Friday, May 29, 2009

۞ The Healing Power Of Illness ۞

Getting sick is the worst!

Allergies, Flu, Cold, Headaches, Nausea... Can there be any good in it?

You bet!

There are many subtle and not-so-subtle reasons why we get sick. Because nothing happens by chance and there's a cosmic reason for everything- the hidden power of illness can be tapped when it strikes. This tapping of power not only brings faster healing (because you are resolving the issue that's made illness necessary for you in the first place), you can also learn a ton about your own body, your own energetic state and the universe at large.

As always, what I present to you regarding health and healing is a spiritual compliment to your seeking professional medical guidance. This information does not replace or override the directions you receive from your medical care provider.

۞ Why the @$*% did I get sick? ۞

Illness strikes for a myriad reasons- and your specific situation requires guidance from a spiritual guide to define it exactly. Some of the most common reasons that illness hits are:

* Warning sign of physical, emotional or spiritual imbalance

* Emotional issue being neglected that has torn down defenses and allowed illness to manifest (Check out "Feeling Buried Alive Never Die" by Karol K. Truman)

* Psychic attack... "evil eye", more common than you think!

* Cleansing and purification of the soul

* Spiritual debt

Again, that list is by far not exhaustive- but those are the most common reasons I see, especially the second. Emotional issues that do not get handled and thoroughly dealt with get put away to fester and rot- eventually manifesting on the physical level as immune breakdown and psychic-magnetic attraction of like toxicity.

۞ How Can I Get Past This On Every Level? ۞

Good, no, GREAT question!

Healing a physical manifestation of illness is only a band-aid cover up. If you seem to get recurring illness, this is even more true.

Dis-ease is only a physical manifestation of a more subtle imbalance. Long before you experienced symptoms on the physical plane- a subtle balance in energy, emotions, thoughts, toxic beliefs, etc. existed. After time, these subtle issues get more and more heavy until they finally hit hard in the material form. So, going to the root of the tree and dealing with the subtle issue is the real path of healing. I always suggest working with a qualified and experienced energetic healing channel when dis-ease of any nature strikes (colds to cancer), but there is also a very powerful technique you can work on yourself. I have never taught this technique openly before- so I hope it is received well and works in a typed-out medium :)

۞ Illness Wisdom Technique by Josh Williams ۞

As always, let's begin this practice by establishing quiet, safe and comfortable space free of distractions.

* Begin by really opening up and tuning into your body, Feel the parts of you that don't feel good, and any that do. Take total inventory from your toes to your crown- check in piece by piece with every section of your body.

* Now, in whatever way feels right for you- call forth the illness to manifest in a tangible way. This will either be a) imagining seeing it sitting across from you b) seeing it inside you or c) feeling without seeing either a or b. Allow it to manifest however it does- black cloud, monster, ex-lover, etc. Don't judge! Whatever pops in once you consciously call it forth to manifest is what it needs to be- and there is great wisdom in how it manifests!

* Here's the powerful part. Now that you have it there with you in a manifest way- start talking to it. Ask it why it's there, what it's teaching you, where it came from, how to get rid of it, etc. Again, no judgment and no logic- allow whatever response pops in to be.

* Continue this little chat until you feel that all questions have been answered and you have established a connection to the deepest part of the illness.

* Now, and this is very important, before you back out of the meditation... THANK THE DIVINE FOR THE ILLNESS! Express your gratitude not directly to the illness (as that would empower it), but to the Divine for providing you this healing opportunity. Pray with the illness next to you- not to it. Once gratitude has been expressed, say directly to the illness that you are now aware of what needs to be done to heal yourself, and so you gratefully and respectfully release it to the Divine and CHOOSE not to need it any longer to learn whatever lessons it's showing you.

* You may want to end this meditation with either a cord cutting, energy protection rite, a cleansing bath, or all three- whatever feels right for you.

* Again, use common sense and a medial professional's guidance before you execute any healing techniques received in your meditation!

Our job as souls having a human experience is to tap all the lessons and experiences that we need to become whole. Each of us is on a unique and individual path that leads us to the places we need to be in order to realize wholeness and Divine prowess. I always teach that spirituality is not a give-in, it is something we must take full personal accountability for! This meditation connects you to your own power of being co-pilot of your life- and it can be applied to many other areas of your journey than just illness.

Subtle healing, energy healing, light work and so forth are the truth of absolving us of imbalance on every level- and not just covering the true issues up. Taking accountability for your spiritual path and your total health will mean confronting some things that you'd rather just leave buried, but it also means offering all that baggage to the Divine who will enlighten it into a blessing and remove the curse that it is. Try not to get caught up in seeing yourself as a segregated being- with emotions, body, thoughts, beliefs, fears, likes, etc., but rather connect to these things all being different masks your soul is wearing. They are all singular expressions of something bright and beautiful- YOU!

I have been praying ardently for a 'catch all' healing symbol to manifest in my free weekly energy healing, attunment and blessings articles. Please check that out and add it to your faves (RSS/atom available!) so that you have one more tool to add to your toolbox of life!

May these words carry the vibration of soul-deep healing, Divine blessing and attunement to the light way of being for you and for all you encounter.

۞ Peace & Great Blessings...

Josh Williams

For a limited time, Josh is offering an unprecedented experience to all of his blog readers!

A personal, triple-power reading that offers you psychic guidance from the Divine, Soul and Cosmos about your unique life journey!

Universal wisdom that speaks directly to YOU!

As an encouragement for you to experience personal spiritual guidance for yourself- this amazing gift is being offered through June 30, 2009!

Normally a $75 service when it is offered, Now just $15 to cover a powerful reading session that you'll get via email within 24 hours!
Plus a free distance energy charge!

Three open channels from the three most important sources of guidance in your life!

Straight to the point wisdom that belongs to you!

Don't miss this amazing opportunity to receive a powerful psychic-spiritual reading at a steal of a price from one of the net's most trusted and respected spiritual guides!

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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Free Weekly Energy Healing, Attunment & Blessing!

For those new to using this service....
Please read PURPLE TEXT first to learn how to work
with distance attunements from Josh!

Every Thursday Josh channels and empowers a healing symbol for the week. Weekly symbols are now active for always!!!

The symbol, by meditating on it and imagining it 'popping' off the
screen and entering into a light aura around your body, attunes, heals
or empowers you to a specific cosmic blessing. A description of each
week's channel will be presented with the symbol so you can decide if
it's right for you.
Just looking at the symbol will not attune you!

You must calm, center, and imagine the symbol in it's shown color made
of dazzling light coming from the screen into your energy field.
Please do not imagine it entering into your physical body!!!

Just visualize a glowing light space 3"-4"around your body and see the symbol being absorbed by this light field.

This way if this is an attunement not in accord with your system, it can be rejected without any problem!

Please only use these symbols for your personal
meditation and do not project them into anyone else during healing.
They are only meant set for the person seeing and working them- not
meant to be received passively.

personally energizes the symbol with this weeks channeled global need,
creates a cosmic filter, links it with consensus consciousness and
places it under a protective rite so that anyone who calls out by
meditating on the symbol will receive a pure, untampered 'download' of
the original energy matrix from the main working. Josh performs his
attunements in a very unique and powerful way... They are extremely
gentle while still being highly powerful and effective!

