Friday, July 3, 2009

♥ A Deeper Look At The Energy Of Relationships ♥ +Spiritual Tips To Creating Success!

Relationships are intense!

When we open our hearts and desires to another person we become extremely vulnerable and a little anxious about how safe and secure we are. Relationships put us into a natural head-space of either complete surrender or total defense- depending on our past.
There is so much happening on the spiritual and energetic levels when we walk the path of relationships, and I think that understanding some of these subtle dynamics can help ensure things go forward in light instead of spinning wheels in the mud.

Let's explore one aspect of most relationships I call 'collision'. This is the moment of energetic contact that begins the intensity of the relationship. As the next few weeks pass, I will offer you explorations of other aspects of relationships including communication, dealing with past wounds, using your partner as a mirror for self-healing, identifying toxic relationships, and more. Enjoy!

Right Identification

Think of yourself as an entire universe all your own. You have a center, expressions of energy, laws, expectations and goals. You have your own history- and if someone were to watch it as a 2-hour feature film it would rock them to their knees. You've had relationships in the past, been hurt, felt unconditional love, created with others, destroyed with others. Centered with others. You have explored your connection to other people via emotions, thoughts, sexuality, dreams and that's just the beginning. You are your own universe with nuances that could never be fully understood or lived by anyone but you.

This probably all feels very right to you- since this is really just a summary of human life for us all. The key to coming from right identification in a relationship is less acknowledging these facts in yourself- but keeping in mind they exists in your partner.


Right Connection

So, now that we understand the intensity to which we are such unique people with paradigms that really are all our own, let's look at the other side of the coin. As much as we are unique and with individual paradigm in all things, we are also all connected. On the mundane level- we all share the same air, which spiritually speaking connects us all on a big level.

On a deeper spiritual level, we all have the same Divine parents, come into the world in much the same way, share the same land, same physical laws, same cosmic laws, same ultimate soul goal and more. Because we all know what fear, pain, hurt, joy, peace and love are- we fundamentally understand what everyone else goes through in life when we remember to tap our higher state of compassion.

The Big Bang

Two separate universes with similar flows, but unique experiences and paradigm. Two personalities. Two individual souls. To sets of unique expectations, fears, dreams, histories...

All of these things carry an energetic vibration- they have spiritual form and substance.

Now, it may seem that there is more working against a relationship with another person than anyone wants to deal with, and some people do give up on love entirely. But on some level we have cosmic knowing and tend to attract those who hold a potential for us to connect to or the key to our own healing which we will explore next week.


When two people connect in a deep way- it is seriously (on the psychic level) just like two universes colliding. Sometimes instant, sometimes drawn out of time- these two unique people begin merging and melding their own vibrations (manifestations of past, desires, fears, etc.) into one another. As they do this, some level will repel like water and oil while others will mix gently like water and salt.

The image above of the couple illustrates this point well- each person comes to one another with a unique set of vibrations. As they approach (this is not approach on the physical 'handshaking' level- it's a soul-level approach that happens instantly or slowly over time) their vibrations have to navigate one another and space has to be found for them to get along.

When tension, bad communication, exacerbated fears, anxiety, feeling emotion with something missing, etc. are experienced on the mundane level in a relationship- there is most definitely a disagreement on the vibrational plane.

Luckily, if these disagreements between vibrations can usually be smoothed out and helped along by an advanced, expert energy work practitioner.

The Big Picture Of Relationships

I realize that this was slightly technical and may have been a little scattered for those not familiar with vibrational reality. To sum up and try to clarify this often elusive topic...

There is more to relationships to personality clashes and fundamental disagreements on where things should be and should go.

Underneath it all- the souls are having a spiritual experience of relations that effect the success of the relationship more than anything else (this explains those situations where we are deeply attracted to a person even though they don't fit our material/mundane expectations).

Honoring the fact that a deeper language is being spoken, deeper exchanges are taking place and intense initiations into one anothers universe are always going on- we can honor the subtle workings of our relationships and tune-in to the psychic plane for greater healing and insight for their success.


Solving The Problems

As I mentioned earlier, a great energy work practitioner can help identify the level of toxicity or potential in a relationship. They can help smooth out some of the water-to-oil situations and create a deeper level of harmony that will resonate on the every-day level. As an expert in energy work and energy reconnection for relationships- I have seen this work do amazing things and encourage you to seek it and receive it if you feel you need it.

One of the greatest issues in relationships has to do with disconnection, loss, not feeling you are being heard and just bad communication.

The following article by Josh Williams will help you connect on the energetic level and reconnect in a way that is based on the energetic and spiritual platforms for true relationship success. CLICK HERE to read!

With Prayers of unconditional love and progress for you and your greatest self...

Peace & Blessings,

Josh Williams

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