Monday, June 29, 2009

The Healing & Magical Power Of House Plants

It's summer, and in the last week the house plants I care for have entered a huge growth cycle and look amazing!

Cacti, succulents, philodendron, ivy, etc. perking up to receive the sun's blessings and get a little bigger this season.

I am absolutely fanatic about my plants!
A room in my house isn't livable until there's a few 'green people' in there holding space.

I believe that the plants in my life bring healing, energy, blessings, purification, company and beauty to my world- and in today's article I'd like to share some aspects of keeping plants more on the magical and energetic side. Enjoy, green thumb!


The Energy-Healing Potency Of House Plants

Plants are nature's filters.
Absorbing our respiratory waste (carbon dioxide), they convert it into plant carbohydrates to build strong bodies that in turn create pure, clean, life-empowering oxygen for us to breathe!
The cycle here is absolutely beautiful- we live on each other's byproduct in a symbolic system that would crash with the smallest adjustment! I bet you'll never make fun of a tree-hugger again after that! :)

Oxygen, more specifically the air we inhale in general, is one way that life energy enters our systems. Yoga teaches the importance of proper breathing so that oxygen and more importantly life energy are brought into the system in the most effective way possible, and so that toxins, carbon dioxide and imbalanced energy can leave through the exhalation more effectively. Breath truly is the heart-beat of the soul and through it we not only share space with all that is, we also make sacred sound!

Keeping houseplants allows us to have little energy factories right in our own homes. As energy is moved by the normal flow of our daily grind- plants silently witness and do some miraculous things!

  • Plants absorb energy from the space around them and ground it out, purify it and release it back into the space for healing and balance. Think of leaves as little scrub brushes on the energetic level!

  • Plants, when properly healthy, can take on toxic vibrational patterns and seal them up or completely shut them down.

  • The health/appearance of a houseplant can often indicate the health of the energy in a space.

So it's not just limited to oxygen- what's happening in the plant carbon-oxygen exchange is mirrored on the energetic level! House plants are natures air filter for energy!


Energetic grooming is so important for total health! Ensuring toxic patterns are being released from the system and ensuring clean, pure life energy is always able to flow through the system is of utmost importance!

In addition to energy, house plants can also work on the emotional level. A certain calmness comes from the presence of one of natures gifts- they are great listeners- and can even give some great advice about patience, steadfastness, non-judgment, letting go of anger, non-violence, compassion, charity, and surrendering to the Cosmic wisdom! Think about it!

The Spiky & The Soft

I'd like to mention a few things about leafy plants and cacti. I am a huge cacti enthusiast- and in the years I have kept them have learned so much about their energy and the blessings they bring. What follows seems pretty black and white, but it's not always that way. Think of this as a general idea to roll with as you work and heal with house plants.

I believe that cacti act more on the active plane while leafy plants are more on the passive plane. Cacti tend to project their energy into the space, while leafy plants tend to receive energy from the space. The spikes on cacti totally mimic the rays of energy coming off of them on the psychic level!

Cacti are great plants to keep for protection, safety, calmness, relaxation, intensive healing issues in the home (long term illness, terminal illness, etc.) and so on. Leafy plants are more passive and can be used for general energy cleaning responsibilities on every level.

Again, I know this seems very black and white, but it's just a basic observation I have made based on the plants I have worked with. Think about how this can be applied to your own life- and don't be afraid to bring some plants home and see how cacti, leafy, herb, etc. plants work on different levels for you!

When Plants Should Not Be In The Home

I have created a few notes based on psychic seeing that I'd like to share with you. These are somewhat off-chart realizations, but ones that I think are extremely important when working with houseplants with energy awareness.

  • Many people bring plants to the ill. This, of course, is an excellent idea! The point here is that after the person regains health or passes on- the plant should be returned to nature and NOT be kept in the house.

  • Silk/false plants and flowers should be avoided. This is an ancient feng-shui warning, and one I agree with entirely. Don't fake nature!

  • When plants or flowers die, or begin dying- remove them from the home. If you think they might snap out of it, put them somewhere outside that will support that if you can.

  • Learn about your plants. Know where they come from, if they have any cultural significance, if there are any myths or stories about them, or any other cool facts you can find out. Most plant stores can give you the scientific/Latin name for the plant- then just type it into google and have fun exploring and learning! Many houseplants are toxic if ingested by humans and/or pets. Learn about your plants toxicity and make sure there are no dangers in handling sap when pruning or dangers to the kids or pets if they get eaten. Many cats find the scent of elephant philodendrons pretty tantalizing- and if they eat it, the results can be deadly.

  • Your plants care for you. They do a ton of work! Make sure you complete the cycle by ensuring they have clean water, good organic soil that gets changed when needed, nice-looking pots with drains, food/fertilizer when needed and the right amount of sunshine. Most importantly- don't forget to thank them, talk to them, share with them and turn them around!

Further House Plant Magic Ideas

  • Many of us take herbal supplements or healing herbs to empower our health. Think about getting closer to the healing herbs in your life by actually growing them! I have a few healing herbs that I grow- I don't intend to eat them, I just like seeing, respecting and breathing with what heals me on the internal level. It's very powerful and I feel it has increased the effectiveness of the herbs I take!

  • You might like to consider loosely hanging little rolled up pieces of paper with wishes, prayers or goals to your favorite house plant. The plant will literally flow energy through your written word 24/7/365 giving you a nice little energetic boost to what you'd like to manifest!

  • Think about turning your house plants into mini-shrines! I have house plants with moqui marbles, gemstones, tiny statues, pieces of cloth, etc. all over my space. Each plant becomes like atree- protecting and nurturing an idea, goal or value I have in a way I remember every time I see it! I have a giant jade with a tiny Kwan-Yin statue at it's base, a few cacti with moqui marbles, a succulent with some strings of an old guiter and lots of other random plant shrines! It's great fun and a great way to empower your life and connect with your plany friends!

  • If you have a loved one in need- get them a plant! Spend a few days with the plant. Talk to it, tell it about the POSITIVE and EMPOWERED aspects of your loved one and get the plant excited to be there. You may also want to feed your plant consecrated water or charged water (click here to learn how to make some on your own, see the section entitled "say it and spray it!") or even decorate the plant with little hanging tags with quotes, gemstones on the soil, or hand paint the pot to make it personal!

This Saturday's SpiritFlow Extra newsletter will detail a technique that turns ANY houseplant into a beacon of power for goal manifesting.
The secret gets revealed on how to convert your favorite houseplant into a 24/7 energy transmitter that works tirelessly with the cosmos to manifest your perfection! Don't miss an issue of this free exploration of power! CLICK HERE to receive!

Wishing you, and your plant friends, a wonderful summer of healing and empowerment!

