Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Heart-Power Of The Palm - Another Secret Of Manifesting!

In this article, I'd like to show you how to directly 'plant' a goal into the core of your being using a simple exercise. I'd also like to explore with you the meaning of the heart center, it's reflex in the palm of the hand and the way to gaze into the depths of your own heart center for clarity, healing and empowerment!

Sometimes, getting something into or out of the core of our heart can seem almost impossible. When wrapped up in layers of fear, hurt, nervousness or bad history- the heart can often become leery to open up and move forth. The problem with is, that if our heart center doesn't receive the power of what we are working on or working through- we're working with next to zero of our total personal power.

Ensuring that our heart is tapped into what our mind wants, and ensuring that our heart is present with the fullness of our life is paramount to manifesting our goals, tapping love, getting bigger and living in accord with the universal law of attraction.

Have you ever wondered why 'holding hands' with another person is so symbolic and powerful? There's a clue to what we're going to explore in this article!

Why The Palm Is So Powerful

As many of you know, our body is not limited to it's physical appearance. Behind the scenes a complex and beautiful architecture of living life energy moves to support, form, empower and heal who we are. This life energy moves in and out of our being- breathing with the universe around us, via energy centers often called 'chakras'. The heart chakra is located in the center of the chest on the same horizon as the nipples and is directly reflected in the palms of the hand. Many people say that the reason palmistry is so effective is because it gives a tangible look directly into the heart center of another person. When we hold hands with our beloved, we are literally linking our heart centers together via their reflexes in the palms! This can also be seen in the giving of blessings where the one channeling Divine blessings shows their palm to the recipient- blessings from the heart center to the heart center!

In hand reflexology, the heart center and it's emotional, physical and energetic properties are worked on using the palms of the hands. What happens to one happens to the other.

We literally hold our hearts in the palms of our hands!

The Heart Of Your Goals

Most of the time, the goals we have are only in our heads! We tend to over-think and under-feel the things which are important to us. When we do take the time to truly listen to how we feel, we usually just end up thinking about how we feel instead of truly feeling about how we feel!

Setting a goal, desire or wish for your life is a beautiful gift we all have access to- but if our minds AND hearts are not 'in' on this goal- there's no way it can manifest to completion. Our minds will handle bringing many things forth- but without the power of the soul and cosmic love that moves through the heart center, our goals will not ever be what they could have.

Whether a goal for abundance, love, reconnection, success, inspiration, healing, etc.- getting the heart center on board is a serious secret key to manifesting big power!

Planting The Seed In The Heart

If you are familiar with Muslim prayer (Salaat), you'll know that at the end of the formal prayer, the worshiper cups their hands in front of their face to speak directly to the Divine. This gesture is strange to many people who are only used to seeing the 'palms together' prayer pose- but it is very powerful in its own right.

On the mystic level, the supplicant is literally speaking their petition and adoration into their own heart- which is the crucible of matter to spirit, or spirit to matter. This way, the prayer is purified, blessed, and delivered to the Divine from the very core of ones being.

In much the same style, when we set goals, we must connect them to the heart core which magically turns the mundane into the mystical- and in turn turns the mystical into the mundane. We must use the heart center as a type of kiln that burns impurities and toxicity from our goals so that they can reach the highest heights. We must also receive through the heart center so that we can tap infinite cosmic power and allow it to transform into our normal, waking life.

To do this simple technique:

  • Spend a few moments connecting to the heart center- place a palm over it, close your eyes and visualize light emanating from it, etc. Do what works for you to really tap into its presence.
  • Then, try to hold focus on your heart center and your palms at the same time. I like to cup my palms in front of my heart and 'feel' them all pulsing- holding each of them in my mind, simultaneously, for as long as I can.
  • Once you have connected- speak or visualize your goal into the palms of your hands. See/feel the energy of your spoken words or silent visualization entering straight into the core of your being.
  • Connect with how you feel having absorbed and actualized this goal, and know that it now is being energized in a huge way as it literally courses through your veins and rests at the same time on the spiritual platform.

