Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Psychic Love Connector....PoW!
This simple ritual meditation is designed to connect you to your loved one on a psychic, energetic and spiritual level. If you read the last post about healing- you know that what we think about, we bring about… even if you are just imagining the process- energy is responding and things ARE being done..This is the secret of magic!
This technique is especially powerful for connected partnerships, long distance situations, removing obstacles, helping our partners heal on a deep level and simply exposing our hearts to the one we love.
Before beginning, you may wish to choose a quiet and safe space free of distractions. Candles, music, incense, photos of your loved one or any other items of importance can be brought in to increase the resonance power.
Energy is not limited to time and space, and it is set into motion with the smallest thought. Every step you take begins as a small mental process, and this same process can be applied to creating profound effects in interpersonal relationships.
Try this technique in situations of any sort! Deal with co-workers you are having a problem with, let your boss know how much you feel the raise is due, comfort an ill loved one far away from you, let your best friend know you’re thinking of them!
Begin by relaxing, calming the mind and taking some nice deep breaths. Beginning this session after a full clear, clean and empowered session is a great idea (see the previous blog post).
Get clear about what you want to say or convey to your loved one. What do you need them to understand? What do you need to show them that words can’t say? What do you need to relate that you can’t talk about? It’s also important to think about how you might create these same connections in real time by having a truthful conversation once the energetic conversation has taken place.
Close your eyes, breathe well, make sure you’re nice and relaxed.
Imagine yourself sitting anywhere in the world. The surrounding is just right for you and your loved one- it’s somewhere each of you will find pleasing.
You’re alone, and a chair sits opposite you. From your heart, send an invitation over spiritual waves of energy to your loved one. Invite them to come be with you in spirit so that you can share energy and love.
Visualize your loved one entering the scene. Spend a few moments seeing them, notice how they are dressed, how they smell, their look, demeanor, body language, etc. What you are seeing is true and speaks volumes to the open heart.
Initiate the meditation by reinforcing in your own mind that what you are visualizing is truly manifesting on the spiritual plane- and will trickle down and effect in regular time.
Begin the communion by wrapping your loved one in a great big hug…feel the love and energy pouring off of you onto them, and feel it being returned to you- see the two of you encapsulated in a glowing sphere of divine power, connecting and blessing each of you.
Take your seats or stand- arrange the scene to fit exactly what feels right. You can even walk the beach while you commune.
Start talking to them… from the core of your heart let words, images, feelings and emotions flow from you to them. Don’t just imagine yourself speaking- see the words emanating from your heart as pulses of energy that goes straight into their hearts- this is true spiritual communication at it’s most powerful.
Say and show whatever you need to. Be honest, speak your truth, let it all show- deceit and manipulation has no power in this place- and there is no need for it here.
After you have spoken- you will probably feel a very deep connection and perceive on some level the reality of the spiritual connection being made. This is a good time to let your loved one know any questions, concerns or fears you have. You may get an answer from them immediately- if not, just let them know you’ll keep an open heart and wait for the answer you need to come quickly and clearly in real time.
Spend as much time as you need. Sometimes no words are needed- just images, dreams, aspirations and fears need to come up. Be brutally honest- your loved one’s ego is not engaged here and there is no fear of saying the wrong thing as long as it’s honest and from the heart.
This is a good time to tell them you need a phone call, a sign that you are valued by them, something to let you know you’re on the right path or not. Be willing to receive the truth.
Take as much time as needed.
End the session by entwining in another long energetic embrace. Bless them with all your heart and pray for their well being and for yours. Ask for a divine blessing that will reveal all power and potential- see it showering down upon you both and feeling blissful!
If you are not working with a lover, you can alter this meditation to simply talk to someone, tell them how much you love them, pray with them and receive blessings with them, send them healing light and visualize illness being destroyed, etc. This is only limited by your creativity and willingness to go into this ecstatic headspace.
See your loved one walking off into the manifestation of a goal that you know will be wonderful for them. Do the same for yourself.