Peace & Green Blessings,

Josh Williams

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Friday, June 26, 2009

The Spiritual Soul Power Of Birthdays- Get Excited For Your Next Big Day!

Some of us love them (presents!), some of us hate them (old!)... but no matter what- they come once a year!

Birthdays often get mashed up with the stress of party planning, the fear of getting older, looking back and being slightly disappointed about whats been accomplished and a whole lot of comparing ourselves to the younger crowd.

No more of that!

This week, one of the most wonderful people in my life is turning 32 (Happy Birthday Paul!), and in his honor, I'd like to share some wisdom with you about this sacred day!

In essence, birthdays are the day we celebrate our journey.
Not all of us are very happy to be here all the time- but that aside, we are. Birthdays are a time for us to try and attune to why we're here, what we can accomplish, and how we can grow more and more each day on the spiritual level. I've always found that on my birthday (October 2), there's a certain surreal vibe about the day because exactly so many years ago I took my first breath.
That's pretty intense power!

In cultures across time and across the globe, birthdays have played a special role. From coming of age to becoming an elder, this day marks another loop in the spiral of life having been finished. Most cultures I have had the pleasure of studying celebrate the day of birth in some way.
Here in the USA, it seems like birthdays have become an excuse to party, feed your friends and get spoiled- nothing wrong with that! But what is the deeper significance of your day of birth?

I think one great thing you can do on your special day is get an astrology reading. Tapping in to the day of your first breath via the sacred art of astrology is a great way to remember who you are and what you have in your spiritual toolbox!

To get you started on the path to tapping birthday power- I'd like to share some pretty great wisdom with you about the day you were born.
This is by far not the full array of information you can glean from astrology or numerology- but it's a start!
If you have a birthday coming up- keep this in mind... and if you've got a loved one celebrating their special day soon, copy and paste their day and send them something special!

We will be working with a numerology system for this exercise. It may seem a little scary upfront- but it's not too bad! Just a little basic math and a few minutes of your time!

  • Write down the month and day of birth, and instead of adding the year of birth- write the year of the current birthday... Paul's would be 6/30/2009 instead of 6/30/1977.

  • Now for the math... add these numbers up left to right. For Paul's, we would add: 6+3+0+2+0+0+9

  • answer = 20

  • Now, no matter what your answer was, add those two numbers together. 2+0=2.

  • If you are left with a single digit- you're finished here. If you got a double-digit, add down again until you get a single.

This exercise is applying the power of your month and day (hugely important in the Vedic and Chaldean systems of numerology) to the current calendar year to see how it will effect you.
The month represents your soul group, the day your soul, and the year is the vibration of the planet...

so this exercise is you + planet = wisdom!

Refer to the chart below to get some information about the year ahead. Sometimes the energy kicks in a month early, sometimes a month late- but it will always come and will be with you until your next big day!


This year will provide you with opportunities to get control of those things that have gotten a little out of control. You'll find that you word carries far, people will be more attentive to you and you may find it easier to get angry.

This is the perfect year to finally ground break on that project you've been thinking about... snooze this year and it's not going to likely happen for 2 more!

Spend healthy time in the sun for healing and empowerment this year!


This year balance will come from the inside out. Emotions rule this year- and you will be going through a natural cleansing process in the heart. This is a time for giving yourself space, seeking out issues and working through them and spending time with loved ones as you see fit. Aromatherapy will be resonant to you this year.


The throat chakra is about to explore with all of the realizations and healing you did last year. Time to start talking! Calm discussions need to be had this year with many people- and if you keep your chin up, there will be more social events than you can shake a stick at to get your words and energy moving! This is a year for movement, dancing, tai-chi, yoga, etc. and getting physical now will have long term rewards!


It's time to step back from the crowd and the go-go-go for a while. This year calls you to hunker down and crunch some numbers. Planning, logic, routine and safety are all names of the game. Avoid building this year- instead plan and work out all the kinks on the mental plane. Rest and relaxation, reading, meditation and camping in the outdoors will all super-charge the body, mind and spirit!


Got an agenda? now's the time to manifest it!

Get moving and get active- there's more than enough to keep you busy and moving forward if you just open your eyes!

Risks will feel small and will end in good favor but don't push your luck! Stay smart, even in these times of faced paced movement, spontaneity, sexual prowess and high energy!

Avoid any intoxicants this year, and try to keep a vegetarian diet for healing. This year, focus on getting your diet in line.


Home is where the heart, and the fun is this year! Time to reel it back to home base and spend some quality time with close friends, family and the house itself. Energy runs in the direction of attention right now- and the best place you can invest energy for long term payout is in the home. Time for a renovation, redecorating or a new garden! This is also a time for personal nurturing- and pampering yourself all year with body work, energy work, spa days and good food will bless you for years to come!


The scholar within has emerged! Time to pick up those books you've wanted to read (maybe you got some good ones for your birthday?) and get to the written word!

This year offers you a time for serious contemplation. You'll get plenty of opportunity all year for alone time and it will be best spent in spiritual study, meditation, prayer, and rest. Think of this year as your mini-sabbatical and get close to the Divine! Strengthening your mind through classes, books, seminars and meditation retreats this year will bring you change and power on every level!



Money energy is high this year, and you should not hesitate to go chase it! Sometimes it can hide well- but if you look hard enough and hold space for positive, realistic goals- you'll get the green!

You might tick a few people off if you don't watch the words and looks you give them.. there might be a little dictator inside who takes this opportunity to shine... keep him in the box!This year is phenomenal for physical exercise, hard work and financial investments.. and yes, we can stretch it to include a few lotto tickets as well! Good Luck!



You've just completed a nine-year cycle of life!

This year, many things are going to come to an end...but know that they are all about to be replaced with a major upgrade IF you let them go with faith and grace!

The cosmic healing force is high in you this year- and it's a good time to really tap into what needs you may have and work to fulfill them.

Wanna know a secret?

Donate to charity as often as you can this year and see how it amplifies your own abundance for years to come! Pay it forward really works!

Towards your next birthday- spend some time journaling and planning for the next nine years... you are the co-pilot and the steering wheel has your name on it!

This week in the SpiritFlow Extra newsletter, I'll be sharing a really great candle ritual for your special day that's both simple and super powerful. I will also be sharing a fun way to bless the birthday boy/girl on their special day... don't miss out! CLICK HERE to get signed up!

WIshing you the best of blessings on your special day, and every day!

Peace & Blessings,

Josh Williams


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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Powerful Energetic House Cleansing & Protection

One of the most frequent request requests I get from clients is a
total energetic cleansing of a home, business or other personal space.