Now your thoughts and feelings are in accord with your goal- and you can expect to see more rapid, powerful, lasting and blessed results!

Get Heart-Centered Clarity

If you are one who enjoys the profound wisdom and healing that comes from self-awareness in meditation, deep prayer or psychic seeing- I think you'll love the following technique!

  • Try raising the cupped palms over the eyes, third-eye chakra, heart or crown during meditation with the intent of 'seeing' into the heart core itself. Calm the mind as is usual for you in your practice and then focus the inner-seeing on the palms. Allow them to speak on behalf of the heart center and convey the information to your higher senses (clairvoyance, meditative realizations, etc.) in a tangible way. If you don't feel you have psychic abilities- try simply gazing silently and calmly into the cupped palms of your hands with this intention in your mind. See what comes up for you, how you feel, if your body reacts, what memories surface, etc. and allow them to be signs of inner activity in the heart center. You may also choose to consult your heart center for guidance by first connecting, then asking into the palms, then quietly awaiting tangible information to come as thoughts, sensations, psychic visions, etc.

Heart Centered Guidance For Your Unique Life Journey

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With prayers & blessings of peace, love & heart centered joy...


Josh Williams

For more great articles, psychic guidance, personal healing, goal manifesting, vibrational magic and total personal empowerment- visit me online at...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A Meditation To Release & Receive

Sometimes life just gets too wound up, too confusing and too intense!

As issues arise, we get more and more bound up in the intensity and it becomes more and more difficult to find our way out. We know in our heart of hearts that a solution must exist- but we can't escape the pain, confusion, fear, etc. we are in long enough to get the big picture!

I'd like to share an extremely simple yet powerful visualization meditation with you that facilitates recognizing the issue, releasing it to the Divine, opening up to have the problem solved, and gaining total relaxation and freedom from the issue so that you can get clear and get moving again!

The key to this practice is knowing that above all things- there is a Divine intelligence (however you define that is fine) that is capable of solving all problems, loving in infinite ways and blessing without limit. In this process, much like in illness, we will be handing our problem over to the 'Divine Physician' and allowing the issue to be handled by a professional :) Just like when we get hurt or sick, we must surrender to the doctor and do what they say to get better because they have the knowledge to heal that we might not. We don't lose sleep at night over the fact that we may not be able to perform surgery- because we know that there is someone very qualified and expert who can. In the same manner, we must work with that same level of trust for the Divine and hand our issues over so that they can be remedied perfectly.

So, Here is the simple meditation to really make this process effective...

  • Enter meditative space. Set time, quiet and intention to give yourself room to have a sacred experience. Music, candles, incense, special clothing, etc. can all be incorporated to help facilitate a deeper experience- do what works for you!
  • Relax, breathe, tap your inner stillness and calm

  • Begin the practice by simply feeling your body as a whole. Acknowledge the feelings and states of mind you are in and just let them exist
  • Now, try your best to state those issues in your own language. Talk about your fears, loneliness, lack, etc. as though you are trying to clearly state to another person how you feel.
  • Next, state the glories of the Divine- allow yourself to deeply connect to the power of the Divine to heal and guide. This helps dis-empower the negativity, get your faith grounded and get you ready to let go in fullness.

  • Now, simply create a ball of light in your minds eye. Physically cup your hands to hold it. This way, your body, mind, emotions and energy are all involved in the process making it truly holistic and effective.
  • Imagine sending (via images, words, feelings, etc.) all of your problems into the ball. See it glowing brighter and brighter as the waves of your issue literally leave your body and your being and enter the ball.
  • Continue doing this until you feel a sense of release, lightness, joy or warmth. Ensure that as much of your issue as you can work with has been moved into the ball.
  • Now, call forth the Divine and allow the ball to float, sink, disappear, etc. to the Divine realm. It is important to view this as an offering of love- your trust and surrender is what is actually being o0ffered- and that is what actually allows this process to work. Don't think you are giving the Divine toxicity- know that you are offering the Divine your very self.
  • After release, spend a few moments opening up and bathing yourself in love- in any way that you choose to visualize, feel, sense, etc.
  • Before ending the session, ensure you tap your heart center and speak words and feeling of deep gratitude for the healing!