This weeks symbol:

Symbols, by popular request, are now held permanently- you can use them anytime FOR YOURSELF... please only use these symbols for your personal meditation and do not project them into anyone else during healing. They are only meant set for the person seeing and working them- not meant to be received passively.


This weeks symbol acts on the subtle processes of the psyche. It helps sever ties from old relationships which no longer serve us, help us regain independence from codependency on another person, help cut cords that are no longer being positively used and help us open up to new possibilities being blocked by our addiction to past expectations and losses.

Channeled message for symbol:

The form and vibration of another being is one of the strongest things you will encounter in this life and is one thing which most people have an addiction to on some level. We must rectify the difference between becoming one and becoming partners with another person. The devastating withdrawals of an ended relationship are a symbol that our independence was lost too far and that we must work in the future to be one of two pillars holding up the sky instead of jump into the same river with our loved one.

The Symbol:

Peace & Blessings,
Josh Williams

Channeled Deity, Cosmic & Soul Reading Just For YOU By Josh!

Experience a channeled reading directly to you from one of the most celebrated spiritual channels!

from Source, Cosmo and Self answers your questions and give you
powerful guidance to help you realize your ideal of perfection!

Send one question.topic, name, date of birth...

Limited Time Special Offer Only $15 (reg. $25!)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Greetings all!
I hope this weeks global reading finds you in great peace, harmony and joy! I wanted to make note that Global Readings will now post each Wednesday instead of Monday. Energy Workings will still be on Thursday, and Monday, Tuesday and Friday will now be Wisdom & How-To Articles. Please add this blog to your RSS/Atom or favorites so you don't miss a thing. Enjoy!

{Begin Reading}
From the collective consciousness and intelligence of the whole...

When it comes to love, everyone has their own opinion about what qualifies and quantifies it- and what does not. There exists for every right way of loving a million wrong ways. Love is not a lie, a gamble, a manipulation or cards on a poker table. Love is the matrix of energy that comes directly from the Divine and supports all life and experience as we understand it- and then some! Placing our trust in the ideal of perfect unconditional love helps slowly open us up to the reality of its existence. Many of us have been burned by wrong love that truly comes from a place of fear. We must change this within ourselves so that we can heal and begin to experience cosmic love in its natural state- free from delusion, manipulation, fear, envy, lack or stagnation.

Placing your hands on your heart center- release all toxic beliefs about love and what it is- because the reality of love is that it is beyond all definition, just as it's throne, the Divine, is beyond all definition. Release the toxic that room may be made for the pure. Cleanse the heart daily, check the beliefs and attitudes about love daily and take time to consciously, actively and openly receive daily. This is big [spiritual/energetic] medicine for many levels of the being.

{End Reading}

Purport to the reading from Josh Williams...

Today's reading is channeled from the collective consciousness. This means that if we were to combine every belief and issue for every person on the planet into one big ocean of awareness, this is one message that would be an obvious imbalance in the masses.
Love is a hard one to define- and it's a topic that's been coming up for me in meditation and prayer often lately. In working with clients- I have found one very common toxic belief that seems to be extremely prevalent in today's world- that love is finite.
People horde and protect love as though it might run out. This is a great untruth! Love is infinite and has no ending! The more we give, the more we expand our capacity to receive! SO many people tend to love one person more than another, as if they are budgeting or penny-pinching their love bank account. No good! Love is not money- and money is only a symbol for energy! Love and life energy are limitless, unending, eternal and infinite in every way! We must work hard on re-training ourselves to understand, deeply realize and LIVE this truth! When we can extend our love without any fear or reservation- knowing that what we give adds to a cycle that will return to us, amazing things happen!
I encourage all of you to test the waters of the right love paradigm and see yourself just for today as a channel that floods love to everyone around you at every moment. You are a channel- so it's not your energy being used- let it flow through you and bless everyone with a big blast of love light all day. Then do it again tomorrow :)

Peace & Great Blessings on the path to Divine Love!

Josh Williams

Click for a FREE Psychic Reading from Keen!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

۞ Psychic, Intuitive, Channel, Medium... What's The Difference? ۞

As we browse the Internet, metaphysical bookstore, and listings for spiritual advisers- we get confronted with many terms explaining spiritual advisory work. Many people lump them all into the same category- and some people who use the terms for themselves aren't really sure what they mean. I think that in connecting to a guide it's important to know what type of work they will be performing for you, what their style is and where they get their information.

Psychic, Intuitive, Empathic, Channel, Medium...

what do they all mean? And how are they different from one another? Let's explore!


Psychic work is anything that involves sensitivity to non-physical or supernatural nature. In dictionary terms, it can also be anything that pertains to the human soul or mind as opposed to the physical which is the human body.

Before we can understand what psychic work is- what have to understand what it is not.

The normal means for gathering and processing information relied on our five senses (sight, taste, hearing, touch, smell) and our logical/linear brain. Psychic work is the process of obtaining information not using those methods. In psychic work- extra-sensory ('beyond the senses') methods are used to gain insight to people, events or situations that would otherwise not be available to the normal range of senses. An example of this would be reading the personality of someone who had not yet been met, therefore negating the possibility of logically assessing them through interacting with them using the five senses.

Psychic work is often described by those who are psychic in terms of the extra-sensory way in which they receive insight. Examples include clairvoyance ('seeing' without the physical eyes), clairaudience ('hearing' without the phsycial ears) and clairsentience ('feeling' without the physical body itself). This may seem confusing- but think of it this way...

The physical senses are only physical/material expressions of spiritual senses. Just like electricity precedes the toaster turning on, so too does energetic or spiritual sense precede the physical sense. That means behind the physical eyes there are spiritual eyes. Behind the physical ears there are spiritual ears, and so on. A psychic is able to hone in on the very subtle workings of these spiritual senses and interpret the information gathered by them. Because all life is connected, thoughts have energetic presence and situations follow an energetic 'matrix'- a psychic can perceive those subtleties in the same way we normally perceive the road in front of us, a conversation with a friend or the taste of a fresh strawberry. All people are blessed with the ability to negotiate on the spiritual/psychic level- a psychic is just someone who has fine tuned the art of perceiving incoming information that is normally overlooked.

Psychics differ from other types of spiritual guides in that logic is required to translate the information they receive. Once a psychic gets information on the spiritual/energetic level, they must then process or translate that information so that they can convey it in physical terms (usually words). Many psychics are aware that their own spiritual senses speak in a unique language to them- and that in order to convey information to another person, they must decipher the images, words, feelings, sounds, etc. they receive in a way that makes sense to the person they are guiding. Psychic work involves both extra-sensory and sensory organs in it's serving a seeking client.

Most experienced psychics are very much in control of turning on or off their psychic senses. A great psychic adviser has the ability to connect to a person or circumstance and quiet their normal senses so that the information received by the subtle senses is loud and clear. They can then literally dialogue with a person, place, event, issue, etc. on the psychic platform and receive information in a similar way we might dialogue with another person and get information from them.


