Emotions, situations, people... all of these facets of our lives have great influence over us. As we walk the path of being an emotional human being- we process trillions of emotional vibrations every day- holding on to some and absorbing them, letting go of others and moving forward. The events and circumstances of our lives- work, social events, the place we live and the places we go also influence the vibrations that move through us. Other people, of course, being energy fields just like us, have the ability to 'rub off' on our field and influence our state of being.
Ideally, if we were all masters of our lives, we would live in the present, not allowing any negative emotion to solidify and move-in to our energy bodies. The truth is, very few of us are at that level and we do get stuck in negative spaces sometimes. Negative emotions are stronger, more noticeable and way more intense than positive ones because they are not in line with our soul nature. It's like jumping into a freezing cold pool instead of one that's exactly at body temperature. One throws you into shock while the other feels natural, calming and in harmony with your being.
The Purpose Of Negative Emotions
The big goal is to learn to use emotions as little warning signs that something is up. Acknowledge them, explore the message they are giving, then let them go. If a smoke alarm goes off in your house- you don't just sit back and accept it as part of your new reality! You check out the house, see what the problem i and turn the annoying thing off as soon as possible!
in the meantime, while we work on learning to see our emotions that way and use them as they are intended to be used, I'd like to teach you a technique to disperse and ground out the power behind negative emotions so that they can be worked with more clearly. As with most things of a spiritual/energetic nature- the more simple it is, the more effective it is- don't let that fool you!
What's Happening In My Field When I Experience A Negative Emotion?
When a negative emotion hits, your entire body gets involved. Fear is engaged in almost every negative emotion (anger, envy, guilt, jealousy, etc.) and thus the fight or flight system of your body gets activated. Heart pumps, mind gets fuzzy, things become less clear- you start to feel smothered and trapped by these invisible vibrations moving through your body. The emotion itself can sometimes completely hijack your brain- making it nearly impossible to think rationally or get above it.
Like all things, emotions have the aspect we can 'feel', and a more subtle aspect (that which is normally viewed on the psychic level). The feelings always go away. Eventually our bodies regain balance, our adrenal glands chill out and the natural state of balance in our physical systems regains as it realizes there is no threat. The real issue is on the energetic/subtle level. The emotion is still in there, making us still 'feel' odd on some level- even though it isn't exactly physical. When this specific emotional vibration is left, buried, ignored or even supported- we run into problems. It absorbs into our personal field like a leech- setting up camp and constantly feeding off positive emotions and injecting us with a constant drip of toxicity. If you've ever heard me talk about physical illness having it's first root in an energetic issue- this is that issue! A few days, weeks, months or years down the road this stuck vibration is going to start getting more and more dense- eventually getting to the stage where it can effect the physical body! This is why it's so important to stop these things as they come up! Not an hour later, not the next day- as they are happening!
Your health and joy are so important! Imagine a life where you were in control of all negative aspects of your emotions and saw them as they are meant to be seen... total calm, awareness, guidance and joy all the time! If you can't even visualize or imagine that- re-read 'The Purpose Of Negative Emotions' section above and really let that truth sink in.
Medicine Just Below Your Feet
The earth we walk upon has a very special set-up. It is like a giant energy magnet; always pulling, processing and cleansing energies that flow into it. We can see the magnetic force of the earth in action with the expression of gravitational pull.
Deep within the core of the earth is a center of molten lava. I like to think of this as the crucible of the earth, where all energies are purified, cleansed, transformed and re-formed into what the Divine wishes them to be for us.
The earth gives without expectation, takes our abuse without rancor and is always there- day after day supporting, feeding, sheltering and loving us unconditionally. These aspects of the earths unconditional love are indications of it's true medicine- pure love.
Tapping In And Getting Healed
So, now we understand the nature of negative emtions and the innate healing potency of the earth as it relates to those fine, subtle vibrations. Put them together and you get asimple exercise of letting go, moving forward and healing in just a few minutes time!
Here's my technique for processing and letting go of negative emotions while getting the messages they are delivering at the same time!
- Recognize the negative emotion coming up and resolve not to let it take control of you
- Take a few deep breaths and move- pace, walk, jump- anything to keep the energy from getting comfortable! This is as serious as it is silly! Remember, your health is super important- if you need to walk away from work for a few minutes, excuse yourself from an event, etc. DO IT!
- Take that movement to the outdoors. Get to a place where you can directly interact with the earth as best as possible. A picnic area at work, some trees in the backyard, a dog park- anything! As you are walking and moving to the space- think of the emotion. You must do this in a dominant and controlled manner. You are the boss! Explore when it came up, how it's making you feel, what triggered it, etc. Feel free to explain the feeling and what made it manifest out loud as if you are trying to explain it to another person. This process makes the emotion seem conquerable and places you as the one doing the calling
- Once you find a good spot- sit, stand, lean up against a tree, put a blanket down... anything to get you close to the earth. Kick your shoes off if possible and let the soles of your feet connect with the ground
- Now, tap in, using imagination, visualization, meditation, psychic sensing, etc. to the very gentle pull of the earth. Feel it tugging on you ever so slightly. Feel the ground ippening up to support you
- Let your emotion take on a form in your mind's eye- whatever comes up works. Now, connect it to the pull of the earth below and feel it being sucked out of you. See the process of it being pulled into the earth and sent down to that core of molten lava
- You may wish to add in light energy coming in through your head, washing and cleansing you as the negative stuff flows down
- Run this exercise until you feel lighter, tingly, joy, gratitude or until you feel it's time to be done
- ENSURE you express verbally or in some other tangible way your gratitude to the earth and to the Divine for your healing!
Pretty simple, right!
Just doing this exercise, giving yourself the respect and healing time you deserve, replacing fear with love and being aware of the subtle workings of emotions gives you a whole new level of healing personal power in your life!
Peace & Blessings On Your Path To Healing & Divine Awareness!
Josh Williams
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