Just like when you send a letter in the mail- once you send it, you let it go and believe it will be received. Similarly, after this exercise, you must force yourself not to dwell on the issue. Know you have sent it to the professionals and they will now handle it for you. If fear, doubt, anxiety, etc. arises- simply dis-empower it by saying out loud or silently inside "This issue has been handed over to an expert- it is no longer a source of worry".

Letting go is hard to do- especially when most of us have been trained to control, micro-manage and force everything in our lives to get what we desire. The truth is, as you will realize in working with this practice and others like it, is that there is nothing wrong with asking for help... especially from the Cosmic who can do all things without breaking a sweat. The ability for us to tap the power and potency of our Divine source is natural and a birth-right. To deny the available guidance, healing and empowerment from the Source is to walk a very difficult path.

Why not embrace the love and blessings that are constantly and infinitely available you- and allow them openly to come forth in fullness?

Asking for help in this mindset is not an act of weakness- it is an offering of love.

With blessings of peace, release & open receiving all the love...


Josh Williams

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Monday, August 17, 2009

Self-Healing With The Breath Of Color

We don't live in a black & white world. Surrounding us at all times is a vast array of colors, each carrying a special vibration of cosmic energy. Just like sound, each color we perceive vibrates at a unique frequency- allowing us to perceive on the physical and spiritual levels what it's about.

If you didn't get a chance to read my article entitled "The Spectrum Of Power", please do so now, it will introduce you to the fundamental and spiritual aspects of color healing and will give you a cletr understanding of how and why color heals so that in this article we can get right to the powerful self-healing techniques! You can check out that article by clicking here!

What Is The Breath Of Color?

Color is a healing force, just like sound, herbal remedies, visualization, etc. It reflects light and life- as each color vibration is a specific and unique manifestation of the Divine primal vibrations respectively. Breath and breathing connect us to air, which is the vehicle of life energy. It just seems appropriate to put the two together! Inhaling color, allowing it's light to absorb into the body via the energy-packed air we draw in.

In Breath of Color practice, we simply use our breathing as a way to consciously open up to and fully absorb the specific color vibration we need to work with.

So, I'm supposed to inhale color? How's that work?

You got it! We're going to be inhaling pure color vibration! Sound a little odd? Good! The I've got your attention :)

Deep inside your brain is a mysterious, powerful and super-tiny little miracle called the pineal gland. Believe it or not- this gland, nowhere near the surface of your body, has rods & cones just like your eyes! It's essentially capable of detecting and perceiving LIGHT! In addition, for thousands of years mystics have understood that the pineal gland is the physical link to the ethereal 'third eye chakra'- that is, the chakra of spiritual sight!

The secret of the pineal gland is that it is not necessarily meant to perceive light from outside the body- but rather from inside! The light we create through visualization and meditation is perceived (whether it is actually created by the firing of neurons and the photons in cerebral spinal fluid is debatable, but not very important in this practice as a while anyway) by the spiritual and physical abilities of both the pineal gland and the third eye center (ajna chakra) and thus we are able to process this event at all.

So, in color breathing...

  • We visualize calling the color in from the outside
  • See and perceive this process from the inside (intuitively, creative visualization, third eye center, etc.), and
  • Work with the breath to engage the body in the process

By this method, we are engaging the spiritual, energetic and physical aspects of the body- plus the logical mind and the emotions to some degree- thus making it a truly holistic practice that can effect many levels of our being!

The practice

Getting started is pretty easy! Here are the steps involved... we'll cover each in turn in the next few sections...

  • Define your goal for doing the practice and define the color you're going to work with
  • Get your meditation & healing space set up
  • run the visualization technique

It's just that simple... and colorful!

