Monday, July 6, 2009

The Double-Edge Sword Of Psychic Predictions

Receiving predictions is a mainstay in psychic readings. Many people seek psychic guidance for the sole purpose of knowing what lies ahead in their lives and in the lives of those they love. Predictions can be a source of help, guidance and preparedness- or they can be a source of big time problems. Let's explore the secrets of predictions, how to work with them properly, how to know when they're not what you need and how to connect with accurate forecasts in this article by Josh Williams!

As with all my articles, please bear in mind that I speak only from my own truth- and can only teach what I know to be true for myself.

My style of reading and working in the psychic field may be different than someone elses. Neither is right or wrong.

What Are Predictions?

Predictions are the psychic art of viewing probable outcomes based on current energy. This is a lot like floating above a busy sidewalk and focusing on one person. You can see several paths they can walk to get where they are going- but one or two of those paths are much more clear, open and inviting. Prediction work focuses in on your unique journey in much the same way and defines what the most likely outcome to an event will be.
Many psychic guides specialize in predictions, but unless a prediction is made and the entire universe holds still- they can never be 100%. There are countless influences that may spontaneously manifest, minds may change, obstacles may arise, etc. and each of these will effect the way the prediction plays out. In most cases, a prediction from an expert psychic adviser can be relied upon and will manifest in at least some version of it's original viewing.

Working Predictions In The Positive

It's always exciting to get a solid prediction. Sometimes, knowing what lies ahead creates a calm that just lets you know everything is going to be O.K.!

When predictions serve to give you heads up so that you can make the best choices- you're working predictions in the positive.

Predictions should serve the purpose of giving us a road map- not driving the route for us. It's pretty clear how predictions can be an asset to our unique life journeys- but sometimes the dangers involved get overlooked.

The rest of this article will focus on the dangers that can be associated with prediction work and is meant only as a guide and a catalyst for deeper understanding. I certainly work in the predictive field often with the clients I serve so there is no judgment about the work itself- only the way it can manifest sometimes.

Prediction Poison

Knowing if you are working in the positive or the negative when seeking predictive work requires often hard-to-accomplish brutal honesty with yourself. Not unlike psychic addiction, prediction poison can become a crutch rather than a tool of empowerment.

If you seek predictive work because you are afraid of what might happen, feel you cant go forward unless you know what will be coming or feel out of control of your life if you don't have predictions to stand on- you may have a problem. Living in this mindset brings you to the place where predictions are living your life for you- and you are just going along for the ride. If you find yourself relying on predictions to make it through- it might be time to talk to someone you love about getting clear.

Manifest Destiny

Many of us know the powerful connection that can be made with an expert psychic adviser. We know that when we connect to someone who can truly connect with us on a soul-deep level for the empowerment of our unique life journey, something is felt that cannot always be explained.

When a great psychic connects to you, many levels of your being are opened up so that they can explore who, where and how you are. This is a sacred space that should always be respected and held in great esteem.

While we are being 'read', we become very open spiritually. The way in which predictions work can cause some trouble here relates to that required open-ness.

Essentially, if we receive a prediction from a psychic who reads well but does not manifest well- we are basically locking our consciousness in to that reality. If they tell us one thing will happen, it probably will because we believe it will and received suggestion in a spiritually vulnerable state. Choosing a great psychic guide ensures that ALL possible outcomes will be explored, and work can be clearly and directly done to connect you with the one that serves you best.

Think of this as being either forced down one road in specific, or handed a map and being given the power to choose which route you'd like to take. Possibilities, like the cosmos, are infinite. We all have lessons, spiritual debts, attractions, repulsions, etc. that we must work out in this life- but there are as many way to have an experience as there are ways to make a cake- and you don't have to be limited to just one way.

You truly are the co-creator of your life- both by your choice of paradigm and your choice of action. We must learn to trust that our lives are in good order AND that we have been given the power of choice to walk our path's. If the straight-and-narrow is the only path that doesn't terrify us at times, that's fine. But we must walk it with personal power and the wisdom that we can change whenever we want to!