Psychic work and intuitive work happen on very much the same level- but there is a fundamental difference in these styles. Psychics must 'process' or 'translate' the insight they receive on the psychic plane into real-life meaning because it comes to them on a level beyond what would make sense in normal language, imagery, sensation, etc. Intuitives tend to get a flash of insight that needs no translation at all. Intuitive insight cannot be controlled the same way that psychic insights can, and tends to 'hit' people from out of the blue. Common examples of the intuitive 'flash' can be found in almost every Mother on the planet- what we often call 'Mother's intuition'.

Intuition, in my opinion, is something most people experience all the time. We get ideas, creative inspiration, feelings of apprehension, etc. and hopefully we act on them. Intuition is literally our back-up system, so that when our psychic senses are in a state of atrophy due to disuse, intuition kicks in and sometime kicks our butts!

Often intuition speaks to us in a very familiar voice. It 'feels' and 'sounds' within like our own thoughts- and that's because it is our own. Like psychic work, intuition is us connecting to a more subtle frequency of communication between where we are and the rest of the universe is. With intuition, the only difference is that lack of conscious 'translating'. Intuition is best reserved for personal revelation and insight because it tends to speak only about circumstances that effect our lives, loves and journeys specifically in one way or another. Intuition is a spiritual safety net that grows more and more clear the more it is honored and followed. I always teach that words of gratitude after every intuitive flash will ensure they become more frequent and more clear every time. Think of intuition as a muscle- the more you flex it, massage it and attend to it's needs the bigger and stronger it will grow.


Empathy is best described by also understanding it's counterpart, sympathy.

Sympathy means 'relative/same/with symptoms'- that implies if a friend is sad we also 'become' sad- taking on the symptoms of the person we are helping. The issue with sympathy is that when you are in the middle of the sensation you lose the big picture of what's happening and cannot 'read' it with the same clarity an empath could.

Empathy means 'beside symptoms'- that means we are fully aware of the depth and intensity of any particular emotion, thought or situation but are still not swimming in it ourselves. For example, we may have a friend who is experiencing grief- we are able to literally feel and experience the depth of their sadness but we still keep one foot in our own space so that we do not identify with it or make it our own.

Empathy is a strong healing force because it allows a person to share, in a deep and spiritual way, what they are experiencing with another. Sometimes we don't feel like anyone around us really 'gets' how bad it is- but an empath always does! Empathic guides simultaneously perceive where and how you are while maintaining their own perspective. This allows them to be in the water and on the land at the same time- thus enabling them to help you get to shore in a quick and effective way. Most advanced empaths I know are also very psychic- and are able to use empathy to connect to a client for deep understanding and healing release while using psychic abilities to help the client solve any problems. I believe that all advanced psychics are empathic, but not all empaths are psychic-aware. I have met many people who have not tapped their psychic potential but who still get sick or sad when anyone near them is experiencing those distresses. I always encourage empaths to learn how to control their emapthic abilities, create personal energetic and spiritual protection and learn to unfold empathic abilities in to full blown psychic ones.


The difference between channel and medium is often very unclear. I have my own feelings about how they differ and that's what I will offer you here.

A channel is a person who is able to turn down their own rational mind, ego, logical processor and personal belief system to allow spiritual/psychic/intuitive messages to flow through them, just like if they were a telephone wire. These messages usually come from a defined and known source (hopefully!). Channel work can be very difficult for most humans because we all have very strong personal beliefs, ideals, logic and dependence on our rational minds. If any of these things turn up while channeling- the channel loses its purity and becomes filtered by our own paradigm. Think of channeling as a message going from one telephone to another- and the personal paradigm of the channel as static- bad news! Most all channel session I have received and viewed have been at least slightly tainted with the channel's own ego paradigm.

Channels tend to be a conduit for complete forces. That means, they channel the soul, the universe, the Divine, specific vibratory forces like love, healing, etc. Many channels are both channels and mediums by my definition and excel at both when they are well experienced and dedicated to the art.

That takes us to mediums...

Mediums tend to channel complete personalities rather than complete forces. Where a channel may be a conduit for the cosmic flux, a medium might be a channel for your deceased Aunt Suzy, their own spiritual guide, Archangel Micheal, etc. They are aware of the personality they are channeling and are versed in the quirks that may come up in a session.

Some mediums work only with spirits they have a long standing and comfortable relationship with, while others open up to seek out a specific or unique spirit depending on the client they are serving. Archangels and Saints from the Judeo-Christian paths, celebrities and personal spirit guides are the most common personalities I have seen being worked with in mediums.

When considering a medium session- you have twice as much research to due. You must first explore and get to know the medium and ensure you feel comfortable ewith them. Then you must ensure the same about the spirit they act as medium for you. Please keep both aspects of this in mind when selecting a medium guide so that you get the most out of your session! The doors to the spiritual realms are blown wide open in a medium session- and it takes a great guide to know how to make sure everyone stays where they should and influences don't go further than they are welcome to.

I hope that clears up some of the often confusion terms we use in this work- and helps you decide what kind of spiritual adviser would work best for you!

I encourage you to research more on your own and hopefully jump in (if you haven't already!) and experience a live spiritual guidance session for yourself!

The link below will connect you with my favorite source for qualified spiritual advisers of every kind- give it a click and you'll get connected to hundreds of great advisers, be able to browse their listings, see feedback left from other callers and find one that's just right for you!

Click for a FREE Psychic Reading from Keen!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Ө Karma Demystified... Sort Of! Ө

{Monday's Weekly Global Readings Are Being Replaced By An Additional Spiritual Wisdom/How-To Article Due To Popularity...Enjoy and Thank For Visiting!!!}

Karma. It's a term that gets thrown around a lot these days- and many of us have a good idea about what it is...or do we?

'Karma' is a Sanskrit word with several layers of translation- some being 'wheel', 'balance' and 'debt'. The Hindu faithful use the word Karma to denote both shallow and deep aspects of an individual soul's journey from this life into the next based on spiritual debt and needed experiences. Karma is the 'baggage' we have as spirit souls- it is both what we are here in this life to deal with and what we take with us to the next. Whatever Karma you have right now defines where you've been- and the Karma you have when you die defines where you're headed.

Let's clear up from the get go that 'good Karma' is not good at all. Having 'good Karma' will require a soul to take rebirth in order to burn it off. If we want complete transcendence- zero Karma is the way to go! Good Karma and good living are two different things. We annihilate bad Karma by being good (charity, selfless service, prayer, etc.), and gain bad karma by being naughty (hate, violence, anger, envy, malice, lies, etc.).

Let's look at this another way...

Let's say someone is born into a socialite family- wants for nothing, gets a great education, has excellent health, general good luck, etc. We can assume (although not absolutely define for certain) that in a past life, this person did compassionate and selfless works that led them to a positive/good Karmic load in this life. If all of this goes to their head- the good turns sour and next time around they get just about the opposite to learn and KNOW the lessons.

Now, if we look at someone who experiences about the opposite in life- poverty, ill health, bad luck; we can safely assume that in a past life they may have abused abundance, cosmic laws or their own life journey. It happens and we're ALL guilty of acting against our bigger nature. How do I know that? because we're all here!

Sometimes Karma can seem like such a harsh judgment! Who decides when our actions are negative or positive? Who hands out the ruling and defines how our next lifetime will roll so that we learn and experience all that we need to rectify toxic behaviors/beliefs and get closer to truth?