Defining your goal and selecting a color

Most situations of color work revolve around physical or emotional healing. I also use it on personal goals like abundance, communication, relationships, etc. for my clients. You'll want to spend some time creating a clear, present, positive and direct statement about what you want to get from the healing session- and state it as though it's already happened. Some examples of this may include: 'I am completely connected to the flow of limitless abundance & prosperity', 'I am happy and healthy', 'My lungs are healthy and receiving limitless blessings in the form of pure air (asthma)', etc. You phrase should be pithy, clear, and easy to say- it should roll off the tongue with and be enjoyable to repeat.

Once you have your goal- you'll want to connect it to an appropriate color. Listing every color is far beyond the scope of this article- but you have a ton of great resources at your fingertips right here online! Try typing 'color healing', 'healing colors', 'healing _____ with color', etc. into and explore! You may want to check a few sites for different suggestions. As always- make sure the color you choose feels right for you! You can also go into prayer or channeling space and ask the dis-ease or imbalance itself, or your higher self, spiritual guide, etc. what color would be best for this situation.

Set up your meditation & healing space

Here are a few tips to make the most out of your session:

  • unplug the phone, turn off your cell phone
  • post a note on the door asking for privacy
  • turn off anything noisy or distracting (computer, a/c, etc.)
  • Have a cup of relaxing herbal tea 30 minutes prior to your session

  • Collect some items from around the house or garden in the color you are going to work with. Assemble them near you. Candles in the color you choose are a great way to add literal color-charged light to your space! (flowers, cloth, candles, pottery, photos, etc.)
  • Dress in your chosen color if you can- or wrap a cloth in your color around the part of your body where the issue resides. For goals, choose a part of the body that symbolized your goal to you (love- heart center, success- hands/feet, abundance- solar plexus, etc.- trust and use your intuition!)
  • Feel free to play meditative music, light incense or burn candles safely during your session
  • Consider taking a cleansing bath before your session to honor the sanctity of the healing space and to rid your field of any energetic debris
  • Consider beginning your session with prayer, invocation, offerings, etc. to help open up the Divine channel

The Self-Healing Breath Of Color Technique

Read through this flow a few times to set it in memory- then step away from the light and vibration of the computer to work it. As always, feel free to change, add, subtract, etc. as you feel to make it your own!

  • Define your goal into a pithy phrase as described earlier. Choose your color.
  • Softly repeat your goal phrase as you prepare your meditation space, take a cleansing bath, etc.
  • Get comfy- sit or lie down. If you lie down, try placing a firm pillow under your knee caps to avoid falling asleep.
  • clear, ground, center... get focused anyway you like. Prayer, affirmations, etc. all help to settle and focus the mind.

  • Now, close your eyes and call forth the color. Make sure and use the color and the goal in the same sentence. i.e. 'I call forth the pure energy of green, healer of the heart, to surround and enlighten me'
  • Imagine your space being literally flooded with vibrant, pulsing color. NO dull, muddy, mixed colors! Go pure and bright!
  • Feel the light on the outside, and also perceive it within. Call it forth as many times as needed in whichever way works. See it pouring into your space through a portal, from an angels hands, from a Divine form, from the stars, from the earth below, etc. Get it in anyway you can!
  • Now, begin methodically and gently breathing. As you breathe in and out- repeat your phrase.
  • On the inhalation, feel the color coming in through the breath into the core of your body. Expand the stomach- don't breathe shallowly with the shoulders.
  • Hold the breath after the inhalation for a moment to feel the energy pulsing (it will get stronger with each breath- feel free to fake it until you make it!(
  • On the exhalation, see the pure, bright, pulsing light in your core expand to saturate every fiber of your being to about 12" away from your body. An alternative method is to push out dark, toxic, muddy junk on the exhale and breathe the color in fully on the inhale.
  • Hold, feel a moment of gratitude for the healing/empowerment that is taking place, repeat!

As with all breath-work exercises: be gentle, take breaks to let your breathing become natural if you feel dizzy, etc. If you have medical issues that may be irritated by deep breathing, talk to your doctor before working this technique.

