Friday, May 22, 2009

۩ The Power Of Prayer ۩

Prayer is an intense act.

It is saturated with feelings of religious pride, bearing one's soul, connecting the the Divine and cosmic power. I am a big believer in the power of prayer- and I would like to share some ideas with you of a non-sectarian nature to help empower, inspire and elevate your personal prayer practices. I realize that my personal beliefs may not be the same as yours- so I ask you to read this article openly, and extract what works for you while leaving the rest. I will be presenting this article by approaching key points of prayer and then presenting empowering wisdom about those points for your consideration. What follows is a somewhat watered down version of what I teach my clients in a professional setting- watered down because some things are better said than typed :)

۞ Know Your Audience

I think that a majority of people pray in some way. There are certainly conscious and unconscious prayers that happen with us at any given time. Part of making prayer more effective and empowering is knowing who we are praying to. I often work with people who simply 'pray to God', but have no intimate, loving relationship with that God. The lack of this intense emotional prowess tends make prayers ego-based instead of soul-based. The first step to getting on track to seriously magical prayer work is to create a solid, emotional, present and tangible relationship with the Divine. Whether you work with sacred writings, sacred iconography, meditations, etc. the goal is the same- we must love and yearn for Divine interaction more than we do anything else on your lives. This is a mystical truth taught by Rumi, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Inayat Vilayat Khan and many other saints of the heart.
It can be common for us to project our own ego onto the Divine. We ascribe functionality to the Source solely because we have issue with that functionality. We may feel weak and thus God is a warrior. We may feel impoverished and thus God is the all-wealthy. These things are true- but there is a fine line between letting God be God and us being completely lazy. Armchair prayer is not effective. Prayer is a precursor to action! So, if we are broke- we don't pray to the God of riches, because that's just our ego trying to tap into something we believe we don't have. Instead, we pray to the God of mercy who lifts up those who are not living their full potential and helps them find their abundance, strength, and tap the limiteless blessings flowing forth. Feel the difference?

۞ Time & Space

There are two types of personal prayer. Formal and informal. Formal prayer consists of a more ritualized setting where some type of purification rite may take place, a special garment may be worn, a special space/altar/shrine may be used, etc. Informal prayer is that spontaneous surrender and dependence on the Divine that comes forth at anytime- in traffic, before a quick meal, under the breath in a meeting, etc.
Informal prayer is a wonderful thing- and I think it's importance cannot be stressed enough. Allowing the Divine into your paradigm consciously as much as possible is a cosmic medicine par excellence. I think informal prayer is the most commonly celebrated among modern day seekers, so I want to present a little something about formal prayer to help even the work.

Formal prayer should involve three steps: 1) Setting the intention to pray with words, actions, rituals, etc. 2) Entering a specified sprayer space at a specified time and 3) opening up as much as possible- both to receive fully and offer fully.
Let's explore each of these points in turn:

1) Taking a purifying bath, wearing a prayer cloth, smudging, grounding, etc. are all great ways to enter a ritual prayer space.

2) Ritual prayer is best when performed in the same space at the same time daily. This allows the etheric field to be charged thus deepening your prayer power each time. Praying at the same hour each day also attracts positive spiritual vibrations and ascended souls to support you in your work.

3) We block blessings. I know this sounds crazy- but its true. We try so hard to micro-manage our lives and be the 'do-er', that often times I see clients with loads of Divine guidance sitting on their heads waiting to be welcomed in.

Coming to your prayer work from a place of total acceptance, surrender and openness is the key to true magic in prayer. This takes time to work on- but having the intention that you want to experience total release helps create it.

۞ A Flame Cannot Burn Itself

When we pray, the Most High who we approach is simultaneously the listener and the empowered of speech. The thoughts, words, vibrations, etc. we use to communicate in prayer are supported and powered by the same Divine we speak to. Because of this, our prayer can be simple- it's not the words that matter but the connection we make. The Divine already knows what we need- and it is in our opening up to receive that the blessings come... not in making demands or petitions.

۞ What You Want And What You Get

When engaging in prayer work- surrender is the key as we have discussed. This means that although you may want a certain situation to happen a certain way- it might not. You see your life from one finite, liner and often ego-based perspective. The Divine sees it all- the source, the transformation, the reactions, the effect. Keep your heart and mind open and let the Divine be the Divine. We don't spend our lives worrying about the fact that we are not mechanics- because we know that if our vehicle breaks down, there is someone who can handle that expertly. Similarly, we cannot worry about some of the nuances in our lives because there is the Divine who is expert at handling them. If we can take action- we must. If we are lost, we must surrender and allow eagerly the Divine to give and do what it is best at giving and doing.

۞ Allow The Light

Many of us struggle with presenting certain things to the Divine. Personally, I struggled for a long time with praying about money or health- because I felt I should only be praying for Divine things and nothing mundane. Then I woke up. Life is life- the Divine knows how things roll here in the material manifestation. Hide nothing. Allow the light of the Divine to shine onto every corner of your heart and being and expose it all. After all, what can you hide that the Supreme cannot seek and find?

۞ Hang

After prayer work- spend some time basking in the love. When you re-renter your life, write what you prayed about off for a time. You sent the letter- don't stress out about it now- it's on it's way and the action will come. Avoid getting caught in the feeling of 'free falling' after prayer- where you know something is going to happen but fear what it might be. Fear attracts fear- misery loves company! Instead, have faith that you outsourced your issue to the One who can truly solve ALL issues in the BEST WAY POSSIBLE... better even than you can imagine. I know that's the scary part- we have problems and want them solved our way.. but that's like eating chocolate flavored candy over eating real chocolate. Incomparable!

Believe in your prayer work. Be dedicated. Be totally accountable for your path and seek guidance that allows YOU to do the footwork. Asking the Divine to do everything for you is pointless- since not doing and experiencing negates the point of being alive. That may be the only true offense to the Divine.

۞ Bless It Forward

Now that you have connected to your own blessings, move it forward. You have experienced what poverty, illness, sadness, abandonment, addiction, etc. etc. feel like so now you know how bad it is to be trapped in that space. Empower yourself to receive more and exponentially increase your love reserves by paying attention to those who experience the same issues you are praying for and bless them! Include the whole universe in part of your prayer work and thus receive a universal magnitude of blessings!

I hope this exploration of prayer will help give you the confidence, trust and guidance to really connect deeply to prayer work. I encourage you to give it a try and experience a dive into the ocean of love for yourself!

Peace & Blessings,

Josh Williams

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