Whenever 'bad vibes' get brought into a space through fighting, hurt
feelings, changes in routine, etc. vibrational patterns can easily
imprint to the space, items, people, walls, foundation, etc. within it.
Keeping space clean physically is second only to keeping it clean

In this article, I'd like to help you become more aware of the
importance of the energy you live and work in, how to recognize when
it's not operating in harmony and how to cleanse and purify with simple
yet powerful techniques I use personally in my work.

A Fish In Dirty Water

When the space you call home is energetically dirty- it mirrors you
one way or the other. It's either imbalanced because it's reflecting an
imbalance within you, or you are imbalanced because you are reflecting
issues in the space. When we call a space 'home', it becomes a symbol
for the inner-workings of our heart. Similarly, other spaces like work,
natural space we gravitate towards, etc. all resonate with other energy
centers in our body and have a dynamic resonant effect upon one another.

The secret medicine hidden in all this is that by cleansing and
effecting change on one, change will be effected in the other. If you
feel imbalanced, ill, lost, cluttered, etc. and your personal space
reflects that- all you need to do is clean it and internally a deep
meditation and energetic cleansing process will take place while you
clean on the physical level!

Space cleansing is so important! You become what you associate with-
not to mention the implications of sleeping, praying or trying to make
money in a space that is just heavy with toxic energy vibrations.

Avoidance Is The Key To Keeping Clean

As mentioned above, any negative event like fighting, sadness,
separation, etc. is more than enough of a powerful charge to dirty the
vibration of a space. The best thing is always to avoid having these
types of situations ground out in your personal sacred space by finding
better ways to deal with disagreements that are calm and
heart-centered, more progressive ways to heal and keep up with an
ever-changing life, and hold always in esteem the sanctity and
sacredness of your personal space so that everything you do honors and
keeps it pure.

How To Tell When Space Goes Toxic

In order to know when space goes toxic on the energetic level, you
have to first know what it feels like on the balanced, healthy level.
When sleep patterns/quality of sleep/dream style change, food does not
taste as good when made in that space, customers stop coming in, you
feel tired or lethargic in the space, things seem to have a less
'bright' or 'clean' physical appearance although they are not
physically dirty, or when visitors seem to not stay as long as they
usually would- you may have a problem on your hands.

The good news is
that stepping up and handling this is simple- and it trains you to me
more sensitive to psychic and energetic vibrations in the process!

Cleansing & Clearing Tactics 101

When you think of cleaning- what element first comes to mind? Water!

Water is not only the cosmic conductor of vibration- it is also the
universal solvent! Water both washes away vibration and takes it into
itself to seal it in. Water neutralizes bad vibes similar to how earth
does- but requires intention behind its use because it is so receptive
to psychic vibration.

There are many advanced cleansing, clearing and protecting
techniques that are beyond the scope of this article- they will be
presented in this Saturday's Free SpiritFlow Newsletter #1... If you
haven't signed up yet, please follow the link at the bottom of this
article and do so- you don't want to miss any of the great stuff being
explored each week there!

A few things you can do to cleanse bad energy in space suing water:

Try praying over or energetically charging clean water with an in
intention of purity, cleansing and blessing. You may want to add a
small amount of grain alcohol to the water to set the intention in
place within its field. Proceed to wipe down floors, walls, furniture,
etc. with a damp cloth using this water. When done, all remaining water
should be poured onto the earth and the rag used should be tossed in an
outside garbage bin.
Add a little bit of salt (a natural mineral computer on the
energetic level) to water. Pray/Charge, set in a shallow saucer in a
sunny window and allow to evaporate into the space.
Try exploring different herbs that represent cleansing and
purification. Make a highly diluted tea in your mop bucket using those
herbs and wash everything down with it. Don't use anything toxic or
stinky! I personally love adding a bit of rose water to my mop bucket-
rose always does the trick for me!
Engage in prayer, meditation, singing, dancing, playing, creating,
etc. in your space as often as you can. Good vibes are lighter than bad
ones- but stronger!
Hang or display spiritual symbols or items of importance to you in
the space- they vibrate with a high level of intention and spiritual
power and will greatly effect the space on every level.
Be selective who you let spend time in your space. If you aren't
sure about someone- meet them somewhere neutral instead of having them

The Benefits Of Keeping House On An Energetic Level

Healing, progress, love, harmonious relationships, abundance and
pure joy are only fostered to perfection in a space that resonates with
them. Living in a space charged with anger and hatred, it would be
unreasonable to expect higher cosmic vibrations to want to hang out!
Keeping you special space clean and pure ensures the same level of
vibrational energy flows through. In addition to the benefits of doing
the actual cleansing, you'll be spending a lot of quality time with
your sacred space and really 'owning it'.
This helps your space support
and empower your own personal goals and act in harmony with your will.
Protection from bad vibes is also a natural side-effect from doing this
kind of work- once it's clean and maintained- it's hard for
non-resonant vibes to find a place to stay!

Advanced Cleaning, Clearing & Protection

This Saturday, Issue #1 of SpiritFlow Extra, my free weekly
newsletter, will feature advanced techniques to empower, bless, protect
and consecrate your personal space using techniques never taught
publicly before!
Simple methods to ensure where you rest and live
support what you do and live! CLICK HERE to get signed up now so you don't miss a thing!

Wishing you the best in pure progress and sacred living!

Peace & Blessings,

Josh Williams

connected to free spiritual wisdom, psychic guidance, energy healing,
big blessings and access to first-hand updates and more!

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Monday, June 22, 2009

Dream Prophecy: Receiving Guidance & Empowerment While You Sleep!

Since time immemorial, dreams have baffled, amazed, guided and even terrified those they visit. Countless prophets and sages have used dreams as an interface to receive cosmic and Divine guidance- and you can too!

There are seriously hundreds if not thousands of theories about what dreams are, where they come from and why they happen. Some speculate they are simply leftover chemicals firing and creating memory or fantasy based hallucinations during sleep. Others believe the soul itself journeys during the rest of the body (since the soul needs no sleep) to ethereal realms where what is dreams is really happening.

No matter how you view dream time, there is no avoiding how powerful they are.

How many times has the emotions, experiences and adventures of an intense dream been on your mind all day?

How many times have your dreams uncannily reflected what was happening in your waking life at that time?

Dreams always seem sort of 'hit or miss', in that some of them seem more real and relevant to waking life while others seem just completely wild and fantastic.

What if there was a way you could control and define what you dreamed about, ensure you remembered the information when you woke up and even got powerful guidance, warnings, empowerment and spiritual blessings while you slept?

You can!
And I'd like to show you how.