You may be feeling very heavy, disconnected from the body and bit light in the head- these are natural symptoms of a light trance state. Slowly start flexing muscles and shaking the hands. Bring your awareness gently and slowly back to your body. Blink your eyes, yawn, cough, and get connected to the here and now. Immediately upon feeling grounded, say a word of thanks for the situation and connect your heart to what has just been done and the reality of the session.
Feel great about the session, know it just happened, feel satisfied and know your message was delivered loud and clear.
As a final note, please use this meditation with great care. Unethical usage of this work will truly cause nothing but harm. Use these types of techniques only when the good of all concerned is held in esteem and never use this work to manipulate someone else. You know what’s right for you- follow the right path and all will be blessed!
Peace & Blessings,
Cutting The Cords
Human beings are designed and meant to be social animals. Because of this, our complex energetic bodies have a very wondrous method of reaching out and connecting to others- even before we consciously do so. Thread-like tentacles move from our energy matrix into the world around us connecting us to others, reading energetic/soul compatibility, sharing energetic feedback and transferring intuitive information. If you’ve ever walked by someone and gotten a ‘bad vibe’, it’s likely that you projected a cord and the chemistry was all wrong.
Cords always make the first impression. Before you ever approach the woman at the bar and introduce yourself, a cord has connected the two of you and the energy is flowing. When long lost friends randomly enter our consciousness- often times its because the cord that has connected us all these years has been triggered, empowered or removed causing a conscious manifestation of its purpose.
There are countless ways in which cords serve us- but what I’d like to focus on here is how we can take control of them and remove negativity from our lives when needed.
Our example:
A husband and wife, married 11 years.
These two have countless cords connecting them all based on the main cord of their relationship. Each interaction, event, etc. creates a new cord. Some are temporary- others that reinforce latent issues within us stay longer because we feed them.
Let’s assume these two have a pretty heated argument. A cord is created that resonates at the vibration of the fight and feeds through the core cord of their actual relationship.
Best course of action: cut the cord! This will help drain negativity and power from the situation, let each person cool down, prevent the situation from going heart deep and open each person to issue-free healing.
Cutting a cord is a way to psychically, ritually and consciously remove the power from a situation that doesn’t serve you. Any time something happens you don’t like- you should follow up shortly after and cut the cord that connects you to that situation.
Cutting cords does NOT prevent you from learning lessons, and it does not cut another person from your life. It simply removes energetic expressions from your matrix that are not serving you.
To cut cords, simply close your eyes, get calm and ask that the cord(s) from any situation be shown to you… allow yourself to see one or many cords coming from your core reaching out to the situation/person/time. Then, by whatever means you life- cut them. Use a kitchen knife, a chainsaw, TNT or even your teeth! When you cut the cord, imagine the cord shrivel and disintegrate due to being cut off… now you have your power back and are not subtly and subconsciously feeding and energizing a situation that doesn’t serve you. Doing this tells your mind to let go, your heart to get bigger and your energetic body to heal and recharge. It also alleviates the possibility of attracting more similar situations since the like-attracts-like law cant effect you since that vibration is no longer within you.
Try cutting cords to migraines, traffic jams, arguments, past hurts, etc.
You can also perform a big cutting anytime by asking that all cords which don’t serve you in a positive and loving way be shown- then cut ‘em up!
You can also perform cord strengthening meditations when there’s a cord you DO want..Like the cord that connects you to your husband who’s on work travel for a while, a long friend you’d like to see again, a time in your life you were really happy, etc. Call up those cords and imagine filling them with loving energy. See the energy surging between you and the goal via the cord in strong waves. Allow the cord to become more prominent in your matrix and feel free to tell it how you’d like things to change- your words will affect the way it processes energy!
I encourage you to begin working with subtle energy. It is the driving force for every aspect of our life experience- and by being in tune with it- we can truly walk a magical path!
Peace & Blessings,
Psychic Self-Attunement Revealed!
I hope this article finds you enjoying the coming spring and potential for great transformation on your unique life journey!
I am often asked in my private practice and in seminars and meditation retreat session "How can I become more psychic/intuitive?"...
