Monday, August 17, 2009

Self-Healing With The Breath Of Color

We don't live in a black & white world. Surrounding us at all times is a vast array of colors, each carrying a special vibration of cosmic energy. Just like sound, each color we perceive vibrates at a unique frequency- allowing us to perceive on the physical and spiritual levels what it's about.

If you didn't get a chance to read my article entitled "The Spectrum Of Power", please do so now, it will introduce you to the fundamental and spiritual aspects of color healing and will give you a cletr understanding of how and why color heals so that in this article we can get right to the powerful self-healing techniques! You can check out that article by clicking here!

What Is The Breath Of Color?

Color is a healing force, just like sound, herbal remedies, visualization, etc. It reflects light and life- as each color vibration is a specific and unique manifestation of the Divine primal vibrations respectively. Breath and breathing connect us to air, which is the vehicle of life energy. It just seems appropriate to put the two together! Inhaling color, allowing it's light to absorb into the body via the energy-packed air we draw in.

In Breath of Color practice, we simply use our breathing as a way to consciously open up to and fully absorb the specific color vibration we need to work with.

So, I'm supposed to inhale color? How's that work?

You got it! We're going to be inhaling pure color vibration! Sound a little odd? Good! The I've got your attention :)

Deep inside your brain is a mysterious, powerful and super-tiny little miracle called the pineal gland. Believe it or not- this gland, nowhere near the surface of your body, has rods & cones just like your eyes! It's essentially capable of detecting and perceiving LIGHT! In addition, for thousands of years mystics have understood that the pineal gland is the physical link to the ethereal 'third eye chakra'- that is, the chakra of spiritual sight!

The secret of the pineal gland is that it is not necessarily meant to perceive light from outside the body- but rather from inside! The light we create through visualization and meditation is perceived (whether it is actually created by the firing of neurons and the photons in cerebral spinal fluid is debatable, but not very important in this practice as a while anyway) by the spiritual and physical abilities of both the pineal gland and the third eye center (ajna chakra) and thus we are able to process this event at all.

So, in color breathing...

  • We visualize calling the color in from the outside
  • See and perceive this process from the inside (intuitively, creative visualization, third eye center, etc.), and
  • Work with the breath to engage the body in the process

By this method, we are engaging the spiritual, energetic and physical aspects of the body- plus the logical mind and the emotions to some degree- thus making it a truly holistic practice that can effect many levels of our being!

The practice

Getting started is pretty easy! Here are the steps involved... we'll cover each in turn in the next few sections...

  • Define your goal for doing the practice and define the color you're going to work with
  • Get your meditation & healing space set up
  • run the visualization technique

It's just that simple... and colorful!

Defining your goal and selecting a color

Most situations of color work revolve around physical or emotional healing. I also use it on personal goals like abundance, communication, relationships, etc. for my clients. You'll want to spend some time creating a clear, present, positive and direct statement about what you want to get from the healing session- and state it as though it's already happened. Some examples of this may include: 'I am completely connected to the flow of limitless abundance & prosperity', 'I am happy and healthy', 'My lungs are healthy and receiving limitless blessings in the form of pure air (asthma)', etc. You phrase should be pithy, clear, and easy to say- it should roll off the tongue with and be enjoyable to repeat.

Once you have your goal- you'll want to connect it to an appropriate color. Listing every color is far beyond the scope of this article- but you have a ton of great resources at your fingertips right here online! Try typing 'color healing', 'healing colors', 'healing _____ with color', etc. into and explore! You may want to check a few sites for different suggestions. As always- make sure the color you choose feels right for you! You can also go into prayer or channeling space and ask the dis-ease or imbalance itself, or your higher self, spiritual guide, etc. what color would be best for this situation.