The Philosophy Of Dreams

In order to teach the technique I am about to- I need to give you a little information about where I feel dreams come from. I will keep this short and in layman's terms- but if you'd like to know more about this powerful subject- please email me!
Dreams, in my experience and belief, are not unlike the waking world. We, as participants, experience sights, scents, feelings, emotions, events, people, etc. and react to them or flow with them. Dreaming is different because the physical sense are not engaged. When the body shuts down for sleep, the soul is able to see clearly on the spiritual realm as the body is not active and sending sensory information. Think of this in terms of anesthesia- is all senses are completely turned off- what's left? Soul.
Dreaming allows the soul to explore it's own reality and paradigm outside the confines of the physical realm. Everything the soul sees is still completely relevant to its own journey- just without so much skin in the way :)

The Power Of Dreams

Because the soul is the main receptor instead of the limited physical senses in the dream- anything is possible. The real power in dreams is the ability for the soul to get a bird's eye view of the life journey and return like a messenger to the body. Dreams are meant to give those who pay attention information they could not otherwise see or perceive in waking consciousness. Answers, guidance, healing, spiritual attunemenet, warnings and pre-cognitive visions are all the language of dreams. When you tap the power of what's happening in your dream time, you'll have access to cosmic wisdom from the view of the soul!

The Language Of Dreams

Many of us tend to be overwhelmed, scared or confused by our dreams because of the language. Often imagery is fantastic and nonsensical. Familiar events happen in the wrong place, houses are parked on the wrong yard, people irrelevant to our lives appear with frequency.
What does it all mean?

The secret to knowing what's being said in your dreams is one every psychic visionary has had to undergo to accomplish their work- learning the unique symbolism of your soul.

You will dream in symbolism, language, images, feelings, etc. that are completely unique to who you are as a soul on a unique journey. What a snake in my dream means to me (secrets being revealed about others motives) may mean something entirely different to you (transformation, death, decay).

The easier and simultaneously simplest trick to harnessing the power of dreams is this:

Trust yourself!

YOU alone must interpret your dreams based on how they make YOU feel. The things you experience and see must be analyzed in a waking state and how those experiences effect you relates to what they are telling you!

If someone you have had zero concern for or contact with pops into your dreams for a few weeks- it may have nothing to do with them as a person, you need to define how that person allowed you to feel or experience something (love, trust, anger, pure hatred, etc.) that has burned them into a symbol for that energy in your consciousness.

Dreams are a spiritual force that should be accepted by everyone who wants to hear directly from the core of their being.

Interpretation should only be handled by the one person who knows the true meanings of the symbols presented- YOU.

Dreams should be respected as a sacred journey, a blessed event and a cosmic guiding light.

The Direction Of Dreams

So, all of that being said- you are welcome to allow your dreams to free-flow and simply work with whatever seems to come through on the nights you dream. On the other hand- you have the option of directing what types of information and experiences you work out in dreams in a very simple way.

The secret to controlling what you dream is this:

What you dedicate you dream!

This means, the thoughts that run the strongest in your subconscious mind are likely to be the ones the soul tries to heal, guide and empower while you sleep. If a problem or issue is big enough to bounce around in your subconscious all day- it's pretty likely the soul will take that as a sign that something needs to be dealt with.

Getting thoughts, fears, confusions, hurt, etc. that strongly bounces around in your conscious mind to set in your subconscious is not an easy feat- but there is a back door that has proven to be extremely effective for me personally and those I serve.

The Five-Fold Rooting

To root something in your subconscious- it needs to have an effect on every level of your being. Most of the time we get issues stuck on the mental/logical (thinking about them a lot) or emotional (feeling about them a lot) plane, and never let them hit other levels of our being. If this happens- the subconscious will of course be aware of them, but won't take them seriously because we are keeping them confined to one or two levels of being.

In order to get dreams to go where you want them to- you need to ground the issue out in every level of your being.This exercise should be performed once during the day and once before sleep.

The body itself needs to be included in the issue. If you are seeking guidance on a break-up or lost love, try thinking of the person as you firmly pat down your body. Imagine waking up the memory, emotions, thoughts, etc. that rest in your body to respond to what you're thinking about.

Sit for a moment and concentrate on the issue at hand (new job? loneliness? healing crisis?) and really allow the emotions associated with that to well up. Really get emotionally fired up about it until you feel the emotions plateau and begin to subside. If you need to cry, laugh, or emote in any other way- do it! Expressive emotions are a key to tapping the subconscious!

Mind: Replay or visulaize the issue in your mind as real as possible. See the events that led up to where you are now. Replay how your path has led you here. See yourself as you are now experiencing them. Use your inner-eye to visualize and 'see' it all happening from within.

Once the mind has been engaged, take account of how those thoughts made you feel. Try to perceive the energy coursing through your being becoming thicker, slower, faster, lighter, darker, etc. If you can't perceive it- fake it. Imagine how the subtle life force within your field might be affected by this issue and try to coax yourself into perceiving it- even with creative visualization.

Acknowledge the silent witness of the soul seeing all of this. Try to imagine seeing it from the view of eternalness. How do you think the eternal, individual soul perceives this situation? How do you think this situation might be actually helping you in ways you can't see yet? This is your time to connect to the positive and optimistic side of a negative issue, or the more spiritual side of a positive issue.

Again, this exercise should be performed at least once during the day (2 or 3 times is even better!) and once before you get into bed. If you don't get results on the first night, try the next day.
It may take some time and some acclimation for you to get in control- but once you do it one time, its yours forever!

You also may be one of those people who dream in very layers symbolism. This means that although the dream may seem to have zero resonance with the issue you put out there- it may be speaking directly to it. Honor ALL dreams you have while you are working with this process and give anything you dream, the chance to give you clarity!

Using The Tools You Receive

The morning that you wake up having dreamed about the issue, follow these steps to ensure the healing, empowerment, guidance and blessings you received on the ethereal plane get rooted out in your waking life:

  • Express gratitude to the divine, and be humbly proud of yourself for learning this spiritual technique that can be used to bring light and power to your journey!

  • Journal! Write as simply or as descriptively what you encountered in dream time. Make sure and note what exactly you were looking for and how it relates to what you dreamed about.

  • Put the dream and the journal out of the way until tomorrow. Give yourself one day to 'come down and unwind'.

  • The following day, when you are relaxed and open- re-read your journal and begin interpreting it. This is your time to be your own best psychic, tap the unique symbolism that your soul speaks and really connect with the power and beneficence of the Cosmic!

Deeper Mysteries & Techniques

In addition to this basic practice, there are other extremely powerful ways to bring awareness and power to dream time.
These techniques are beyond the scope of this article and will be presented, free of charge, in this week's SpiritFlow Extra newsletter.
Make sure to sign up at the bottom of this article so you receive the next level of cosmic wisdom related to dream work and healing sleep journeys!

