there?... All common question about the subjuect that I'd like to help you clarify in the next part of our journey.
The underworld is really just that- a world under or outside that of normal waking consciousness we are familiar with . The underworld is that silent force that bears witness to the ebbs and flows of our unique life journey. But then again, all those labels are only relative on our plane of names and forms- so it could easily be above or to the side f a universe with no center or no edges!
When we experience death of the body, the physical form returns to the earth from which it came. This process gave our ancestors the realization that life comes from life, and that the form of the earth in our bodies will one day return to the earth itself. It was perceived that the body literally sank down into the soil as it broke down and retured to the earth- and thus a strong symbolism and understanding of the underworld was held. The underworld is where we come from, and where we go to. It is the point of respite between lives. SOmetimes referred to the great womb- it can be the womb of the Divine Mother who gives the body as we near birth and receives it back at death. The soul, passing through the underworld, confronts all the actions of the body (representing the life just lived) and is therefore better equipped to move into a higher state ofbeing in the next life journey.
It waqs believed by the ancients (any by me as well) that as every person experiences physical death- they are gently and lovingly received by the Divine in the underworld to rest, survey, prepare and spring forth into the next life journey.
Not being a physical or literal place- the underworld represents that period between breaths- the time before we take birth into the next phase of our journey and the ending of our last one. It represents a time of healing, letting go, realization beyond the ego and planning for what's to come.
Never once in my journeys have I encountered the underworld as dark, scary, smelly or full of fire- rather is has always been serene and abundant- reflecting the very power of the Divine in nature itself!
One of the reasons it is so important to work alongside a qualified and expert guide and healer in life- just as our ancestors did with Shamans and tribe leaders- is to ensure that we make healthy progress in life and leave with a light and joyful heart. The underworld as afterlife can be a reflection of the lives we lived so that we can exsperience them again in a more enlightened spiritual state.
The underworld can be accessed safely via many varieties of Shamanic journeywork that can be investigated online or through books. I highly suggest works by Alberto Villalobos and Michael Harner- both wonderful teachers who convey these topics beautifully through the written word.
I encourage you to explore the path that lies ahead by coming to peace with the symbolism and beauty of the underworld- and believe that any of us who have inherant fear of death or teomprality can benefit immensely from these practices, as well as those looking to connect to the ancestral stream or discover hidden spiritual gifts!
Peace & Blessings on the spiral journey!
Josh Williams
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