This is a great question because it empowers YOU to become your own best guide- what could be better?
Before I get into one simple way to help super-charge your psychic abilities... let's talk a little bit about anatomy; both physical and energetic. There are three main anatomical functions that are engaged in a psychic/intuitive connection: The visual cortex, the third eye center and the heart core.
This is the section of the brain allows visual information to be processed and translated into a language we can interpret internally. All information from the optic nerves of the eyes goes to the visual cortex, which processes the basic visual information - i.e. identifies lines, edges, color and shade. The part of the VC that acts on psychic work relates to visualization. The light of inner-seeing, or having images hit the VC without them entering through the physical eyes is what we're interested here. Think of the psychic influence of the VC as receiving images from the eyes- but also receiving and translating images from 'beyond the eyes'. The sweet spot or subtle point of this center of the brain is tucked right under the bone protrusion (occiput) where the back of your skull meets your spine.
This is a potent spiritual spot located in the center of your forehead. Most people can locate this center exactly by closing their eyes, and running their finger from the top of the nose to the base of the hairline very slowly, a fraction of an inch away from the skin. Don't actually touch the skin, but get really close- the spot that seems to sink or become pressurized as you pass it is the high point of your third eye center.
The 3E processes logical, linear information- both because of the brain thats behind it and because of the energy center (chakra) that it is. This center gives us the ability to clearly define 'this' and 'that' in relation to each other and to logically come to conclusions about things, contemplate potential, break down complex ideas, etc.
The HC is located in the center of your sternum (breat plate), at about the same level as the nipples. You can perform the same finger exercise from above to connect with your HC.
The HC is the center of intuition, psychic plane working, is a spirit-to-matter crucible, and is the seat of the soul in many mystic traditions. The HC allows us to see beyond seeing, hear beyind hearing, etc. and receives cosmic information from the web of life. This is the cruz of powerful spiritual/psychic work although most people tend to work these days with the 3E exclusively.
Now that we have a good foundation of the anatomy (physical and energetic) involved in psychic work- let's move on to the practice of attunement.
The common issues present when we cannot perceive psychic planes or receive intuitive insight, is that the three anatomical structures we discussed earlier are not working together. This happens because we believe that spirit and matter need to be seperate, ignore the subtle and thus turn it off, disbelieve that the cosmic web can connect us to anything we wish to explore, etc. Any type of negating belief about this work acts as cancer on the subtle faculties that support the work happening. Think positive and believe big!
I am not proposing here that simply getting the three anatomical structures on the same boat makes you blown open to psychic bliss- I am saying that this is a crucial step of the process and that in my experience, simply by having people work with this fundamental process they have started to shift naturally to that place where the psychic realm bursts forth for them! Patience and dedication, padowan! ;)
Because we are working with energy-based highways that connect the most powerful action sof the three anatomical structures together- we need to work with that same subtle energy to create a resonance and friendship between them.
2- Begin by getting comfortable, feeling relaxed, and entering a deep state of relaxation.
3- Take some deep breaths and feel the life energy surge into your body with each exhale, and feel yourself shine brighter and brighter with each exhale. Do this until you feel sufficiently charged or until a subtle vibration/buzz sets in across your physical body.
4-Take a few moments to connect with each of the three structures- focus your attention to them, touch them if you wish- really wake them up and let them know they are about to become more!
5- Place your Left hand on your HC, and your Right hand on your 3E (reverse hand positions for natural lefty's). To start the energy flowing- simply try and focus on the palms of BOTH hands at the same time. Imagine that your hands are jumper cables and are creating a brilliant cord of light to connect the HC to the 3E about 1" under the skin to the surface of the skin. Continue until you feel you have created an energetic highway that feels stable, secure and strong.
6- Now place your Left hand on your HC and your Right hand on your VC. Again, run energy, visualizing and feeling that new energetic circuit being created.
7-Next place your Left hand over 3E and Right hand over VC. Begin to run energy and create the connection. This connection will split to go around the shoulders (see diagrom above) to create a psychic 'necklace' that acts to empower and protect the psychic faculties. Please do not run this current directly through the core of the body- go around the neck 1" under the sirface of the skin to the surface of the skin.