Newsletter members receive a digest of the weeks articles plus advanced teachings and guidance on each subject. They also receive contests, freebies, psychic guidance, updates and access to newsletter archives!
Don't miss out!

CLICK HERE to start receiving your copy this Saturday!

Thank you for exploring the power and potency of dreams with me...

May your dreams be blessed with healing, guidance, empowerment and the discovery of your great truth!

Peace & Blessings,

Josh Williams

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Friday, June 19, 2009

New Energy... Fresh Start! In-Between-Days 2009!

A strange celebration of power echoed through the ancient world- touching Kemetic mysticism, European Paganism, Far East mystery and even some Shamanic/Aboriginal cultures!

This phenomenon is generally called 'the in-between-days', but has specific names based on where it is practiced. In Kemet, Wep-Ronpet herals the five days outside of normal time that lead up to the new year of Egypt. In European Paganism, Dragon Days do the same. Each culture expressed a unique symbolism relating to these powerful days- from the Goddess giving birth to the sun God being allowed to meet his beloved- but the power is all the same!

We all know there are 365 days in a calendar year.
In many mystic traditions, however, only 360 days are recognized. 5 Days are 'outside of time' and represent the still-point between the old and new year respectively. In this article we will be focusing on the secretive beliefs and practices of the European and Pan-Celtic mystics of old who celebrated 'Dragon Days' as the end of the old year and beginning of the new.

Dragon Days for most modern practitioners of European mysticism begins at sundown on June 18 (for 2009). On this night, the cosmos are seen as being outside the rule of the Sun, even though we are pretty much in the middle of Summer! It is during this time that all seeds planted will finally begin to grow- and mythologically- the Goddess who was forbidden to conceive with her New-Year God will be allowed by a jealous Old-Year God as he loses his power for 5 days.

This myth, expressed in Kemetic mythos, is called Wep Ronpet and is the celebration of the New Year according to the Kemetic calendar. The birthdays of Wesir (Osiris), Heru-wer, Set, Aset (Isis), and Nebt-het take place at this time. "On Wep Ronpet, Zep Tepi or the "first time" occurs again, renewing the year and bringing renewal to Ma'at and to the world. During the end of the year, it begins to wind down and order begins to 'fray'. The coming of Zep Tepi re-establishes cosmic order." (from

Also during this time in Kemetic mythos, Nut is allowed to be with her beloved Geb by the providence of Dhehuty (Thoth). Many different traditions calculate and celebrate this time in different ways- some choose times as early as May while others may go as late as August. Traditionally in Egypt, the rising of the star, Sopdet (Sirius), which had previously been hidden for the past seventy days heralds the new year time.

From my interpretation, this could also be considered the time when the great self-eating Ouroboros snake finally ingests his own tail- the point in the eternal circle where the end meets the beginning.

Europeans called this time "Dragon Days" because dragons symbolized unmanageable chaos in its pure state. They believed that during these five days the creative powers of the cosmos were truly unbridled and that anything could happen. Most advanced mystics would stay inside during this time in near solitary confinement so that nothing would be said or done 'outside of themselves' that might create the birth of something they did not want. This is a time for silent introspection and personal healing- because karma whips quick during these days and conception to birth happens in the flash of a moment! Truly this is the last little bit of cosmic tantrum before a new cycle of order and direction sets in!

These nights in many cultures are packed with mystery, power, fear and potential- but there is so much that can be done to tap into this time of resetting. When handled correctly- great personal healing, manifesting of desires, realizations and very powerful prayer work can be accomplished. On the flip-side, what you say and what you believe may become born with speed and thus watching the tongue and centering the mind are of utmost importance!

How To Harness The Power Of Dragon Days

As I mentioned before, this time is paramount for personal work. Although in the middle of summer- it's an ideal time to sit the weekend out and do some serious internal housekeeping. Traditionally, a fetch representing the old stuff you don't want anymore would be made after some long soul searching. The, come Monday (last last day of Dragon Days), it would be given a proper burial in the earth to be received by the Earth Mother & Father and be enlightened and cleansed. This is also a great time to begin a personal journal, do a fast, take spiritual cleansing baths, physically clean your living space and do cord cutting work for anything you are ready to be done with. Think of this as the spiritual side of new years resolution with a HUGE blast of power and a whole lot of personal accountability!

Death to the Fetch!

You can participate in these sacred days by working with a fetch- or symbol of an intention. For me personally, I choose a rock from outside each year to be my Dragon Days fetch. I then wrap it up in an old shirt that I might have loved in the old year but don't wear much anymore (symbolizing willingness to change). For the 5 days of Dragon Days- I spend time each day with my little talisman charging it with what I no longer want in my life. This is a PURELY 'negative affirmation' time period- do NOT state what you DO want- as this is a time of uncontrolled creation!

As I always teach- growth that comes without control is usually called cancer!

After the 5 day period, do a cord cutting meditation then take your fetch outside, away from where you live, and bury it. Be thankful for what it represents may have taught you or how it may have strengthened you- and also leave a small offering of thanks to the Divine in the earth (flowers, coins, perfumed water, etc.).

Walk away from the spot and don't look back.


On Tuesday morning we enter the new cosmic year. Make it a point to get up early to stand outside, facing east, at sunrise. Greet the new sun as it shines its new super-charged rays upon you. Feel its power surge, cleanse, empower and bless you to go out and create your ideal!

I truly hope you spend the next few days of your journey connecting to this sacred time- or if your tradition celebrates at a different time, preparing for what you'll do when it comes around

Happy Dragon Days!

Peace & Great Blessings,

Josh Williams

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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Underworld : The Great Womb Of Transformation

When we hear the term 'underworld', it's not unlikely that images of death, decay, ghosts, ghouls and goblins comes into mind. I'd like to share with you some wisdom about this often misunderstood realm- both from sources of antiquity and my own personal journeys into that space.... Hopefully leaving you with a quite different view of what goes on down below!

The Realm Below

Almost every spiritual culture on earth has some view and belief about the realm below. The underworld, hell, sipapu and the great womb are all terms that have been used to describe this mysterious place. But is it really a place? I would say no. The underworld is often symbolized by it's literal position below the surface of the earth- but the truth is that it is non-local, and is thus more a plane of existence than a place or location that might be on a map.

The underworld may be a cosmic plane- a level that can only be perceived by elevated consciousness via spiritual training. It might also be a place within us- the shadow self which seems to lurk always behind who we express ourselves to be.

I believe, based on my many experiences with this plane, that is it both. The underworld is a plane of awareness/consciousness outside of us- but what we carry in the recesses of our hearts will become manifest there for us to perceive.

