Thursday, May 14, 2009

Free Energy Attunmenet & Healing For The Week Of 05/14/09~05/20/09 (#3)

IMPORTANT!: For those new to using this service....
Please read PURPLE TEXT first to learn how to work
with distance attunements from Josh!

Every Thursday Josh channels and empowers a healing symbol for the week. This symbol is ONLY active for one week!
The symbol, by meditating on it and imagining it 'popping' off the screen and entering into a light aura around your body, attunes, heals or empowers you to a specific cosmic blessing. A description of each week's channel will be presented with the symbol so you can decide if it's right for you.
Just looking at the symbol will not attune you!
You must calm, center, and imagine the symbol in it's shown color made of dazzling light coming from the screen into your energy field.
Please do not imagine it entering into your physical body!!!
Just visualize a glowing light space 3"-4"around your body and see the symbol being absorbed by this light field.
This way if this is an attunement not in accord with your system, it can be rejected without any problem!

Josh personally energizes the symbol with this weeks channeled global need, creates a cosmic filter, links it with consensus consciousness and places it under a protective rite so that anyone who calls out by meditating on the symbol will receive a pure, untampered 'download' of the original energy matrix from the main working. Josh performs his attunements in a very unique and powerful way... They are extremely gentle while still being highly powerful and effective!

This weeks symbol:

open from posting on 05/014/09 until 11:00pm PST/USA 05/20/09


This weeks attunement focuses on general health and healing specifically for women and women's health issues. A general cleansing and healing 'tonic' attunement to being new energy into the subtle body systems and help align and balance.

Channeled message for symbol:

For one among the many if the bearer of children, the healer of hearts, the channel of Divine love in the created world and the silent strength. At this time we shower our blessings and guidance onto those walking the woman's path- exploring a deep connection to spirit coupled with cleansing and emotion of a spiritual nature. Now is a time when the women on the path need some extra energy and love- and as this season warms they will channel something beautiful into the world as a connected conscious stream.
Challenges come now, but are released and rectified simply by the acceptance and pride in who you are in this life and in the power, blessings and sanctity of having been given the woman's path.

The symbol:

I would like to take this opportunity to thank and bless the powerful women who have touched us all. Although we are all more than our phsycial bodies- walking the women's path and being a soul in a women's body is both a special challenge and a special blessings unparallelled. My prayers today are dedicated to all those on the blessed women's path.
I am not sure why this attunment manifested today- Maybe something to do with Mother's day being last week? In any case- a beautiful channel and attunment with some absolutely wonderful energy to have worked with. Enjoy!

Peace & Blessings,
Josh Williams

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