We do.

All of our soul baggage is like a colored filter, and our soul is like a bright light. What we project- we attract. If we have acted against the self in a past life- or last week for that matter, a filter is created over the light of the soul and as the light shines through it- circumstances resonant with that behavior come our way... in a big way. We shine forth on a subtle spiritual level exactly who we are- and the cosmos responds to that light.

If we are impatient- we shine impatience on the subtle level and thus attract situations that will challenge and thus heal our impatience. You know, you only get stuck in traffic when you are an impatient person! Once you master patience- there's no need to be stuck in traffic so it doesn't happen anymore.

The goal of understanding Karma, or spiritual debt as I call it outside the Hindu specifics of the term- is so we can understand the why's and how's of life.

Nothing is chance- everything, and I mean EVERYTHING we experience comes to us for the sole purpose of enlightening, healing and empowering us. That's every blissful love affair, every stubbed toe, every short paycheck and every blessing we receive. Spiritual debt is a sort of barometer about our journey and helps us understand the bigger picture. If we are constantly attracting a similar situation- it's a big clue we need to look into that and figure out what's up so we can be more attentive to receiving the healing opportunities coming our way. If something comes over and over again- it's because we're not getting it. Time to take inventory, get straight in the heart and open up to be guided down the sometimes hard healing path that always leads to bliss beyond imagination. Recurring issues are also a great time to contact your psychic spiritual adviser for another view into the journey.

In Egyptian mythology- at death, the heart of the deceased is weighed on a scale opposite an ostrich feather. If the heart weighs more than the feather, it gets eaten by a big scary monster. If it weighs less- it goes to paradise. What's being said here? Heaven is a place of NO BAGGAGE! The heart that weighs less than a feather is the heart with no baggage and no attachment to false things. This is a heart who has lived life in accords with cosmic law and personal journey and who has walked out of life with no deep obsessions/addictions to material things, and no sins of the self weighing on them. It's a heart light enough to float to the unseen above!

In my revelation, I have experienced that at death- the only judgment is between the soul and a mirror. In the soul-state that exists when we are not attached to the psychical body and the material world- great clarity and wisdom is present. WE define how we could have done better, how we might have avoided lessons or healing that tried and tried to manifest in our lives, how we did good, etc. We decide what's needed- and in that space it's always the truth because it's OUR truth.
This view differs from many western beliefs as well as the beliefs of many Hindu sects who house the term 'Karma', but coming to this realization we are forced to take total accountability for our spiritual actions and our path. The 'Blame God' game comes to a quick end and nothing could be better for a soul!

Each of us is walking our own wheel of life- experiencing different things to help us know it all. Exploring who we are, who everyone else is and who the Divine is. Learning by doing, loving by experiencing, respecting by seeing and knowing by being. Simply following the intuitive cosmic laws that are inscribed in each of our hearts will ensure that we walk the spiral journey with right action and progress in our great path of healing and bliss.

Peace & Great Blessings on the path of BECOMING!

Josh Williams

Put The Wheel Of Your Life Into Perspective!

Connect with a live, personal psychic reading from one of Keen's qualified spiritual guides!

Click the link below and open the doors to cosmic wisdom!

Click The Image Below For Special Free Call Offers!

Click for a FREE Psychic Reading from Keen!

Friday, May 22, 2009

۩ The Power Of Prayer ۩

Prayer is an intense act.

It is saturated with feelings of religious pride, bearing one's soul, connecting the the Divine and cosmic power. I am a big believer in the power of prayer- and I would like to share some ideas with you of a non-sectarian nature to help empower, inspire and elevate your personal prayer practices. I realize that my personal beliefs may not be the same as yours- so I ask you to read this article openly, and extract what works for you while leaving the rest. I will be presenting this article by approaching key points of prayer and then presenting empowering wisdom about those points for your consideration. What follows is a somewhat watered down version of what I teach my clients in a professional setting- watered down because some things are better said than typed :)

۞ Know Your Audience

I think that a majority of people pray in some way. There are certainly conscious and unconscious prayers that happen with us at any given time. Part of making prayer more effective and empowering is knowing who we are praying to. I often work with people who simply 'pray to God', but have no intimate, loving relationship with that God. The lack of this intense emotional prowess tends make prayers ego-based instead of soul-based. The first step to getting on track to seriously magical prayer work is to create a solid, emotional, present and tangible relationship with the Divine. Whether you work with sacred writings, sacred iconography, meditations, etc. the goal is the same- we must love and yearn for Divine interaction more than we do anything else on your lives. This is a mystical truth taught by Rumi, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Inayat Vilayat Khan and many other saints of the heart.
It can be common for us to project our own ego onto the Divine. We ascribe functionality to the Source solely because we have issue with that functionality. We may feel weak and thus God is a warrior. We may feel impoverished and thus God is the all-wealthy. These things are true- but there is a fine line between letting God be God and us being completely lazy. Armchair prayer is not effective. Prayer is a precursor to action! So, if we are broke- we don't pray to the God of riches, because that's just our ego trying to tap into something we believe we don't have. Instead, we pray to the God of mercy who lifts up those who are not living their full potential and helps them find their abundance, strength, and tap the limiteless blessings flowing forth. Feel the difference?

۞ Time & Space

There are two types of personal prayer. Formal and informal. Formal prayer consists of a more ritualized setting where some type of purification rite may take place, a special garment may be worn, a special space/altar/shrine may be used, etc. Informal prayer is that spontaneous surrender and dependence on the Divine that comes forth at anytime- in traffic, before a quick meal, under the breath in a meeting, etc.
Informal prayer is a wonderful thing- and I think it's importance cannot be stressed enough. Allowing the Divine into your paradigm consciously as much as possible is a cosmic medicine par excellence. I think informal prayer is the most commonly celebrated among modern day seekers, so I want to present a little something about formal prayer to help even the work.

Formal prayer should involve three steps: 1) Setting the intention to pray with words, actions, rituals, etc. 2) Entering a specified sprayer space at a specified time and 3) opening up as much as possible- both to receive fully and offer fully.
Let's explore each of these points in turn:

1) Taking a purifying bath, wearing a prayer cloth, smudging, grounding, etc. are all great ways to enter a ritual prayer space.

2) Ritual prayer is best when performed in the same space at the same time daily. This allows the etheric field to be charged thus deepening your prayer power each time. Praying at the same hour each day also attracts positive spiritual vibrations and ascended souls to support you in your work.

3) We block blessings. I know this sounds crazy- but its true. We try so hard to micro-manage our lives and be the 'do-er', that often times I see clients with loads of Divine guidance sitting on their heads waiting to be welcomed in.

Coming to your prayer work from a place of total acceptance, surrender and openness is the key to true magic in prayer. This takes time to work on- but having the intention that you want to experience total release helps create it.

۞ A Flame Cannot Burn Itself

When we pray, the Most High who we approach is simultaneously the listener and the empowered of speech. The thoughts, words, vibrations, etc. we use to communicate in prayer are supported and powered by the same Divine we speak to. Because of this, our prayer can be simple- it's not the words that matter but the connection we make. The Divine already knows what we need- and it is in our opening up to receive that the blessings come... not in making demands or petitions.