Once you feel the energy color has 'set'....

  • Run through the full color of the rainbow- taking one breath for each color. This helps balance out the vibrations within and helps avoid getting too heavy in one vibration...
  • Use this pattern: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Indigo, White.
  • Breathe a color in, then breathe it out, then move to the next color until you've run them all. You can spend up to three breath cycles on each color if you choose, but one is perfect!

After the full spectrum practice, gentle let your breath regain normal pace, start feeling your healing and spend some time expressing and FEELING gratitude for it. Slowly bring yourself out of meditation by wriggling toe and fingers, then limbs, then gently opening the eyes.

If you'd like to explore this powerful modality more- and learn the simple and effective techniques to bring this secret method of healing into your life- please click the links below to get two of my favorite books on the subject! Don't let this powerful opportunity to heal, prosper and grow pass you up!

My #1 Color & Vibrational Healing Suggestion: Vibrational Healing Through the Chakras: With Light, Color, Sound, Crystals, and Aromatherapy by Joy Gardner

My #1 Color Healing Specific Suggestion: How to Heal with Color by Ted Andrews

Thank You!

I hope you enjoy your new ownership of this wonderful and effective healing tool! Use it anytime you desire, and apply color healing to your life with intention to tap into cosmic power par excellence!

Wishing you colorful healing, peace & great blessings...


Josh Williams

Connect with me for a live, private session right from the comfort of your own space!

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Friday, August 14, 2009

Turn Gemstone Jewelry Into An Energy Powerhouse!

Most of us have heard of the healing & magical potency of gemstones- but did you know that even small stones set in jewelery you already have can be empowered as talismans or charms of power? You can receive healing energy, abundance, emotional cleansing, empowerment and spiritual connection just by re-connecting with your favorite jewelry on a spiritual level- and I'd like to show you how in this rockin' article!

Diamonds, topaz, amethyst, sapphire, opal... these are just of few of the most commonly set gemstones in modern fine jewelery. It doesn't matter what stone you happen to have- if it's a special piece for you, there's untapped potential!

How Can Gemstones Work For Me?

Gemstones are like little (or sometimes giant!) pieces of frozen primordial energy. Like us, they each vibrate at a unique frequency which connects them to pure, cosmic vibrations that have been since eternality. Think of gemstones as little batteries that never run out of juice- connecting you to universal energy in it's most pure and intense form!

There is a mystic observation that I find to be very true in my practice: when two vibrating forces, in this case you and your stone, are placed in contact- the highest vibration (the stone) will encourage the lower vibration to raise up to it's speed. At the same time, your vibration, which may be a bit lower than that of the gemstone, will be eager to increase it's rate and kick it up a notch!

This means that simply wearing an empowered gemstone can facilitate transformation for you! All you have to do is create that connection with intention!

Step One: Get Some Research Done!

The first thing I suggest you do is find out what the generally accepted blessings of your particular gemstone are. There are countless books on the market that act as little encyclopedias for the magical and spiritual powers of certain gemstones. You can also 'dig up' lots of free info on the web. Try typing "magical properties of ______" or "healing properties of _____" into your search!

Because there are literally thousands of gemstones, it's far beyond the scope of this article to cover them all... but I'd like to share with you interpretations for some of the most popular gemstones used in fine jewelry to give you en example of what huge blessings they carry!

Radiating purity and indestructibility, diamonds symbolize the central sun within us and the perfection of our Higher Selves. Diamonds aid in trust, confidence and purification. Because they flash all colors, they can help us to align with the Universal All. It brings physical strength and also well as helping to bring strength and endurance to the energies of other stones. It relieves nightmares and is also said to help release sexual blockages, helping the wearer to enjoy a brilliant sexual life.

Removing negativity, topaz transforms it to joy and enhances individuality and creativity. It helps the wearer to see the big picture, understanding their own motivation and desires as well as the intents of those around them. Topaz improves the intellect, promotes health and wealth. It instills discipline and gives the wearer the impetus to act on their dreams, thus bringing them into materialization.