8- Now that all circuits have been made (remade, actually), spend a few moments and breahte with them. Try to see all of the circuits in your mind's eye at the same time. As you breathe, feel energy pulsing through the channels you just opened. Connect as deeply to them as you can and affirm within yourself how these new connections will create a more profound psychic potency within you.
9-Once you feel it is time to be done, gently begin coming back to common reality by slowly beginning to move the body, taking deep breaths, gently rocking, and eventually opening the eyes.
10-Spend a few moments in gratitude to yourself and to the Divine ;)
I hope you experienced a wonderful journey and 'psychic upgrade' with this potent practice. If you have any questions or comments- please feel free to contact me at
More self and distant (from me directly) attunement practices will be coming soon, as will more advanced practices on BECOMING!
I look forward to serving you and your unique life journey through the power and blessings of the sacred intuitive arts.
Peace & Blessings,
Powerful Egyptian Cleansing & Blessing White Bath
In addition to identifying what we no longer need, there is a subtle energetic array that can bring us trouble. We horde things, people, ideas... and most potently- vibration. Everything we think, do , say, fear, love, obsess about, become addicted to, etc. sets an energetic form within our subtle body that we have to process. Wouldn't it be great if we could 'clear' all of the gunk in our subtle bodies while at the same time creating sacred space to clear our hearts and minds as well? If this sounds good to you- read on to be right on!
What I am about to teach here is a very simple- but VERY powerful rite based loosely on ancient Kemetic (Egyptian) ritual of purification. Although the ingredients used and the ritual itself is not identical to the orthodox practice- I have found that it serves my clients and myself very well!
What you'll need:
* The bathroom and bathtub all to yourself for about 45 minutes. This means no cell phone! ;)
* A container with 1/2 cup kosher or sea salt mixed well with 1/2 cup baking soda
* A metal or glass bowl- big enough to hold about a gallon of water
* candles, incense, chill music as desired
* a big warm towel to wrap up in after you're done as well as freshly washed clothes to wear after your bath
1. Calm and center yourself before you begin
2. Light any candles or incense you might have chosen, and begin your music
3. Fill the bowl up with warm water, and have the salt/baking soda mix, called 'natron' nearby
4. Once the bowl is full, take a good amount of natron in each hand. As you hold it, imagine charging it with a dazzling white light. Remember that natron is made of minerals- not unlike quartz crystals or other gemstones. What you project through your hands into the natron at this time will resonate off of it in a powerful way.
5. Drop the natron into the water, then...
6. place your palms over the water and meditate/pray/charge over the water that it will bring you soul-deep cleansing- removing any unwanted or toxic thoughts, emotions, addictions, obsessions, items, people, etc. from your path- say what feels right and what you feel you need most. You are welcome to invoke a specific Deity or power during this process into the water as well
7. You now have a very potent spiritual/mental/emotional/physical cleanser. You may choose to add those to a full bath of water, pour cups of it over your body covering every area, etc. Do what feels right, and meditate as it goes down the drain taking all negativity back to the Earth Mother to be enlightened
8. Bathing seems to be the best because it allows us uninterrupted meditation and reflection time. Sitting in a full bath with the charged water added creates a highly spiritualized space for you to work on yourself, pray for guidance/healing/wisdom, simply think on your life, or just 'be' for a time
9. Once you're done, pull the plug and spend a minute or two watching the water spiral down the drain. Get out, dry off while harnessing a deep sense of love and respect for YOU! Love and care for yourself during the drying off phase! Put on some clean clothing and go out ready to receive perfection!
You can also create this water mixture to clean items, places, etc.!
The spiritual power of the charged water is very high- and your dedication to be present with the cleansing and really look at your own journey in reflection; being completely prepared to see and feel what you do and take action on it makes this a rite of cosmic potency!
As always, if you have any questions about this or any other article or teaching- please feel free to contact me at
Em Hotep! May Peace Be Yours!