The underworld is thus a place where we must confront the dark parts of our beings, take accountability for wrongs committed and choose how we will rectify them in the next phase of our journey. I believe that the only judgment we receive in this place comes only from us- not from someone else. In the place of pure being we tap our true soul consciousness and thus can evaluate from clarity how me might not have acted in accord with cosmic or Divine law in the last part of our journey.

I also don't think the underworld is scary. My experiences in Shamanic and trance journeying to that plane were fully comforting, grounding, healing and awe inspiring. Although I witnessed some heavy visions- I never felt they were anything more than I could handle and thus always carried an aire of peace and confidence.

The How's And Why's of The Underworld

What happens in the underworld? Why is it there? Will I ever go there?... All common question about the subjuect that I'd like to help you clarify in the next part of our journey.

The underworld is really just that- a world under or outside that of normal waking consciousness we are familiar with . The underworld is that silent force that bears witness to the ebbs and flows of our unique life journey. But then again, all those labels are only relative on our plane of names and forms- so it could easily be above or to the side f a universe with no center or no edges!

When we experience death of the body, the physical form returns to the earth from which it came. This process gave our ancestors the realization that life comes from life, and that the form of the earth in our bodies will one day return to the earth itself. It was perceived that the body literally sank down into the soil as it broke down and retured to the earth- and thus a strong symbolism and understanding of the underworld was held. The underworld is where we come from, and where we go to. It is the point of respite between lives. SOmetimes referred to the great womb- it can be the womb of the Divine Mother who gives the body as we near birth and receives it back at death. The soul, passing through the underworld, confronts all the actions of the body (representing the life just lived) and is therefore better equipped to move into a higher state ofbeing in the next life journey.

It waqs believed by the ancients (any by me as well) that as every person experiences physical death- they are gently and lovingly received by the Divine in the underworld to rest, survey, prepare and spring forth into the next life journey.

Not being a physical or literal place- the underworld represents that period between breaths- the time before we take birth into the next phase of our journey and the ending of our last one. It represents a time of healing, letting go, realization beyond the ego and planning for what's to come.

Never once in my journeys have I encountered the underworld as dark, scary, smelly or full of fire- rather is has always been serene and abundant- reflecting the very power of the Divine in nature itself!

One of the reasons it is so important to work alongside a qualified and expert guide and healer in life- just as our ancestors did with Shamans and tribe leaders- is to ensure that we make healthy progress in life and leave with a light and joyful heart. The underworld as afterlife can be a reflection of the lives we lived so that we can exsperience them again in a more enlightened spiritual state.

The underworld can be accessed safely via many varieties of Shamanic journeywork that can be investigated online or through books. I highly suggest works by Alberto Villalobos and Michael Harner- both wonderful teachers who convey these topics beautifully through the written word.

I encourage you to explore the path that lies ahead by coming to peace with the symbolism and beauty of the underworld- and believe that any of us who have inherant fear of death or teomprality can benefit immensely from these practices, as well as those looking to connect to the ancestral stream or discover hidden spiritual gifts!

Peace & Blessings on the spiral journey!

Josh Williams

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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Contacting The Inner Guide

Do you ever wish you could have your own opinion about life... A fresh, personal perspective without the fears, ego, past hurts and future worries as part of the equation?

You can!

Contacting the spiritual guide within is a simple yet powerful meditation practice that I have created based on ancient Shamanic journeys, Vedic & Tantric rites and modern creative visualization techniques. This meditation has proven to be so powerful for my clients- I'd like to share it with all of you so that it might serve you the same way!

As in all meditation techniques:

find a quiet space and a quiet time to practice. Turn your cell phone off, let people around you know you're taking some personal time, put on some comfy clothes and create space however you like- incense, candles, music, etc. can all help set the mood and charge the space.

The Guide Within

In this practice, we will be connecting to that part of ourselves that is beyond the attachments of the physical plane. Although we may not connect directly to the center of our true soul being, we can connect to the part of ourselves that is the translator for our current and eternal selves.

The guide within is not an entity or being outside of who we are- indeed, it is more us than we think we are now. The guide within is our consciousness on the soul level rather than on the level of name and form (everyday life in this cycle). Connecting to this power not only gives us amazing insight- it also trains us up to live more from our true identity as eternal spiritual souls and less from ego and fear.

The Goal

The goal in this practice is simply to connect to the inner guide, and create a space where dialogue can happen. We will not be entering a full-blown trance, because we need our linear/rational brain to stay somewhat present so that we can ask questions and receive/remember answers that have to do with our eg-based lives. If you find you are going too deep in this practice and start losing consciousness ( in a good way haha!), falling asleep or start having a hard time making thoughts- simply shake or dance a bit where you sit/stand to bring yourself 'back' a bit.

Ideally, we will connect, ask questions, receive guidance, return to normal waking consciousness and journal about the information we received- then promptly put it into action in our life!

The Practice

You may wish to begin with a prayer or affirmation. This is a great way to start a spiritual practice and not only gets you plugged in to the right headspace, but also brings sanctity, protection and blessings to you and your space.

Spend the first few minutes of the practice simply breathing. Shake out any nerves or ticks. Make sure you feel solid where you sit. Survey your body, make sure you're comfortable and return to just breathing. A sitting 'lotus style' posture is both relaxing, lung-opening and stabilizing.

Once you feel that a deep relaxation has come, visualize a nine-step staircase flooded in light. Ascend slowly- one step at a time.
Feel yourself walking up the nine steps one after the other. With each step you feel lighter, warmer, more open and more blissful.

As you reach the ninth step and step up to the landing- ensure you allow how the scene looks to be your own. Don't judge or criticize... let the environment of everything you encounter be what it will and accept it as perfect.

Now, wherever the stairs took you, connect to being in the same sitting posture in your meditation you are in with your physical body.
Sit, breathe, see, be.

Call forth in any way you choose that part of your being which knows all of your being. Call forth your inner guide- your soul.
Allow a light to begin manifesting either at or above the crown of your head or in your heart center. Whichever happens is great as this is simply where you are most comfortable working. Don't work with this practice in any other center of the body.

See the light come out of you and manifest before you... let it be what it is... a person? an animal? a symbol? Allow and believe.

Spend a few moments simply being in the presence of your perfected self- as though you are looking in the mirror. If you feel the urge to merge- do not do that until the third or fourth practice after information received has been implemented in your life with success.

Once you feel connected- speak. Don't lie, hide, or sugarcoat... take this opportunity to be brutally honest with yourself and allow your heart center to purge with the chance to open and vent.

Ask a question, receive an answer. Again, do not second guess! What you hear is what you need to hear and it is perfect.

If you feel you are receiving answers that are not in line with Divine law or proper spiritual conduct- end the session immediately and try again another day.