۞ What You Want And What You Get

When engaging in prayer work- surrender is the key as we have discussed. This means that although you may want a certain situation to happen a certain way- it might not. You see your life from one finite, liner and often ego-based perspective. The Divine sees it all- the source, the transformation, the reactions, the effect. Keep your heart and mind open and let the Divine be the Divine. We don't spend our lives worrying about the fact that we are not mechanics- because we know that if our vehicle breaks down, there is someone who can handle that expertly. Similarly, we cannot worry about some of the nuances in our lives because there is the Divine who is expert at handling them. If we can take action- we must. If we are lost, we must surrender and allow eagerly the Divine to give and do what it is best at giving and doing.

۞ Allow The Light

Many of us struggle with presenting certain things to the Divine. Personally, I struggled for a long time with praying about money or health- because I felt I should only be praying for Divine things and nothing mundane. Then I woke up. Life is life- the Divine knows how things roll here in the material manifestation. Hide nothing. Allow the light of the Divine to shine onto every corner of your heart and being and expose it all. After all, what can you hide that the Supreme cannot seek and find?

۞ Hang

After prayer work- spend some time basking in the love. When you re-renter your life, write what you prayed about off for a time. You sent the letter- don't stress out about it now- it's on it's way and the action will come. Avoid getting caught in the feeling of 'free falling' after prayer- where you know something is going to happen but fear what it might be. Fear attracts fear- misery loves company! Instead, have faith that you outsourced your issue to the One who can truly solve ALL issues in the BEST WAY POSSIBLE... better even than you can imagine. I know that's the scary part- we have problems and want them solved our way.. but that's like eating chocolate flavored candy over eating real chocolate. Incomparable!

Believe in your prayer work. Be dedicated. Be totally accountable for your path and seek guidance that allows YOU to do the footwork. Asking the Divine to do everything for you is pointless- since not doing and experiencing negates the point of being alive. That may be the only true offense to the Divine.

۞ Bless It Forward

Now that you have connected to your own blessings, move it forward. You have experienced what poverty, illness, sadness, abandonment, addiction, etc. etc. feel like so now you know how bad it is to be trapped in that space. Empower yourself to receive more and exponentially increase your love reserves by paying attention to those who experience the same issues you are praying for and bless them! Include the whole universe in part of your prayer work and thus receive a universal magnitude of blessings!

I hope this exploration of prayer will help give you the confidence, trust and guidance to really connect deeply to prayer work. I encourage you to give it a try and experience a dive into the ocean of love for yourself!

Peace & Blessings,

Josh Williams

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Thursday, May 21, 2009

ᴥ Free Weekly Energy Healing, Attunement & Blessing ᴥ

For those new to working with this offering....
Please read PURPLE TEXT first to learn how to work
with distance attunements from Josh!

Every Thursday Josh channels and empowers a healing symbol for the week. This symbol is ONLY active for one week!

The symbol, by meditating on it and imagining it 'popping' off the screen and entering into a light aura around your body, attunes, heals or empowers you to a specific cosmic blessing. A description of each week's channel will be presented with the symbol so you can decide if it's right for you.

Just looking at the symbol will not attune you!

You must calm, center, and imagine the symbol in it's shown color made of dazzling light coming from the screen into your energy field.

Please do not imagine it entering into your physical body!!!

Just visualize a glowing light space 3"-4"around your body and see the symbol being absorbed by this light field.
This way if this is an attunement not in accord with your system, it can be rejected without any problem!

Josh personally energizes the symbol with this weeks channeled global need, creates a cosmic filter, links it with consensus consciousness and places it under a protective rite so that anyone who calls out by meditating on the symbol will receive a pure, 'download' of the original energy matrix from the main working. Josh performs his attunements in a very unique and powerful way... They are extremely gentle while still being highly powerful and effective!

This weeks symbol:

open from posting on 05/21/2009 until 11:00pm PST/USA 05/27/09


With every step we take, new obstacles present themsevles that act as training, purifiers, catalysts for hidden wisdom and deep personal realizations. Obstacles can often be the mirrors which help us truly see who we are.

In today's healing/attunement/blessing, we will be receiving a specific gate opening in the subtle body which helps work through any obstacles happening in our lives this week and ensure that we are reaping the spiritual rewards of walking through those obstacles. We will also open to Divine, Cosmic and Soul-Self guidance... and by using this attunmenet just once- we will 'train' our subtle systems to react in a more positive way to obstacles and use them as the 'medicine' they are meant to be.

This weeks symbol and channeling can be used not only to receive the empowerment- but also to focus down and work through an obstacle itself (only while the symbol is active!)

For many at this time the wind blows with great force.
Stepping back from the problems at hand- recognize that all things come in due measure to what is being manifested by you, all things come with a higher purpose and all things come to give you the chance to be bigger.
Accepting an obstacle as a gift from the Divine and not just a chance set of frustrating events is a paradigm change that is healing within itself.
Take notice of the power that lies in obstacles- and meditate on how tapping that power in and of itself can be a source of change and success.
Purify the mind, calm the body, attune to higher cosmic laws and walk your obstacle path- There are more layers to an obstacle than can be explained herein, one that you have manifested, one that the Divine has sent, one that your soul is craving and one that the mirrors around you are reflecting.
It is your choice, and your choice alone to define if an obstacle stays and obstacle or if it becomes one of the most powerful healing and empowering opportunities your life ever sees.
May this symbol and sacred space of meditation and prayer open you up to see the truth of an obstacle and its healing power in the here and now... that which usually cannot be seen until the gold old 20/20 hindsight kicks in far down the road.
Today you have the opportunity to re-train your way of seeing obstacles and life problems- and step into a higher realm of being that makes you bigger, brighter, stronger, and more joyful as you walk the rocky path- the secret being that as you accept and work positively with the 'pebbles on the path', they lessen because the power can now come in a more spiritual way.

The Symbol:

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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

۞ Exploring Energy Work ۞


The term 'Energy Healing' is gaining increasing popularity. What is it? And how can it serve you? Today we'll look at the fundamentals of Energy Healing and answer those questions plus many more along the way.

Energy healing, in a nutshell, is the process of working with illness or dis-ease of the body, mind or spirit using life energy as the means. There are literally hundreds of 'schools of thought' regarding energy healing- and you should always go with the method that feels right for you.

In most energy healing sessions, a diagnosis is made wherein the practitioner gets a 'read' on your current life energy status. Diagnosis will include (in most, but not all cases) checking for energy leaks, imbalances, toxic energy patterns, stagnation, etc. and a course of action will be determined on how to fix the issues.

Ideally, life energy flows through the body effortlessly- providing support and power to organs, body functions, emotions, thoughts, beliefs, etc. Life energy, unlike blood or other 'material' aspects of the body, effects every part of the being from the soul to the soles!

After a diagnosis is made, a practitioner will work to resolve the issue. Some practitioners gently place hands on the physical body while others prefer no physical connection at all. The practitioner then channels 'pure' healing energy into the parts of the system which are imbalanced, and works to clear up any energetic issues using energy itself.

Most energy healing practitioners believe, as do I, that any and all health issues on any level of the being begin on an energetic level and slowly 'solidify' until they manifest in a physical way. Thus, maintaining energetic health and receiving energy healing goes to the root of an imbalance and creates a healing platform par excellence for balance to be regained.

