Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Psychic Love Connector....PoW!

So many of us are on the path to true love- finding our life partner and moving into a journey of love, healing and inner peace. I would like to share a technique with you that has helped many of my clients in the past.

This simple ritual meditation is designed to connect you to your loved one on a psychic, energetic and spiritual level. If you read the last post about healing- you know that what we think about, we bring about… even if you are just imagining the process- energy is responding and things ARE being done..This is the secret of magic!

This technique is especially powerful for connected partnerships, long distance situations, removing obstacles, helping our partners heal on a deep level and simply exposing our hearts to the one we love.

Before beginning, you may wish to choose a quiet and safe space free of distractions. Candles, music, incense, photos of your loved one or any other items of importance can be brought in to increase the resonance power.

Energy is not limited to time and space, and it is set into motion with the smallest thought. Every step you take begins as a small mental process, and this same process can be applied to creating profound effects in interpersonal relationships.

Try this technique in situations of any sort! Deal with co-workers you are having a problem with, let your boss know how much you feel the raise is due, comfort an ill loved one far away from you, let your best friend know you’re thinking of them!

Begin by relaxing, calming the mind and taking some nice deep breaths. Beginning this session after a full clear, clean and empowered session is a great idea (see the previous blog post).

Get clear about what you want to say or convey to your loved one. What do you need them to understand? What do you need to show them that words can’t say? What do you need to relate that you can’t talk about? It’s also important to think about how you might create these same connections in real time by having a truthful conversation once the energetic conversation has taken place.

Close your eyes, breathe well, make sure you’re nice and relaxed.

Imagine yourself sitting anywhere in the world. The surrounding is just right for you and your loved one- it’s somewhere each of you will find pleasing.

You’re alone, and a chair sits opposite you. From your heart, send an invitation over spiritual waves of energy to your loved one. Invite them to come be with you in spirit so that you can share energy and love.

Visualize your loved one entering the scene. Spend a few moments seeing them, notice how they are dressed, how they smell, their look, demeanor, body language, etc. What you are seeing is true and speaks volumes to the open heart.

Initiate the meditation by reinforcing in your own mind that what you are visualizing is truly manifesting on the spiritual plane- and will trickle down and effect in regular time.

Begin the communion by wrapping your loved one in a great big hug…feel the love and energy pouring off of you onto them, and feel it being returned to you- see the two of you encapsulated in a glowing sphere of divine power, connecting and blessing each of you.

Take your seats or stand- arrange the scene to fit exactly what feels right. You can even walk the beach while you commune.

Start talking to them… from the core of your heart let words, images, feelings and emotions flow from you to them. Don’t just imagine yourself speaking- see the words emanating from your heart as pulses of energy that goes straight into their hearts- this is true spiritual communication at it’s most powerful.

Say and show whatever you need to. Be honest, speak your truth, let it all show- deceit and manipulation has no power in this place- and there is no need for it here.

After you have spoken- you will probably feel a very deep connection and perceive on some level the reality of the spiritual connection being made. This is a good time to let your loved one know any questions, concerns or fears you have. You may get an answer from them immediately- if not, just let them know you’ll keep an open heart and wait for the answer you need to come quickly and clearly in real time.

Spend as much time as you need. Sometimes no words are needed- just images, dreams, aspirations and fears need to come up. Be brutally honest- your loved one’s ego is not engaged here and there is no fear of saying the wrong thing as long as it’s honest and from the heart.

This is a good time to tell them you need a phone call, a sign that you are valued by them, something to let you know you’re on the right path or not. Be willing to receive the truth.

Take as much time as needed.

End the session by entwining in another long energetic embrace. Bless them with all your heart and pray for their well being and for yours. Ask for a divine blessing that will reveal all power and potential- see it showering down upon you both and feeling blissful!

If you are not working with a lover, you can alter this meditation to simply talk to someone, tell them how much you love them, pray with them and receive blessings with them, send them healing light and visualize illness being destroyed, etc. This is only limited by your creativity and willingness to go into this ecstatic headspace.

See your loved one walking off into the manifestation of a goal that you know will be wonderful for them. Do the same for yourself.

You may be feeling very heavy, disconnected from the body and bit light in the head- these are natural symptoms of a light trance state. Slowly start flexing muscles and shaking the hands. Bring your awareness gently and slowly back to your body. Blink your eyes, yawn, cough, and get connected to the here and now. Immediately upon feeling grounded, say a word of thanks for the situation and connect your heart to what has just been done and the reality of the session.

Feel great about the session, know it just happened, feel satisfied and know your message was delivered loud and clear.

As a final note, please use this meditation with great care. Unethical usage of this work will truly cause nothing but harm. Use these types of techniques only when the good of all concerned is held in esteem and never use this work to manipulate someone else. You know what’s right for you- follow the right path and all will be blessed!

Peace & Blessings,


Psychic Love Reading at KEEN

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