Take as much time as you like asking, answering, discussing, seeing, receiving, experiencing and being. There is no hurry as there is no time on this plane.

Once you are ready to return...

Thank your perfected self and embrace or touch hands in some way to connect deeply.

Watch your perfected self re-enter where it manifested from (head or heart areas of your own body as seen in meditation).

Stand up and descend the stairs. Walk down slowly just as you came up. See yourself entering your life with a huge charge of light around you and a sense of peace and power in your heart. Once you get back...

Slowly start moving and flexing the physical body, gently open your eyes and spend a few minutes just sitting and being.

Journal about your experience as soon as is comfortable so you don't forget anything. All symbols, feelings, etc. should be noted so that as you work this practice more often- you can find patterns and meaningful symbolism.

If you have any questions about this practice- don't hesitate to email me!

Wishing you the best in spiritual advancement!

Peace & Blessings,
Josh Williams

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Monday, June 15, 2009

The Spiral Dance Of Clearing, Cleansing & Balancing

Our subtle spiritual bodies are as simple and simultaneously complex as light itself. At the same moment we can perceive it- it completely defies our understanding and seems to vanish into thin air. As we move through our beautiful unique life journeys, we encounter countless people, places, events, thoughts, beliefs, etc... and each of them make an impact on who we are.

When you are in a room of people- there may only be a handful that you actively engage with by words, body language or simple gazes, but your subtle body, much like a magnet, reaches out and hones every energetic signature in the room- even if you are completely unaware of it. Subtle and silent spiritual conversations are taking place- the very source of your eventual desire to walk up and talk to that person or avoid them at all costs... all for no logical reason!

Similarly, every internal and external event we encounter makes an energetic statement and imprint- from places, events and situations to beliefs, thoughts, fears and time itself.

This seems pretty intense- and it is- but these energetic statements are needed to commune with the true part of ourselves that is walking a spiritual path in a material world.

This is the way the soul interacts with the journey.

There is usually no problem with all of these imprints and connections being made- because those that don't serve us or that don't actualize into our lives on a tangible platform usually dissolve over time. Sometimes, however, we harbor energetic imprints and connections that don't serve us, or are even bad for us!

Let's say we are walking down the street and pass someone who just gives us a bad feeling. We have no reason to judge them because we don't know them- and should not judge. There is simply an energetic incompatibility that makes neither person 'bad'. Because this event may some with an emotional charge due to the feelings that swell up from the energetic level, we can easily attach and hook-in on a subconscious level for many reasons. From then on, there is a subtle, yet real, connection between us and a person who passed our path but is not supposed to be on it- and the effects of that connection go both ways. We should strive to maintain energy hooks only with the people and events that are real and productive for us here and now. This means total energetic accountability for our addictions to the past, our fears of the present and our reliance on negative attention.

So, the big question is...

How do we cut those connections that no longer serve us or have never served us? How to we let go of what is not in accord with our current journey and make room for the new?

The answer is simple, without grand ritual or magic words- but powerful beyond measure!

This is a new technique not previously presented to the public world- it is based on an ancient Vedic practice of temple circum-ambulation by the devout and the energetic repercussions of that act. I ask you to remember, respect and honor this method- and use it as often as you can!

Josh's Energy Hook Clearing, Cleansing & Balancing Practice

Almost every mystic path in the world has a certain reverence and awe for trees. They seem so magickal and so powerful- huge skyscrapers coming from the tiniest seed. Reaching towards the skies in adoration of the Divine, rooting in the sacred earth to connect with absolute nurturing. Strong, protective, yielding and giving in every way. Trees truly are a power to be realized and are a blessing in countless ways!

In ancient symbolism, trees represented the axis mundi- or the pole that runs through the center of the cosmos. Through the axis mundi, the upper, middle and lower realms respectively could be accessed via trance journeying. The tree symbolized life, abundance, connection to the earth, reaching toward the Divine and even the Divine itself.

In this practice, trees are fundamental. Having a connection to the earth below and the sky above- trees are fantastic natural antenna that both ground us and channel new energy into us. If you don't have a favorite tree in your life- the first step to working with this practice is to make that happen. I have a giant old pear tree in my backyard that has been a good friend for many years- and it is what that tree that I do this practice after each day of serving clients and living life.

You can create a special bond with your tree by tying some ribbon, attaching bells or offering scented water to it. Make a spiritual ally with the tree- giving to it in respect for what it gives to you.

۞ The Practice

Come to the tree feeling calm and grounded. Barefoot is ideal. Greet and love your tree for a few moments. Take a few deep breaths of the purified air coming from its leaves. See the tree as a symbol for eternity- that endless axis-mundi pole that runs through the center of all that is. Feel yourself at the center of all that is.

Once you feel calm, grounded and ready...

  • Approach the tree and touch it. Make contact on a physical and energetic level. Allow the tree some time to sense where you are in life and what vibrations you carry right now.
  • Say a prayer to the Divine and something to the tree itself about your intentions to help you get clear and to help the cosmos align with your will.
  • Circle the tree in a counter clockwise direction between 3 and 9 times (whatever feels right). Imagine that all the cords connecting you to the past and to what does not serve you are getting wrapped around the trunk as you circle it. Under the tension, those cords break and are grounded out by the tree into the earth.
  • If there is anything specific you want to draw out of your life, see it now being pulled out by the trunk and sent down into the earth via the roots to be enlightened and purified.
  • Stop. Breathe. Be.

  • Now circle the tree clockwise the same number of times as before. This time, new energy is being drawn into the vibrational 'gravity' you are creating by your pace. The leaves of the tree act as filaments drawing pure, clean, potent energy from the cosmos down the trunk. As you circle, it flows into you and wraps you up in pure love and bliss.
  • If there's anything you want to draw into your life, perceive it being called forth by the up-stretched receptor-leaves of the tree, down the trunk and into your being.
  • Stop. Breathe. Be.
  • To end your practice, sit against the trunk of the tree if you can, or as close to it as you can with your back facing it. Allow the vibration of the tree to resonate with the trunk of your spine. Feel strength, flow, rejuvenation and balance enter your system.
  • Offer some water, grain, stones, healing energy, kisses, hugs, etc. (hehehe) to the tree in thanksgiving for it's healing work for you. Know that it is a natural expression of Divine power and that, because of the lack of ego, it has a very close connection to its creator and is a living symbol of cosmic power.

Feeling clear, clean, balanced and blessed, it's time to go out and live!

Before we close- I want to address a common questions my students have about this practice...

"What if this practice breaks cords that I want in my life? Like those to loved ones?"

Cords are not static- they are dynamic. This means that if you remove and ground a cord/hook and still continue to think or hold space for what that cord held to- it will come back.