In my energy healing workshops, I teach that life energy is a manifestation of the Divine- and thus is has a latent intelligence and consciousness. Many practitioners agree and will allow the energy being channeled into the system to 'do it's own thing', as opposed to forcing it where the practitioner believes it needs to go. A happy medium that I practice involves conscious extraction of toxic vibrational patterns and issue identification followed by passive/channeled empowerment and healing via energy.

When it comes to energy healing- many people are most familiar with ReiKi (Master Mikao Usui) and Pranic Healing (Choa Ko Sui). Both of these methods are profoundly effective when done properly- although I will take this opportunity to caution you against receiving or attuning to incorrect ReiKi methods (practitioners who received long-distance attunements via books, DVD or websites or those who display the sacred symbols in books, websites, t-shirts, etc.).

There are also countless 'freeform' schools of thought like that of Barbara Brennen- teaching that each practitioner of energy healing will create their own form of channeling the energy. You should feel confident in interviewing and exploring the offerings of your energy healing practitioner.

There is a mystic axiom that states "Energy flows where attention goes". This being true, you have the power to begin exploring and working with life energy and its presence on your being simply by thinking of it. The next time you are petting the cat- imagine that pure life light is flowing down into your head, through your heart and out through your hand. See if you can begin to perceive a tingling, pulsing or warmth as the energy flows. Cats are amazing energy healing trainers- and never seem to mind the energy and attention!

Because life energy transcends time and space- long distance sessions are completely effective from a trusted practitioner. Although training in energy healing should be done in person- the work itself can reach anywhere, anytime. There are even techniques for healing ancestral wounds...IN THE PAST! Feel free to connect with a distance energy session from myself or anyone you trust. Make sure you work with a reputable healing channel so that you can ensure the work gets done. And as a rule of thumb, NEVER TRUST A HEALER! This means, that anyone claiming to be a healer or do the healing themselves should not be chosen. All advanced energy workers know that they are only tools/channels for the life energy which has its own conscious and intelligent agenda.

Energy healing can help on many levels as we have seen. Emotional/mental issues are very close to the pure energy spectrum and can be approached very powerfully through energy healing*. The body, as well, responds wonderfully to energy healing*- and a session often induces an intensely deep state of trance-relaxation that can often last for hours! Simply receiving a great energy healing session attunes you to that subtle flow of life within your own being- and can change the way you see life in a powerful way! I highly suggest everyone experience both an in-person and a distance energy healing session for those reasons and many more beyond the scope of this article.

With great blessings of health and empowerment on your unique life journey...
Josh Williams

Check out Josh's pick for the best live psychic advice online!
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۞ Where are you? : A Meditation On Your Life Journey & purpose


I am often asked by clients, friends and even colleagues "What is my life purpose?", "Where am I going?", "Where am I now?" and "What's next?".

These are all questions that bring a huge smile to my heart because I know I am working with someone who cares about their journey and really wants to make sure they're doing the best
the can to manifest perfection and their own personal power.

Where Are You Going?

When questions like this arise for us, it's a great time to seek the guidance of a psychic adviser. I am always excited to get people connected to psychic guides that are just right for them, and this is a good time to make that happen- it's also a great time for us to connect to our own 'inner psychic' and receive some profound guidance from our own innate abilities.

The more you work with meditations like these, the more you will become familiar with your own psychic language- and it will begin sounding more clear and loud in your daily life. Consider this psychic training in the real world!

In addition to connecting clients with advisers- I also like to empower people to tap into their own intuitive abilities and receive spiritual revelation for themsevles. What follows is a powerful meditation that will help answer the questions posted above- and help you see, in your own symbolic language, where you're at and where you're headed!

In teaching this meditation to my clients- its amazing how many times profound realizations have taken place. People have experienced direct warnings, dangers, blessings, encounters with Divinity and sacred mirrors in which to get a clear look at themselves. This practice seems so simple- and it is- but don't discredit it. The symbolism presented here is universal in scope and will draw your subconscious, conscious, ego and spirit onto a meditative journey of great wisdom!

This meditation can be used anytime you feel lost, confused, not sure what's next in life, need guidance or just feel 'stuck and stagnant'. Practicing this meditation before working with your psychic adviser will open you up to a greater reading and will give you some wonderful symbolism and realization to explore with your favorite adviser.

Your Life Compass Is Within You!

As with all meditation practices I teach, please ensurer you have a quiet, dimly lit, undisturbed, clean and relaxed space for one hour. Candles, incense, music, sacred iconography, etc. may also be brought in- whatever gets you in the mood!

Getting ready for the meditation...

Have a nice long stretch and some deep breaths to get your body and energy centers opened up and flowing well

Sit or lie down comfortably (not so comfy you'll fall asleep!). I suggest facing North in this meditation as north is the resonance quarter in my tradition for spirituality, guidance and Divine connection.

Spend a few moments 'rocking' or 'shaking' into your position. If there are any parts of your body that feel uncomfortable, fix that now. If you choose to get serious about meditation- I suggest training yourself to sit, and investing in a meditation cushion (often called a Zafu). They are available all over the net and help with posture, breath, alertness, energy flow and comfortableness.

Begin by gently calming the mind. Try to get at least 60 seconds of uninterrupted 'silence' in there before moving forward.

The meditation...

Without judgment or over-analyzing, call forth into your minds eye (creative visualization faculties) your life path to manifest to you. Allow whatever manifests to manifest. A forest path? A sidewalk? Stairs? A jungle with no visible path to walk on? We are working with internal symbolism here- so be open to letting your inner-self manifest whatever 'scene' it does...even if it seems strange, it is YOUR soul language!

Look around. Survey the scene, check out the landscape. Touch base with how you feel. Check the weather, colors, emotions, etc. Be as present there as you possibly can be.

Look behind you, where did you just come from? Look ahead- where are you headed?

Now comes the fun part... this image- this space you are in is as alive as you are.. indeed it is a symbolic reflection OF YOU! Because it is alive, you can talk to it! This process is called internal dialogue, because you are having conversations between different levels of your being.

Ask what you need to ask. Let's use, for example, "What is coming up next for me in my life journey... what do I have to look forward to?"

Ask, stop, breathe, wait. Allow yourself to simply observe what happens. The scene will likely change, you'll zoom in, zoom out, a new symbol will enter the picture, a new sensation will come over you, etc. Let this be, honor it and believe it.

Ask any questions you have. Continue allowing them to manifest without judgment, fear or over-analyzing them. You are seeing and experiencing this so it IS real!

Once you are done, gently thank the space and your path. Bless it. Gently exit your meditation by first moving your body slowly, then opening your eyes.

Spend a few moments just being- then get to work....

Now it's time to remember and ideally journal what you just experienced. Your logical mind is back in full awareness and now you can use it to decipher what you saw. A car- what does that mean to you? A horse? Again, what does that symbolism say to YOU! Avoid reading any dream interpretation books or symbolism books here. Own your own powers and get in touch with your own language so that it can strengthen and serve you!

If you get stuck or would like the blessings of another opinion, take your open heart and your journal and connect with your favorite psychic adviser!