Set up your meditation & healing space

Here are a few tips to make the most out of your session:

  • unplug the phone, turn off your cell phone
  • post a note on the door asking for privacy
  • turn off anything noisy or distracting (computer, a/c, etc.)
  • Have a cup of relaxing herbal tea 30 minutes prior to your session

  • Collect some items from around the house or garden in the color you are going to work with. Assemble them near you. Candles in the color you choose are a great way to add literal color-charged light to your space! (flowers, cloth, candles, pottery, photos, etc.)
  • Dress in your chosen color if you can- or wrap a cloth in your color around the part of your body where the issue resides. For goals, choose a part of the body that symbolized your goal to you (love- heart center, success- hands/feet, abundance- solar plexus, etc.- trust and use your intuition!)
  • Feel free to play meditative music, light incense or burn candles safely during your session
  • Consider taking a cleansing bath before your session to honor the sanctity of the healing space and to rid your field of any energetic debris
  • Consider beginning your session with prayer, invocation, offerings, etc. to help open up the Divine channel

The Self-Healing Breath Of Color Technique

Read through this flow a few times to set it in memory- then step away from the light and vibration of the computer to work it. As always, feel free to change, add, subtract, etc. as you feel to make it your own!

  • Define your goal into a pithy phrase as described earlier. Choose your color.
  • Softly repeat your goal phrase as you prepare your meditation space, take a cleansing bath, etc.
  • Get comfy- sit or lie down. If you lie down, try placing a firm pillow under your knee caps to avoid falling asleep.
  • clear, ground, center... get focused anyway you like. Prayer, affirmations, etc. all help to settle and focus the mind.

  • Now, close your eyes and call forth the color. Make sure and use the color and the goal in the same sentence. i.e. 'I call forth the pure energy of green, healer of the heart, to surround and enlighten me'
  • Imagine your space being literally flooded with vibrant, pulsing color. NO dull, muddy, mixed colors! Go pure and bright!
  • Feel the light on the outside, and also perceive it within. Call it forth as many times as needed in whichever way works. See it pouring into your space through a portal, from an angels hands, from a Divine form, from the stars, from the earth below, etc. Get it in anyway you can!
  • Now, begin methodically and gently breathing. As you breathe in and out- repeat your phrase.
  • On the inhalation, feel the color coming in through the breath into the core of your body. Expand the stomach- don't breathe shallowly with the shoulders.
  • Hold the breath after the inhalation for a moment to feel the energy pulsing (it will get stronger with each breath- feel free to fake it until you make it!(
  • On the exhalation, see the pure, bright, pulsing light in your core expand to saturate every fiber of your being to about 12" away from your body. An alternative method is to push out dark, toxic, muddy junk on the exhale and breathe the color in fully on the inhale.
  • Hold, feel a moment of gratitude for the healing/empowerment that is taking place, repeat!

As with all breath-work exercises: be gentle, take breaks to let your breathing become natural if you feel dizzy, etc. If you have medical issues that may be irritated by deep breathing, talk to your doctor before working this technique.

Once you feel the energy color has 'set'....

  • Run through the full color of the rainbow- taking one breath for each color. This helps balance out the vibrations within and helps avoid getting too heavy in one vibration...
  • Use this pattern: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Indigo, White.
  • Breathe a color in, then breathe it out, then move to the next color until you've run them all. You can spend up to three breath cycles on each color if you choose, but one is perfect!

After the full spectrum practice, gentle let your breath regain normal pace, start feeling your healing and spend some time expressing and FEELING gratitude for it. Slowly bring yourself out of meditation by wriggling toe and fingers, then limbs, then gently opening the eyes.

If you'd like to explore this powerful modality more- and learn the simple and effective techniques to bring this secret method of healing into your life- please click the links below to get two of my favorite books on the subject! Don't let this powerful opportunity to heal, prosper and grow pass you up!

My #1 Color & Vibrational Healing Suggestion: Vibrational Healing Through the Chakras: With Light, Color, Sound, Crystals, and Aromatherapy by Joy Gardner

My #1 Color Healing Specific Suggestion: How to Heal with Color by Ted Andrews

Thank You!

I hope you enjoy your new ownership of this wonderful and effective healing tool! Use it anytime you desire, and apply color healing to your life with intention to tap into cosmic power par excellence!

Wishing you colorful healing, peace & great blessings...


Josh Williams

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