Wednesday, August 12, 2009

What Are You Worth? Another Abundance Secret Revealed!

In the next few articles I post, I'd like to share with you some profound secrets relating to your abundance and right to prosperity. My goal, as those of you who are served by me professionally know, is to help you achieve realization of 100% of your personal power and ability- this is just another simple way to truly tap into that power and step into the progressive abundance that is your destiny!

Personal Value

It's hard for many of us to ascribe value and worth to ourselves. The way we've been raised teaches us that we're worth whatever 'the people on top' choose to pay us. We are trained employees with no ability to be our own boss- in finances, health, emotions, spiritual power, and many other aspects of life! One of the hardest things I coach my clients through is the process of truly realizing personal value and getting in touch with it on every level.

Knowing personal value is not the same as putting a literal dollar-sign price tag on your soul! Value, like energy, is infinite- and is a symbol for something beyond dollar figures. But teaching infinity doesn't really work with our linear logical minds :) The way that we can approach infinite personal value is to work with acknowledging our talents and being grateful for our abilities to help us unfold into the holistic realization of our total infinite value. Those of us who are actively participating in the abundance path will find this aspect of training both always in our face and the hardest thing we have to reconcile.

Keep in mind as we progress- that the universe, and even more importantly, your own ego, will only ALLOW you to make as much money, friends, health, etc. as you believe you deserve. This is not something that you can 'fake til you make'. It has to be real, sincere and honest.

Personal value has to be defined so that the cosmos around us has an entry point. Do you think that any celebrity out there would settle for even 20% less than what they make now? No way! Why? Because they know their value- and know what they're worth... they won't settle for less. In fact, the big movers in the financial world set their personal value as the bare minimum with expectations to raise the bar all the time!

Knowing your personal value is the first step to true financial and life abundance. If you can't define your value or don't have a good connection to what you and the things you do are worth- there's likely a deep imbalance. The trick to KNOWING your value and constantly increasing it is this...

You must always, always, always be striving 100% to become more valuable- all the time... to the entire universe!

This means accepting joyfully that you are never the master of your craft and there is no time for sabbatical (goodbye, boredom!). The biggest people in the financial world will tell you that they are always reading, studying, learning and experimenting countless new techniques and ideas to make themsevles more valuable. They know the real secret- work done to truly help others blows open the doors to abundance and seriously cuts out all the annoying obstacles. We must keep learning and keep increasing our value by adding to your toolbox so that we have more resources, more talent, more ability and more unique combinations of energy to offer more people. The more we know- the more we're able to serve.

The more we're able to serve, the more we'll attract people who value our service. The more people we attract- the more connections to abundance, joy, energy, healing and bliss we experience! Sweet!

Hitting this secret home and turning it into self value is pretty simple...

As we put energy into becoming more- we realize we ARE more. As our resume of intentional journeys into getting bigger and brighter expands, we have a deep sense of realistic and heart-centered pride in what we have accomplished and start to project that to the world. We know that we work hard, have great talents, understand the tools we work with and are more concerned with being an asset to the world than to filling our bank accounts. These things mix together to create a dynamic state of power that attracts positive, abundant experiences into our lives like a magnet!


Let's look at this in bullet-point style so we really let it sink in...

  • Your innate beliefs of personal value defines your ability to experience abundance in money, love, health, energy, etc.

  • If you are not constantly growing and becoming brighter, your innate sense of self worth will drop like the stocks on a bad day

  • The more resources you have in your toolbox to serve more people in more effective ways- the more magnetic and valuable you become on all levels

  • Serving the world instead of serving yourself disarms fear and connects you to the true limitless stream of abundance

  • When you concern yourself with getting bigger so that others can get bigger by your example- the universe backs you up 100%

  • You can't fake a sense of self worth. It has to be real, realized and internal on all levels. Once it is, you've working with limitless magic!

You are worth receiving limitless love and abundance. Realize that you are an integral, irreplaceable and essential part of the cosmos who was put here because you have the potential to fulfill a duty that NO OTHER BEING CAN. The Divine is not with imperfections... Each of us has a special self that makes our presence needed, valued and supported every second of every day- even when we're at our worst. This simply means that you count, you matter and you deserve! Step up, no, JUMP UP into the cycle of abundance- give, receive, become and pass it forward and you'll experience joy unlimited!

If you'd like more information about these deeper secrets of abundance, please drop me a line. I have been working with a very exclusive system of this caliber for many years from some of the financial world's top leaders. If you are serious about being your own boss AND your own employee, stepping into abundance and really making your personal business and progress dreams come true- I've got the connections :) For many reasons, I will only provide this contact information to those who step up and ask for it.

With all the power, beauty, potential and love that WE ARE!

Peace & Blessings,


Josh Williams

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