Crossroads Are A Blessing In Disguise!

I think its important to not confuse 'obstacles' with 'crossroads'. If we didn't have crossroads on our path, we'd just walk the same straight line forever and never get any excitement or growth opportunities. When crossroads come up- whether its a new career path, the end of relationship, the healing of an illness or just a sense that its time to make some serious changes- start your process with gratitude. Acknowledging the blessings in a crossroads experience helps strengthen the blessing potential and minimize the obstacle potential. Change is hard- but anything less is, well, boring!

The Path Of Joy Belongs To You!

With all the love in the universe, may you be rightly guided and empowered to walk your own unique journey- experiencing the bliss and growth of life and the joy that living is!

Peace & Blessings on the spiral journey,

Josh Williams

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Monday, May 18, 2009

Free Weekly Global Reading 05/18/09~05/14/09 Death & Dying

Greetings all!

I hope this week's global reading finds you enjoying health, happiness and joy!

Each week, I present a psychic reading & channeled wisdom session on some of the world's top events.

Each reading references a report, which is where I go to define what the world's leading stories for the week are.

Notes On Last Weeks Reading...

The Dow is up more than 180 points as of today!!!! We're on our way!

This Weeks Reading...

Life After Death...Online!

A sharp entrepreneur has started a new company called "Legacy Locker", which creates a type of living will for your online life. This way, when you pass, your email, websites, blogs, etc. don't go with you! Passwords and maintenance rights can be handed over via the will to whomever you choose in your will- and upon your passing they will have access so that your online presence stays...alive!

Check Out The Story Here!

Life Is More Than The Body

There is so much in the news today about death and dying- and the media is not the best place to learn about the spiritual power of passing. From more school shootings to drug wars, suicide to flu epidemics, we are getting bombarded with facing our mortality- but is fear a good base for understanding? Today in our channel we are spoken to about death and transformation, and our fears are pacified regarding the passing process.

In my interpretation, reincarnation is presented in this channel- please be aware of that before reading if this is not in line with your personal belief system.

{begin channel}

Each of you comes into this world as the sun rises, and each of you pass from this world as the sun sets. Each day within the course of the sun a reminder is played out- and secrets are given, about the true process of passing. Rising forth in your full potency you take shelter of a physical form, and when that form and it's circumstances no longer serve you, you shed off that form and move into respite for some time before the process happens again. Life is eternal, and more than the body. You are a soul in a human dream- not a human with a soul. Each of you come here that what you lack will be brought before you as water to a tree. Each of you leaves this life bigger and brighter than before.

Death should not be feared but celebrated gently. Passing is a great sign that all the progress one can make with this body and this particular path has been accomplished- and it is time to move to the next level of being.

Those who you love now will be yours again to love- in their form par-excellence.

Take heed that your mind and heart are light and clear as best they can be at your passing- for what you contemplate on your passing bed you manifest in your next manifestation.

You are the only judge of your life- let love rule the path and spirit guide in dark places.

{end channel}

The Suns Journey Is A Symbol And Promise Of Life Itself!

Death and dying can be hard for some of us to talk about. But in reality- isn't it a most mysterious and beautiful process?
Living each day to the fullest, learning, loving, giving, sharing and connecting ensure that we can go in peace.The channel refers to each day being a symbol of life and death... I wanted to explain that a bit better:

The rising sun is the coming soul. Upon awakening in the morning we are 'born'. Throughout the day we progress, experience climax, begin to come down and eventually sleep (symbolic of death) as the sun (soul) sets and we no longer perceive it- even though it is eternally there!

We do not fear sleep because we trust that we will wake tomorrow. Similarly we should not fear death because the daily symbolism as given in the channel shows that all life is a cycle- and tomorrow the sun-soul will rise again!

May You Openly Receive The Endless Peace & Blessings of the Divine...

Josh Williams

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Friday, May 15, 2009

The Spectrum Of Power~ Josh's Color Magic & Healing Techniques

Greetings all!

In today's How-To, we're going to explore the power of color and how to harness it for healing, empowerment and success!

What Is Color?

Color is light energy manifest!

Light (as far as humans can perceive it) is made op of wavelengths in 7 visible colors. Think rainbow-red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.

When light hits an object (say a car, a flower or a painting), some of the wavelengths get absorbed by that object- while others bounce off of it. The wavelengths that bounce off enter into our eyes, get interpreted by our brains and we perceive CoLoR! There's a whole amazing process that takes place within our eye-to-brain system that is totally worth learning about if you are interested... try a simple search for "how we see color" for more info.

What makes color so magical?

That's a great question and one that there are as many answers to as... well, color combination!

I have my own feeling about color healing and I will share it with you here. Color, much like plants, gemstones, planets, stars, locations and sounds carries a specific vibrational pattern- think of this as it's signature. Everything in the natural world from healing herbs to quartz crystals have a vibrational signature. As humans- we also have a unique vibrational signature, but sometimes ours can get a little out of balance. By applying a solid, cosmic vibrational pattern to our own, our systems are literally 'trained' on how to behave properly on an energetic level. Think of this as dropping food dye into water- the water takes on the pattern of color because of it's the same way, our energetic/subtle bodies can 'take on' or 'learn' a vibration by interacting with it.

I believe that colors and other natural resonances are clean and pure primordial vibrations; literally emanations from the Divine as part of the creative flux.

As we progress through our lives, we experience disease, imbalance, lack, illness, etc. - all physical manifestations of something that first took place on an energetic level. Thus, by using vibrations of energy we can give our systems a cosmic tune-up and bring everything back into balance and power!

How do I work with color? around it!

The three best methods I've found for working with color vibration are:

  1. Surround yourself with the color carrying the vibrational 'medicine' you're looking for- clothing, flowers, art, etc.

  2. Do meditative deep breathing exercises imagining t a pure stream of your color entering into your heart from the cosmic in the in-breath then filling every fiber of your body and aura on the out breath.

  3. Meditate solely within your mind's eye on a color. Try to fill you internal creative visualization with nothing but an endless sea of your color.

Which color should I work with?

Like all things on the intuitive level- there are countless opinions about what each color does. My goal in presenting this information is to empower YOU and allow you to be accountable and in-charge of your own healing journey. There are many sources online regarding the meanings, healing/magical properties and vibrations of color. Try a search or check out a local metaphysical bookstore to explore many ideas about color.

My suggestion is, of course, to discover this for yourself. Although 'red' might mean one thing to many people- when it interacts with your specific vibrational field it might not fall completely in line with it's general meanings. Red might effect you with anger while it might give me courage. The technique I teach my clients on picking and working with color is to define for yourself what is needed.

Here's my step-by-step guide to connecting to your color truth!

  1. Enter a calm, relaxed and meditative space. Feel free to say a prayer or invocation as desired.

  2. Call up the part of your own being that knows how to heal your imbalance. I like to use "I call forth that blessed part of my being that is my inner healer and knows the medicine which truly brings me balance". Spend a moment experiencing this connection in any way it comes to you (visual, sensations, feelings, emotions, etc.)

  3. Now, as if this was another person, begin internal dialog. you might say "Inner healer, what color will balance and empower me to overcome/bring in ____(state affliction or desire here)___".