Stimulating the throat and third eye chakras, sapphire enhances the intellect and expands psychic ability. It brings peace and calm. A guardian of love, it promotes fidelity between lovers, and can strengthen friendship relationships as well. It can be used in wealth magick and helps the magus to tap and send power. A protective stone, legend has it that sapphire can protect its wearer from capture, as such it is useful in legal matters.

Step Two: Cleanse & Clear

Before you connect with your gemstone in a new, more energy-aware & spiritual way, it's best to give it a good cleaning. This not only honors the power of the stone- but gives it a chance to let go of any old patterns it has picked up from being worn by you. Ideally, this exercise should be performed once a month.

* Clean the jewelry using your favorite polish/cleaner. Get it nice and sparkling!

* Wrap the piece in a soft white cloth or paper. Try to use natural cloth like silk or cotton if possible.

* Place this bundle in some sea salt for 3 days. Avoid letting any salt actually touch your piece as it may discolor or harm some stones and metals. Many sources suggest soaking your piece in salted water- I personally find that this process is too intense for some stones and may even damage them.
* Once you're done, flush or bury the used salt.

* If your piece is more an emotional, spiritual or psychic stone- try letting it soak up the light of a full moon for a few hours. If it is more a logical, physical, personal power or sexual stone, try letting it soak up the rays of the sun for a few hours!

Your stone is now clean and ready to be converted into an energy powerhouse!

Step Three: The Charge & Connection

So, now you have a beautiful stone, understand it's general properties in the spiritual sense and have it all cleaned up. It's time to wake the powers in this stone up and create a bond between you and the stone so that it can 'speak your language'!

Although some sources say that you can charge any stone to do any service- I disagree. I think it best to allow the stone to do what it naturally resonates to doing. I think forcing a stone's energy to act in a way not in accord with it's nature is like trying to force an herb to heal a dis-ease that is just doesn't. If you feel good about the stone- then allow it's positive energies into your life!

* Hold the piece of jewelry between your palms until it warms. During this time, simply allow yourself to focus on the piece and feel it.

* Once you feel the temperature of the piece matches yours- there is a connection.

* Begin meditating on the meanings of the stone, how the stone makes you feel, any psychic wisdom you receive during this time, etc. Here we are trying to connect to the essence of the stone and bring it forth. Think personally- how do the traits of this stone apply to your life? See yourself being blessed and benefited by what the stone carries- this makes a very powerful connection and really gets the stone excited to work for you!

* Feel and visualize that the piece is pulsing and glowing with light. The stone seems to be on fire- shining forth a brilliant light the same color as the stone in your hands. It carries a calm yet powerful energy which calls forth the blessings offers within your mind.

* This is a good time to pray, meditate, speak words, etc. over your piece to really seal the connection.

* Now, take a deep breath and let it slowly out onto the stone. See your breath further firing-up the stone. On your inhale, inhale light in the same color of the stone back into your body.

Congratulations! Your piece is now charged, activated and connected to you- and it can't wait to be worn to deliver all it's blessings and magick into your life!


Don't think lightly of it- what you now hold is powerful!

Take time on full moons, or on the day of the month you were born to spend special time with your stone. Clean, clear, meditate with, empower and thank the stone. This creates a strong relationship of receptivity and gratitude that will super-charge the effects of the piece!

Make sure to store your piece in a nice box, cloth or drawer. It is not a sacred object charged with love and Divine blessings- treat it as such and you'll be the one reaping the rewards!

Additional Ideas

* If your piece has more than one type of gemstone on it- make sure to study each stone individually, then decide with your intuition how they can 'bless well' together

* Think about the part of your body where your jewelry sits... Over your heart? On your ankle? Wrist? Neck? Think of the symbolism of these areas of your body and how wearing the stone there will effect that part of your being more strongly

* Like gemstones, metals also have a spiritual power. Explore the meanings of silver, gold, platinum, etc. by searching online. See how the metal your stone is set in and the stone itself get along together and create new potentials for blessings and empowerment!


