Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Powerful Egyptian Cleansing & Blessing White Bath

I always say that the Divine cannot move new blessings into the heart when we still have it full of old stuff that no longer serves us. As humans in this modern materialistic world- we love to horde and hold on to things that no longer serve us...what kind of clutter is in your attic? :) We don't often enough provide ourselves the ritual release of major or even minor things to make room for the new- and in many cases in my work I perceive that this is the sole reason things feel they should be happening but are not. Taking time to breathe out the old, inhale the new and simply 'be' with where you are right now is a sacred rite in and of itself that we far too often overlook. In these sacred and silent moments- the things that no longer serve our growth become clear and the strength and wisdom to let them go comes flowing through us.

In addition to identifying what we no longer need, there is a subtle energetic array that can bring us trouble. We horde things, people, ideas... and most potently- vibration. Everything we think, do , say, fear, love, obsess about, become addicted to, etc. sets an energetic form within our subtle body that we have to process. Wouldn't it be great if we could 'clear' all of the gunk in our subtle bodies while at the same time creating sacred space to clear our hearts and minds as well? If this sounds good to you- read on to be right on!

What I am about to teach here is a very simple- but VERY powerful rite based loosely on ancient Kemetic (Egyptian) ritual of purification. Although the ingredients used and the ritual itself is not identical to the orthodox practice- I have found that it serves my clients and myself very well!

What you'll need:

* The bathroom and bathtub all to yourself for about 45 minutes. This means no cell phone! ;)
* A container with 1/2 cup kosher or sea salt mixed well with 1/2 cup baking soda
* A metal or glass bowl- big enough to hold about a gallon of water
* candles, incense, chill music as desired
* a big warm towel to wrap up in after you're done as well as freshly washed clothes to wear after your bath

1. Calm and center yourself before you begin
2. Light any candles or incense you might have chosen, and begin your music
3. Fill the bowl up with warm water, and have the salt/baking soda mix, called 'natron' nearby
4. Once the bowl is full, take a good amount of natron in each hand. As you hold it, imagine charging it with a dazzling white light. Remember that natron is made of minerals- not unlike quartz crystals or other gemstones. What you project through your hands into the natron at this time will resonate off of it in a powerful way.
5. Drop the natron into the water, then...
6. place your palms over the water and meditate/pray/charge over the water that it will bring you soul-deep cleansing- removing any unwanted or toxic thoughts, emotions, addictions, obsessions, items, people, etc. from your path- say what feels right and what you feel you need most. You are welcome to invoke a specific Deity or power during this process into the water as well
7. You now have a very potent spiritual/mental/emotional/physical cleanser. You may choose to add those to a full bath of water, pour cups of it over your body covering every area, etc. Do what feels right, and meditate as it goes down the drain taking all negativity back to the Earth Mother to be enlightened
8. Bathing seems to be the best because it allows us uninterrupted meditation and reflection time. Sitting in a full bath with the charged water added creates a highly spiritualized space for you to work on yourself, pray for guidance/healing/wisdom, simply think on your life, or just 'be' for a time
9. Once you're done, pull the plug and spend a minute or two watching the water spiral down the drain. Get out, dry off while harnessing a deep sense of love and respect for YOU! Love and care for yourself during the drying off phase! Put on some clean clothing and go out ready to receive perfection!

You can also create this water mixture to clean items, places, etc.!

The spiritual power of the charged water is very high- and your dedication to be present with the cleansing and really look at your own journey in reflection; being completely prepared to see and feel what you do and take action on it makes this a rite of cosmic potency!

As always, if you have any questions about this or any other article or teaching- please feel free to contact me at

Em Hotep! May Peace Be Yours!

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