Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Entering The Cycle Of Blessings Power : Plug In To Unlimited Potential!


I'd like to give you access through this article a secret. A BIG secret. The secret of how you can jump in to that never-ending cycle of being blessed with health, abundance, progress, love, joy and spiritual connection!

I'm going to lay this out very simply so you can get out there and get connected as soon as possible!

What Are Blessings, Seriously?

Blessings are, by my definition, the process of bathing another being in the light of wanting more for them than you want even for yourself. Blessing is the act of channeling a stream of pure unconditional love to another being for the empowerment of their life and their journey.
But blessings, like all things on the advanced spiritual plane, operate within a structure of reaction and spiritual laws.

The Modus Operandi Of Blessings

Blessings, like karma, operate on a cycle based upon action and reaction. In a nutshell- you can only receive what you've given away!

In order to tap into the power of blessings, you first need to start being the source of them!

When you want a cherry red corvette with all the toppings- your #1 job is to bless the people who already have them. How hard is that! If I were encouraging you to be jealous, and maybe even a little angry- THAT would be easy, right? Well yeah- if you don't want to get bigger- keep spinning your wheels. But if you do- it's time to upgrade your spiritual ride from stock to custom!

Think of this in terms of the sacred cookie jar (at least in my house it is haha!). The cookies that are in there now need to be eaten before there's room to put the fresh baked ones in. You have to give to create space for receiving. That's the big secret!

Blessing those who have what you desire connects you to the abundance flow that turns you into a MAGNET to get the same thing!

Flipside warning: Attaching yourself to stuff you don't want (anger, loss, poverty, loneliness, etc.) pretty much sign you up for that trip!


How To Bless With Power

Blessings are natural to us all. We have hope and wish innate within the depths of our beings. There are countless ways to express this- silently within, ritually external, etc. You've got to find what works best for your own unique spiritual language. Here are some ideas:

  • Pray, focusing on giving thanks on behalf of the person who has what you want

  • Imagine a beacon of light extending from your heart to them- expressing pride, joy and fulfillment that their work has paid off or at the blessings they have received from the Divine

  • Verbalize your blessing by truly saying "I am so proud of you", "I hope you have a wonderful time", "You deserve this!", "How can I help you celebrate this success more?", etc.

Let go of the whole luck and free-ride thing. It's not in accord with cosmic laws. If someone has something- they earned it, and that's all there is to it. The person who wants for nothing and has everything delivered to them on a silver plate paid for that somehow- and just because you can't see or perceive how, doesn't mean it's not so.

 Let go of ANY AND ALL negativity that surrounds your ability to celebrate your neighbors success as your own- because it's a lie!

When others have and you have not- give yourself permission to increase your connection to being a 'have' by participating in having! Help wash the new car, help the new bride get ready for her wedding since you aren't busy with a love life of your own right now, offer to help the girlfriend with the sweet new job pick out some great business outfits, etc. Not only are you swimming in the love of pure cosmic consciousness when you do this- on the subtle level you are initiating yourself into the flow of blessings!
Soon, you'll have your own sweet ride to wash, your own weeding to plan and your own success to enjoy. Seriously!

In the meantime, by the way, you are humbling your heart, connecting to the Divine in a pure way and learning to see for yourself how we are all connected. That's training luck can never bring you!

Gratitude Is The Stamp On The Envelope

Meister Eckhart said "If the only prayer you ever say in your whole life is "thank you," that would suffice."

How simple yet powerful is that ideal?

Saying thank you for what you have, what you don't have and especially for all the blessings you get that you don't even know about is the summum bonum of magic in action.

Saying thank you, as can be demonstrated in all parts of life- leaves you open to receive more of what you're thankful for, that's for sure. But when it comes to what you don't have- gratitude on the spiritual plane simply makes way for what you want to manifest. Don't thank the Divine for NOT giving you the fat diamond you want- thank the Divine for the opportunity to walk the path towards it and learn.

When you seal the deal with gratitude- it's like putting a first-class stamp on your prayer and blessing work- and it gets where its going with delivery confirmation every time!

Now What?

Finish reading this article. Then head out for a walk. Take the dog if you have one in your care- or even the kids!

Think as you walk (building and moving energy) about everyone you hold jealousy for. Release the negative emotions with each step and replace them with blessings and love. Jealousy is a lie and only trains you to believe that because they have it- you can't. There's more than enough for all of us IF we believe and support that happening by DECIDING that we want all of us to have it all. A nice walk in the open air is proof that we're all taken care of equally- everyone gets to inhale and exhale without regard of who they are. This is the way of the Divine and the way of cosmic unconditional love!
Go have some!


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With Blessings Of Peace, Joy, Abundance & Progress...

Josh Williams

For more advanced spiritual wisdom, mystic techniques and total empowerment, visit me online at:

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