Thank you for exploring the world of healing gemstones with me- even thought this was just a taste of their full potential!

I encourage you to turn your everyday jewelry into something more- and fully receive the limitless blessings that are available to us all the time!

Keep it up, and soon every stone you own will be charged- and you'll know just the right one to wear each day based on what you need to bring into your life! Consider it 'spiritual fashion"!

Until next time,

Peace & Blessings In Stone...

Josh Williams

Connect with me for a live, private spiritual guidance & coaching session that opens up the doors to psychic wisdom, energy healing, transformation and magic!

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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Josh's Quick Body, Mind & Spirit Energy Boost Technique

Throughout the day, the subtle energy coursing through our field- that which empowers our physical body, mental power, emotional harmony, connection to the cosmic and soul/ego interactions can become a little dusty.
Bad days, traffic, toxins, pollution, stress, etc. can all lead to a less-than-ideal energetic flow, and we usually feel that a s fatigue, a sensation of heaviness, confusion, apathy, and so on.

I'd like to share with you a simple and fast technique that I use personally all the time- and encourage my retreat clients to use as well. In addition to using this 'as needed', It's a great way to start and end your day. Give it a try and see how well it works for you!

If you aren't sure about what energy is, how energy work benefits you or just want to explore more on the subject,

please click the links below to check out other articles I have written...

Exploring Energy Work with Josh Williams

Josh's Energy Cleaning Cloth Technique

Becoming A Clear Energy Channel

Rite Of Protection From 'Bad Energy'

Quick Energy Boost Technique

  • Remove yourself from your normal surrounding if possible. If you sit in an office all day- go outside. Try to get away from where you normally spend your time- even if its just stepping outside to find a nice shade tree to enjoy for a few minutes. If you can't get away- this exercise still works perfectly, it's just always nice to take a break :)

  • Get comfortable either standing or sitting, give yourself a a few moments to really 'sink in' to where you are and be present. Notice any tension in the body and will it to relax.

  • Take a few nice breaths. Short in, long out.

  • Now, connect either intuitively or through visualization/imagination to the world around you. Imagine or feel it buzzing with the life energy that exists everywhere. Take a few moments to simply 'float' in this powerful blessing and feel it.

  • Once you feel connected, simply breathe in- slow and with the stomach not the chest or shoulders. As you inhale, feel yourself pulling in the dazzling light energy from all around you through every pore of your body.

  • Gold your breath for a few seconds (don't make it uncomfortable- do what feels right for you!) and see the light energy you just absorbed from the cosmos settling into your body and becoming part of your being.

  • On the exhalation, see yourself radiating that same light- as though you have so much energy flowing through you that it literally shines off of you.

  • Repeat this breathing and visualization technique 3-9 times, or until you feel like you;re good to go!

Energy work and personal connection to cosmos can really be that simple! Just knowing, sensing and receiving with openness allows blessings we normally block off by our linear thinking and micro-managing ways to flow in abundance. As you work more and more with this exercise and make it part of your daily routine and part of your stress or illness management toolbox, you'll see the power of conscious energy work come to life in your own journey

Wishing you the very best in health, harmony and joy!

Peace & Blessings,

Josh Williams


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What Are You Worth? Another Abundance Secret Revealed!

In the next few articles I post, I'd like to share with you some profound secrets relating to your abundance and right to prosperity. My goal, as those of you who are served by me professionally know, is to help you achieve realization of 100% of your personal power and ability- this is just another simple way to truly tap into that power and step into the progressive abundance that is your destiny!

Personal Value

It's hard for many of us to ascribe value and worth to ourselves. The way we've been raised teaches us that we're worth whatever 'the people on top' choose to pay us. We are trained employees with no ability to be our own boss- in finances, health, emotions, spiritual power, and many other aspects of life! One of the hardest things I coach my clients through is the process of truly realizing personal value and getting in touch with it on every level.

