Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Heart-Power Of The Palm - Another Secret Of Manifesting!

In this article, I'd like to show you how to directly 'plant' a goal into the core of your being using a simple exercise. I'd also like to explore with you the meaning of the heart center, it's reflex in the palm of the hand and the way to gaze into the depths of your own heart center for clarity, healing and empowerment!

Sometimes, getting something into or out of the core of our heart can seem almost impossible. When wrapped up in layers of fear, hurt, nervousness or bad history- the heart can often become leery to open up and move forth. The problem with is, that if our heart center doesn't receive the power of what we are working on or working through- we're working with next to zero of our total personal power.

Ensuring that our heart is tapped into what our mind wants, and ensuring that our heart is present with the fullness of our life is paramount to manifesting our goals, tapping love, getting bigger and living in accord with the universal law of attraction.

Have you ever wondered why 'holding hands' with another person is so symbolic and powerful? There's a clue to what we're going to explore in this article!

Why The Palm Is So Powerful

As many of you know, our body is not limited to it's physical appearance. Behind the scenes a complex and beautiful architecture of living life energy moves to support, form, empower and heal who we are. This life energy moves in and out of our being- breathing with the universe around us, via energy centers often called 'chakras'. The heart chakra is located in the center of the chest on the same horizon as the nipples and is directly reflected in the palms of the hand. Many people say that the reason palmistry is so effective is because it gives a tangible look directly into the heart center of another person. When we hold hands with our beloved, we are literally linking our heart centers together via their reflexes in the palms! This can also be seen in the giving of blessings where the one channeling Divine blessings shows their palm to the recipient- blessings from the heart center to the heart center!

In hand reflexology, the heart center and it's emotional, physical and energetic properties are worked on using the palms of the hands. What happens to one happens to the other.

We literally hold our hearts in the palms of our hands!

The Heart Of Your Goals

Most of the time, the goals we have are only in our heads! We tend to over-think and under-feel the things which are important to us. When we do take the time to truly listen to how we feel, we usually just end up thinking about how we feel instead of truly feeling about how we feel!

Setting a goal, desire or wish for your life is a beautiful gift we all have access to- but if our minds AND hearts are not 'in' on this goal- there's no way it can manifest to completion. Our minds will handle bringing many things forth- but without the power of the soul and cosmic love that moves through the heart center, our goals will not ever be what they could have.

Whether a goal for abundance, love, reconnection, success, inspiration, healing, etc.- getting the heart center on board is a serious secret key to manifesting big power!

Planting The Seed In The Heart

If you are familiar with Muslim prayer (Salaat), you'll know that at the end of the formal prayer, the worshiper cups their hands in front of their face to speak directly to the Divine. This gesture is strange to many people who are only used to seeing the 'palms together' prayer pose- but it is very powerful in its own right.

On the mystic level, the supplicant is literally speaking their petition and adoration into their own heart- which is the crucible of matter to spirit, or spirit to matter. This way, the prayer is purified, blessed, and delivered to the Divine from the very core of ones being.

In much the same style, when we set goals, we must connect them to the heart core which magically turns the mundane into the mystical- and in turn turns the mystical into the mundane. We must use the heart center as a type of kiln that burns impurities and toxicity from our goals so that they can reach the highest heights. We must also receive through the heart center so that we can tap infinite cosmic power and allow it to transform into our normal, waking life.

To do this simple technique:

  • Spend a few moments connecting to the heart center- place a palm over it, close your eyes and visualize light emanating from it, etc. Do what works for you to really tap into its presence.
  • Then, try to hold focus on your heart center and your palms at the same time. I like to cup my palms in front of my heart and 'feel' them all pulsing- holding each of them in my mind, simultaneously, for as long as I can.
  • Once you have connected- speak or visualize your goal into the palms of your hands. See/feel the energy of your spoken words or silent visualization entering straight into the core of your being.
  • Connect with how you feel having absorbed and actualized this goal, and know that it now is being energized in a huge way as it literally courses through your veins and rests at the same time on the spiritual platform.

Now your thoughts and feelings are in accord with your goal- and you can expect to see more rapid, powerful, lasting and blessed results!

Get Heart-Centered Clarity

If you are one who enjoys the profound wisdom and healing that comes from self-awareness in meditation, deep prayer or psychic seeing- I think you'll love the following technique!

  • Try raising the cupped palms over the eyes, third-eye chakra, heart or crown during meditation with the intent of 'seeing' into the heart core itself. Calm the mind as is usual for you in your practice and then focus the inner-seeing on the palms. Allow them to speak on behalf of the heart center and convey the information to your higher senses (clairvoyance, meditative realizations, etc.) in a tangible way. If you don't feel you have psychic abilities- try simply gazing silently and calmly into the cupped palms of your hands with this intention in your mind. See what comes up for you, how you feel, if your body reacts, what memories surface, etc. and allow them to be signs of inner activity in the heart center. You may also choose to consult your heart center for guidance by first connecting, then asking into the palms, then quietly awaiting tangible information to come as thoughts, sensations, psychic visions, etc.

Heart Centered Guidance For Your Unique Life Journey

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With prayers & blessings of peace, love & heart centered joy...


Josh Williams

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