Friday, May 1, 2009

Powerful Rite Of Protection From 'Bad Energy'

I am often asked “how do I protect myself from bad energy?”.
The process I teach to make this happen is not only simple- it is highly

‘Bad energy’ comes into our systems through the chakras-
energy centers in the body that ‘inhale and exhale’ life energy. Although most
of us think of chakras as a purely Indian concept- they are actually expressed
in mystic cultures all over the globe! When toxic vibes enter our energy field
via the chakras or by attaching to our aura, they begin blocking off our
connection to the pure forms of energy, creating energetic chaos in our systems
and troubles in body, mind and emotions. Staying properly protected
energetically is of utmost importance and I highly recommend everyone take this
practice into their normal meditation routine; especially those of us who are
psychic readers, healers or natural empaths.

If you are not familiar with the chakra system, it might
help to do some basic research online to get a strong understanding of why my
method works, or you can just go with it!

As in all spiritual work, it is important to begin by
creating a safe, calm and undisturbed space where you can be in sanctuary from
about 30 minutes.

I suggest this practice be performed monthly at the new
moon, as this is a time when we can ‘begin again’, more easily rid ourselves of
old energetic patterns that don’t serve us and seal up protective work.

We will be working with the seven common chakras, 4
extension chakras and auric field in this practice.

Step One:

Get comfy. Either sit, stand or lay down in a way that is
comfortable for your body and will be without disturbances (this includes cell
phones!) for about 30 minutes. You may want to take a purifying bath, use
cleansing incense, light a special candle or play sacred music as well during
this time. Do what works for you to create an atmosphere of healing and

Step Two:

Do some gentle deep breathing to charge your system and get
in touch with your body. Allow your breath to gently return to its normal pace
after a few deep, focused breaths.

Step Three:

Starting at the root/base chakra (use the chart below as a
cheat sheet!), visualize bands of appropriate color wrapping around your body
in line with the chakra. The energy will wrap around you like a belt about 4”
thick at the level of each respective chakra center. Slowly work your way up
from the base. As you charge these bands of light, you may wish to recite a
protective prayer, phrase or statement to further charge it and connect it to
your subconscious mind. A list follows the cheat sheet to help you get some
ideas about what each chakra can do to help you. Include these key powers in
what you say and visualize. When you reach the crown chakra- you will want to
wrap it two ways- first, around the crown of your head like a sock hat covering
the entire crown of your skull. Second, make a band going down the front of
your body up the back- running parallel to the chakra points.

Step Four:

Now, in the same manner as the chakras, create these
energetic ‘belts’ around each hand and foot. It is best to move clockwise- right
foot, right hand, left hand, left foot. Again, symbolism of each extension
chakra follows the cheat sheet.

Step Five:

To close, create a shell of gold around your entire body,
about 6” from the skin. This protects the aura and also empowers it. Scan the
shell from bottom to top and really make sure you have no holes or spaces in
it- make it solid, smooth, illuminated and strong!

Step Six:

Spend some time connecting to your new protective field.
Anytime you feel you need it, simply remember it is there and in place. As you
work this practice each month, you will begin to intuitively discover which
chakras’ bands get torn down more and will be able to investigate why. Gently
bring yourself back into your physical awareness, stretch well… go out and live
your life protected, blessed and empowered!

Root Chakra: Red, Life, physical body

Sacral Chakra: Orange, Sexuality, Creativity

Solar Plexus Chakra: Yellow, Personal power, will, our unique
journey, our paths

Heart Chakra: Green, emotions, love, empathy, intuition

Throat Chakra: Blue, true, words, manifestation

Third Eye Chakra: Indigo, thoughts, beliefs, mind, desires

Crown Chakra: Purple, our connection to Divinity and true
self, our spiritual path, ‘one-ness’

Hands: Gold, action, work, money

Feet: Gold, movement, travel, experience, karma

Peace & Great Blessings!

Josh Williams

All Material © Josh Williams 2009

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