Knowing personal value is not the same as putting a literal dollar-sign price tag on your soul! Value, like energy, is infinite- and is a symbol for something beyond dollar figures. But teaching infinity doesn't really work with our linear logical minds :) The way that we can approach infinite personal value is to work with acknowledging our talents and being grateful for our abilities to help us unfold into the holistic realization of our total infinite value. Those of us who are actively participating in the abundance path will find this aspect of training both always in our face and the hardest thing we have to reconcile.

Keep in mind as we progress- that the universe, and even more importantly, your own ego, will only ALLOW you to make as much money, friends, health, etc. as you believe you deserve. This is not something that you can 'fake til you make'. It has to be real, sincere and honest.

Personal value has to be defined so that the cosmos around us has an entry point. Do you think that any celebrity out there would settle for even 20% less than what they make now? No way! Why? Because they know their value- and know what they're worth... they won't settle for less. In fact, the big movers in the financial world set their personal value as the bare minimum with expectations to raise the bar all the time!

Knowing your personal value is the first step to true financial and life abundance. If you can't define your value or don't have a good connection to what you and the things you do are worth- there's likely a deep imbalance. The trick to KNOWING your value and constantly increasing it is this...

You must always, always, always be striving 100% to become more valuable- all the time... to the entire universe!

This means accepting joyfully that you are never the master of your craft and there is no time for sabbatical (goodbye, boredom!). The biggest people in the financial world will tell you that they are always reading, studying, learning and experimenting countless new techniques and ideas to make themsevles more valuable. They know the real secret- work done to truly help others blows open the doors to abundance and seriously cuts out all the annoying obstacles. We must keep learning and keep increasing our value by adding to your toolbox so that we have more resources, more talent, more ability and more unique combinations of energy to offer more people. The more we know- the more we're able to serve.

The more we're able to serve, the more we'll attract people who value our service. The more people we attract- the more connections to abundance, joy, energy, healing and bliss we experience! Sweet!

Hitting this secret home and turning it into self value is pretty simple...

As we put energy into becoming more- we realize we ARE more. As our resume of intentional journeys into getting bigger and brighter expands, we have a deep sense of realistic and heart-centered pride in what we have accomplished and start to project that to the world. We know that we work hard, have great talents, understand the tools we work with and are more concerned with being an asset to the world than to filling our bank accounts. These things mix together to create a dynamic state of power that attracts positive, abundant experiences into our lives like a magnet!


Let's look at this in bullet-point style so we really let it sink in...

  • Your innate beliefs of personal value defines your ability to experience abundance in money, love, health, energy, etc.

  • If you are not constantly growing and becoming brighter, your innate sense of self worth will drop like the stocks on a bad day

  • The more resources you have in your toolbox to serve more people in more effective ways- the more magnetic and valuable you become on all levels

  • Serving the world instead of serving yourself disarms fear and connects you to the true limitless stream of abundance

  • When you concern yourself with getting bigger so that others can get bigger by your example- the universe backs you up 100%

  • You can't fake a sense of self worth. It has to be real, realized and internal on all levels. Once it is, you've working with limitless magic!

You are worth receiving limitless love and abundance. Realize that you are an integral, irreplaceable and essential part of the cosmos who was put here because you have the potential to fulfill a duty that NO OTHER BEING CAN. The Divine is not with imperfections... Each of us has a special self that makes our presence needed, valued and supported every second of every day- even when we're at our worst. This simply means that you count, you matter and you deserve! Step up, no, JUMP UP into the cycle of abundance- give, receive, become and pass it forward and you'll experience joy unlimited!

If you'd like more information about these deeper secrets of abundance, please drop me a line. I have been working with a very exclusive system of this caliber for many years from some of the financial world's top leaders. If you are serious about being your own boss AND your own employee, stepping into abundance and really making your personal business and progress dreams come true- I've got the connections :) For many reasons, I will only provide this contact information to those who step up and ask for it.

With all the power, beauty, potential and love that WE ARE!

Peace & Blessings,


Josh Williams

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