  4. In a calm and receptive way, allow a color to come into your mind's eye. Don't second guess yourself. Allow whatever happens to happen. I once worked with a client who experienced a 'taste' that meant green to her rather than seeing green in her mind's eye. If you get a flash of more than one color- they all need to be worked with one at a time and individually.

  5. Keep in mind that this does not only have to be used for physical/emotional issues. You can work with this for abundance, attracting the right partner, coming closer to Divinity, etc. Any 'initiation' you need help with bringing you in to a new or higher phase of your life journey can be worked with.

  6. Using color therapy is a spiritual counterpart to your seeking professional medical or mental care if that is needed. Spiritual workings are meant to support and empower us working with another blessing in our lives- doctors, financial advisers, etc. Please do not rely solely on spiritual healing techniques in case of a medical illness!

Color is just one of many vibrational blessings we have to work with on our life journeys. Accepting these gifts intou our lives is direct communion and reception of Divine blessings and really does make a big impact!

I hope you enjoy exploring more about color and it's healing properties...Get Color & Get Power!

Peace & Colorful Blessings!

Josh Williams

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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Free Energy Attunmenet & Healing For The Week Of 05/14/09~05/20/09 (#3)

IMPORTANT!: For those new to using this service....
Please read PURPLE TEXT first to learn how to work
with distance attunements from Josh!

Every Thursday Josh channels and empowers a healing symbol for the week. This symbol is ONLY active for one week!
The symbol, by meditating on it and imagining it 'popping' off the screen and entering into a light aura around your body, attunes, heals or empowers you to a specific cosmic blessing. A description of each week's channel will be presented with the symbol so you can decide if it's right for you.
Just looking at the symbol will not attune you!
You must calm, center, and imagine the symbol in it's shown color made of dazzling light coming from the screen into your energy field.
Please do not imagine it entering into your physical body!!!
Just visualize a glowing light space 3"-4"around your body and see the symbol being absorbed by this light field.
This way if this is an attunement not in accord with your system, it can be rejected without any problem!

Josh personally energizes the symbol with this weeks channeled global need, creates a cosmic filter, links it with consensus consciousness and places it under a protective rite so that anyone who calls out by meditating on the symbol will receive a pure, untampered 'download' of the original energy matrix from the main working. Josh performs his attunements in a very unique and powerful way... They are extremely gentle while still being highly powerful and effective!

This weeks symbol:

open from posting on 05/014/09 until 11:00pm PST/USA 05/20/09


This weeks attunement focuses on general health and healing specifically for women and women's health issues. A general cleansing and healing 'tonic' attunement to being new energy into the subtle body systems and help align and balance.

Channeled message for symbol:

For one among the many if the bearer of children, the healer of hearts, the channel of Divine love in the created world and the silent strength. At this time we shower our blessings and guidance onto those walking the woman's path- exploring a deep connection to spirit coupled with cleansing and emotion of a spiritual nature. Now is a time when the women on the path need some extra energy and love- and as this season warms they will channel something beautiful into the world as a connected conscious stream.
Challenges come now, but are released and rectified simply by the acceptance and pride in who you are in this life and in the power, blessings and sanctity of having been given the woman's path.

The symbol:

I would like to take this opportunity to thank and bless the powerful women who have touched us all. Although we are all more than our phsycial bodies- walking the women's path and being a soul in a women's body is both a special challenge and a special blessings unparallelled. My prayers today are dedicated to all those on the blessed women's path.
I am not sure why this attunment manifested today- Maybe something to do with Mother's day being last week? In any case- a beautiful channel and attunment with some absolutely wonderful energy to have worked with. Enjoy!

Peace & Blessings,
Josh Williams

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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

SpiritScope #1: Gaia, The Mother Earth

"First in my prayer, before all other deities,

I call upon Gaia, Primeval Prophetess . . .

The Greek great earth mother."


Gaia is synonomous in the modern mind twith the Earth Mother..and She has a long history to back up that fame!
In ancient Greek, 'Gaia' translates literally as 'earth' or 'land', She occupied a very important role in Greek spiritual belief as a primordial Mother Goddess and Cthonic (underworld) Goddess as well. Many of us are familiar with the ancient oracle located at Delphi in the old world- and some scholars now believe that Gaia was originally the sponsor of this orcale.

In many cultures acorss the globe and time itself, the Earth has been seen as a nurturing Mother figure. Aside Greece, Sumerian, Akkadian, Norse, Irish, Hindu & Lithuanian path's all celebrated a Supreme Goddess figure who was identified with the Earth itself. In Hinduism, the Divine Mother is often called 'Gayatri' which has a striking similarity to the name 'Gaia'.

According to a great entry on Wikipedia regarding Gaia, "the broad-breasted Gaia' arose from chaos as the primordial Creatrix giving foundation and creation to the great Gods of Olympus and made Uranus (the starry sky) to cover her own body. Hesiod says in his creation story...

"Gaia, the beautiful, rose up,

Broad blossomed, she that is the steadfast base

Of all things. And fair Gaia first bore

The starry Heaven, equal to herself,

To cover her on all sides and to be

A home forever for the blessed Gods."

In ancient Greece, any oath sword in the name of Gaia was considered to be the most binding of all!

In traditional mythology, Gaia was represented by Her sacred animals- Serpent, Bull, Pig and Bees. She was also symbolised by the poppy and pomegranite- both multi-cultural symbols for death and rebirth.

In modern scientific theory Gaia still plays a role in what is called 'the Gaia hypothesis' where is is proposed that all life on earth are parts and parcels of a greater living entity (the Earth itself). Many Neo-Pagan and environmentally-based spiritual paths have adopted a similar view of this great Goddess in how they rever and interact with Her.

In our modern lives, we can often become very disconnected from Gaia... Our ancestors relied completely on the land in a way that put them in direct contact with the blessings of the Earth every day. If crops, livestock, weather, seasons and so forth did not happen in the right way- it could mean a dire death. Our ancestors were acutely aware of the importance of forging a loving relationships with the Earth, their home and Mother. In our world- most of us never have to plant a seed, harvest a vegetable or worry about losing everything to a drought and so we have become fundamentally disconnected from the power of the Earth as a nurturing Mother. Once way we can tap this power is to cimply engage in some form of gardening (porch, container, etc.) and spend more time appreciating the beauty, intelligence and healing splendour of the natural world.
Traditional Hymn Prayer to Gaia
Oh Goddess, Source of Gods and Mortals,

All-Fertile, All-Destroying Gaia,

Mother of All, Who brings forth the bounteous fruits and flowers,

All variety, Maiden who anchors the eternal world in our own,

Immortal, Blessed, crowned with every grace,

Deep bosomed Earth, sweet plains and fields fragrant grasses in the nurturing rains,

Around you fly the beauteous stars, eternal and divine,

Come, Blessed Goddess, and hear the prayers of Your children,

And make the increase of the fruits and grains your constant care, with the fertile seasons Your handmaidens,

Draw near, and bless your supplicants.

~Orphic Hymn to Gaia~
translated and interpreted by Virginia Stewart, M.Ed.

I hope this spring finds you healthy, joyful and abundant in the 'deep-breasted' nurturing of the Earth mother!

Peace & Great Blessings,
Josh Williams

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