Locked Up

If you receive a prediction that doesn't work from you- cast it off.

A great psychic adviser will be able to help you find other routes and other cosmic options for your path- and can help free you of being locked in to one set way of seeing.

Because great psychic guides (hopefully!) work in accord with cosmic law, there are some things that just are the way they are. It's not in changing the universe that a new path is selected- it's in changing YOU!

You current path may lead to a job loss- and there's no way around that, but the way that comes up or manifests and how clearly you can perceive the hidden blessings depends solely on your psychic guides willingness to look the extra mile for you and your willingness to hear and express what your options are.

Sometimes, many of us feel some sort of comfort by being told exactly what will happen and what must be done. The toxicity of that paradigm is far beyond the scope of this article- but if you're living in that place, stop and think about how much power, potential and possibility you are throwing away by locking yourself into something that isn't your big truth.

Predictions are meant to be a tool- not a judgment of destiny. If you hear something you don't like, something that scares you, something that you feel isn't in accord with your soul plan- it probably isn't... and a great psychic guide can help you pan-back and get clear about how to change it.

Owning It And Transforming It

When you get a prediction, here's a really healthy flow to follow to work with it...

  • Know that this is only the most likely outcome at this moment. What is real now and what is real in five minutes from now are not the same real.

  • If you like the prediction- own it. Choose to accept the path offered to you and walk it... NEVER sit back and wait for things to happen! Predictions, like life, need energy and action to grow to fruition, so get out there and back it up with some joy, energy and attention!

  • If you dislike your prediction- there are two possible solutions: 1) The course you are about to take IS in your best interest even though you cant see that right now, from right here, and 2) the prediction is the most likely outcome but IS NOT in accord with who you are [classic case of getting off the right path or getting 'lost' from the life path].

  • If you simply dislike your prediction on a shallow level, it's time to breathe deep and surrender. When things don't feel right on a shallow level, it's usually just the ego being scared. Times like these require us to try and see what blessings may come from a seemingly bad situation. If the emotions are only shallow- it's because the deeper part of ourselves is saying 'let go and let God on this one!'.

  • If you feel like the prediction you just got is for someone else, or if it resounds with you but feels like the wrong size t-shirt- you're just about to take a turn off your path. This is when you sit down, get clear, and figure out what you're going to do to avoid walking the wrong journey. A great psychic guide can help you find the alternative and connect you with the light that shines upon it.

In summary: predictions are not static.
They should not be given as law or written in stone, EVER! A prediction is simply the little "You Are Here" sign on the map letting you know which path you're about to walk down. It's never too late to turn around, change your paradigm or take a picnic break and just relax for a few. Choose to work with a psychic guide who will give you all of the options from the realm of Spirit and empower you instead of limit you. Work with those who deserve your trust and who encourage you to become your own best guide instead of harboring addiction to their services.

If you feel great, calm, empowered, clear and in-the-know after a session with your psychic adviser- you've found a great one!

The Truth About The Path

Each of us walks a unique journey. At every moment our path forks into a thousand opportunities- but in the end they all lead to the same beautiful lessons, realizations and initiations we are here to receive. Take the high road or the low road, the short cut or the scenic view... you'll get these just the same. This is where we have power as co-creator of our journey. The Divine and the core of our soul defines what we need to learn- but we have the conscious power to decide which instructor will teach us or which authors books were going to read on the subject. You OWN your path because it is an expression of who you are, eternally.


Selling out is accepting what is and becoming slave to it. Honoring the Divine and the power of you you ARE is stepping up, identifying what needs to happen and making it happen in a way that's in accord and harmony with cosmic law and your own desires. It's like getting paid to get a physical... healing and abundance all at the same time... this is the way of the infinite mercy of the Divine and the causeless love of the All! Plug in and receive!

Take your predictions and run to perfection!

Peace & Blessings on the dynamic path of YOUR life...

Josh Williams


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