The prayer/intention also helps define that cords which serve us should remain in tact- but even if every cord we have gets grounded, the ones we need will be back in our field within seconds of ending the practice because they are still held in our being. For cord and hook removal to be truly effective, we must make a resolve to let go of the past or the toxic in our lives, then this practice will help make that happen on every level. If we are not truly prepared and ready to let go- the cord will re-manifest almost immediately.

With great peace & blessings.. and happy tree hugging!

Josh Williams

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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Centering Power : ۩ Spiritual Shrines Explored ۩

Shrines are an extremely powerful expression of spirituality. Almost every spiritual path in the world and throughout history has created dedicated, sacred space to connect with soul, cosmos and Divinity. I'd like to help you tap the potent healing, Divine connection and personal growth that is available by creating your own sacred space in your own unique way.

Why Keep Sacred Space?

In my teachings and in my spiritual experience- shrines should be viewed as an external expression of something happening deep within. We are walking a material/physical path here, and so sometimes tapping into that power within that exists on the more subtle/spiritual level can be tough. Keeping sacred space allows us to connect to that depth in a material way- engaging soul, body, mind and even ego in the pursuit of Divine connection!

Keeping sacred space not only literally reminds you of Divine presence in your life and the power of the path you walk every time you pass it, it also creates a deep subconscious link that ever-runs keeping you present in that sacred light.

Sometimes, when we pray within, the energy and movement we are trying to create by connecting to the Divine STAYS within. Shrines are a great way to 'get out of your head' and truly open up to something 'other'.

Taosit Low Shrine
Taoist Guan-Shi-Yin Shrine

How To Get Started

The first thing you should do is pray and/or meditate. Connect not to a specific religious or defined concept of your unique connection to the Divine- but to your own. Allow feelings, thoughts and sentiments arise within you that give you the sense of being held by the All. You are certainly welcome to use religious or traditional iconography in your sacred space- but use it only if it really resonates with you. Remember that you are creating an outward symbol of your heart... so it must be personal to be powerful!

People often get overwhelmed by the idea of creating sacred space because they have seen what other people have. Don't start there! Begin by establishing where your space will be- foundations first! Find a nice able, bookshelf, wall shelf or nook that will be undisturbed and can be kept clean. A space you can have to yourself for private prayer and meditation is also a good idea.

Once you know where the space will be, give it a good cleaning and think about adding a cloth or tapestry to the top. I have an Egyptian brocade hanging behind my shrine, and one on it that my icons and other sacred items rest on.

You'll be surprised to find that as soon as you dedicate a space to your spiritual life- creating a new 'center of your universe', things that should be there will start popping up. Photos, statues, stones, offerings of food and water, prayer beads, fresh flowers, incense, candles, etc. are all common and very powerful additions to any sacred space. Keep your heart open and get excited about having the space and it will soon be filled up!

Dedication of your shrine should be specific and heart-felt. Shrines are traditionally dedicated to a specific manifestation/face/name of the Divine- so whatever form of the Divine All you work with can now call this place a temple!

Buddhist Shrine
Buddhist Shrine

What Should I Put On My Shrine?

I suggest starting with some type of spiritual iconography that represents who your shrine is dedicated to. Spiritual iconography is created (ideally) to evoke and invoke a very powerful response throughout all levels of our beings- and having the icon really helps get focused and receive.

You may choose statues of a Goddess and/or God, abstract symbols like crosses or solar wheels, painting of Deity or a personal symbol that brings that energy connection to you. Again, allow this to be personal and honor what YOU feel... nothing is wrong here!

Once Deity has been represented, you'll want to honor It as a great guest. This is where you get to be creative and express your own unique spirituality!

There will be come items you might keep on your shrine all the time like incense burners, candle holders, dishes, stones, etc. There might be some things that come and go with the season or where you are at a particular time. My shrine always reflects the season because I offer only flowers and foods that are in season. If I am having a personal issue, healing crisis or other life change- I might represent that on my shrine to create a psychic bond between Deity and myself that won't close down when I happen to forget for a moment that I am loved!

Traditional shrine implements from many paths include: flowers, candles, incense, oils, talismans, stones, art, photos, written prayers, and so on. Allow your soul to speak out and be creative!

Dia De Los Muertos Temporary Shrine
San Maximon Shrine

Rites And Rituals Of The Shrine

Many spiritual traditions have a set form of rite and ritual to perform at the shrine. You might want to research some of these- or better yet create your own! Here are some basic ideas to get you started...

  • Spend 15 minutes each morning sitting at your shrine in prayer and meditation
  • Make an offering of cool water and fruit each day, then eat it once it has been blessed
  • Keep a container to write prayers and requests on your Shrine and review them daily
  • Recite sacred texts or books daily at your shrine
  • Create prayer postures to symbolize beginning and ending your shrine session
  • Play musical instruments or sing to connect with the Divine

The more you work with your shrine, the more powerful it becomes. Eventually- the shrine starts to resonate and vibrate at a spiritual frequency that acts as a constant hum of blessings in your life! Shrine service should be consistent. There will be times you'll need to break and just hang out in that space- but a regular daily session will create subtle changes within you, attract ascended spiritual masters, honor the Divine in a BIG way and just give you something to really look forward to.

Feel confident that anything you choose to offer to the Divine via your shrine service will be perfect. You have a connection and relationship to the Divine that is ALL YOURS! No one else in the entirety of the cosmos relates to the Divine in exactly the same way you do! Honor that by creating sacred space that is in praise of the Divine while honoring you as an individual soul. Doing this creates a psychic bond between the Divine and the soul that you will notice in just a short time!

Holy Spirit Backyard Shrine
Holy Spirit Backyard Shrine

Shrine Connection On The Go!

Once your shrine is established and vibrating with Divine power- think about making a portable shrine using a small linen pouch or matchbox that you can carry with you wherever you go. Find a way to connect the dedicated shrine to the portable shrine by using similar colors, symbolism, etc. so that what happens at the travel shrine will resound and connect with the dedicated shrine.

I have a small cotton pouch that always hangs around my neck. It contains (among a few secret things hehehe!) tiny images made in clay of the Divine Mother & Divine Father (Goddess & God). I love being able to hold it, feel it against my heart, touch it, interact with it and just know it's there. Whenever I am eating on the run, I always imagine them receiving and blessing the meal in a more tangible way. During almost every session I do with a client, one hand is on my pouch-shrine :)

I hope this article inspires you to explore the power and potency of creating sacred space. Next week I will be writing about cleansing physical space using ancient and modern techniques such as smudging, prayers, symbols, washes and so on..stay tuned!

Peace & Blessings,

Josh Williams

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